A comprehensive online course for parenting children with ADD ADHD. Also helpful for anyone who wants to learn more about ADD ADHD.
“Parenting a child with ADHD can be rewarding and frustrating. Understanding ADHD and finding strategies to cope with symptoms can help improve your child’s life and the harmony within the entire family.” This is another webpage from with a vast amount of information for the ADD AD/HD parent.
“When children have learning problems, their parents are usually the first to notice that something is just not right. And when they notice, they want reliable information so they can help their children. LD OnLine offers accurate and up-to-date information about learning disabilities and related issues.”
A site for parents with troubled teenagers. Exactly that with much needed information for parents. This site also includes a forum message board for parents. Visit the above listed link for more information. This is not an ADD ADHD specific site.
Very in-depth website designed for both parents of children and adults with ADD ADHD. I found the sitemap especially useful
This clinical practice guideline provides evidence-based recommendations for the treatment of children diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This guideline, the second in a set of policies on this condition, is intended for use by clinicians working in primary care settings. The initiation of treatment requires the accurate establishment of a diagnosis of ADHD; the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) clinical practice guideline on diagnosis of children with ADHD provides direction in appropriately diagnosing this disorder.
This site started in the mid-90’s when a parent, in desperation, reached out to other parents by starting a message board. We welcome you to come in and join us. We are a group of parents who are raising challenging children. Our kids have many different diagnoses, but they can be oppositional, defiant and resistant to parenting.
ADD ADHD basics for parents. Anyone who wants a quick overview of ADD ADHD.