Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

February 2008

Dr. Lara Honos-Webb Review of One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir

Dr. Lara Honos-Webb Review of One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir

“Bryan’s memoir is riveting, engrossing – a crowd pleasing read. Heartbreaking at times, heartwarming at others, if you are looking for a guide through your own or your child’s ADHD, you’ll find it here. A delightful gem – not to be missed.” Dr. Lara Honos-Webb, author the Gift of ADHD Thank you very much for reading my memoir and giving us your personal review, Lara. – Lara took time out of her extremely busy schedule to read “One Boy’s Struggle: A memoir” and to me, this speaks very highly of her concern for both adults and children with ADHD regardless of background. Dr. Lara Honos-Web has a website where you can read more about her and sign-up for her newsletter if you like. Lara Honos-Webb, Ph.D., bio from She is the author most recently of The Gift of ADHD Activity Book: 101 Ways to Turn Your Child’s Problems into Strengths. She is […]

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That Relationship

That Relationship

The complete story to this article is within the pages of my MEMOIR  I write about relationships quite a bit, I like to write about them and I hope what I have written has meant something for those who read my articles. The ADD ADHD mind is very complex and not everyone is the same, we can relate on a lot of levels and in a lot of situations and I believe when it comes to relationships we relate quite well with each other too. Have you ever had that relationship that stays in your mind, fresh and alive, it never goes away and sometimes that past relationship provides a smile when you need it most and other times it brings sadness and ultimately it keeps one from potential new relationships or it complicates new relationships? I have had that relationship, so powerful and real. It was my first relationship and as […]

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The Green Machine Lesson

The Green Machine Lesson

  I learned a very valuable lesson in life at a very young age and it was thanks to a Christmas present: The Green Machine. Even today I still consider my Green Machine to be my most valuable Christmas present ever, not only because it was a lot of fun, but it showed me the harsh reality of how some people view and use friends, well, I use the term ‘friends’ loosely. As a kid I stayed pretty much to myself. I was not good at relating with others, so I usually stayed in my backyard building models of airplanes, usually out of two boards nailed together which kind of formed the body and wings of an airplane. (What are with us ADDers and airplanes anyway?) When I wasn’t building these constructions of airplanes I was out playing in the fields behind our house. I was 5 or 6 at […]

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Tara McGillicuddy reviews One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir

Tara McGillicuddy reviews One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir

Tara McGillicuddy, ADD ADHD Coach and fellow Blogger, has been so kind as to review my book “One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir – Surviving Life with Undiagnosed ADD“. You can check out her review HERE. Thank you Tara for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read and review my memoir. She also brings up a very good point in her review, which is important for readers to know and I had not completely realized the extent of before I started getting mail from readers. My book is an emotional account of my years growing up and that emotion seems to be transferable to those who read my book, especially to those who have grown up as I have. I appreciate our connection and to those who do not have ADD or ADHD and are just as moved, I think I can understand that too. My story is not that far removed […]

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The ADD ADHD Ghosts of Relationships past

The ADD ADHD Ghosts of Relationships past

A frequent question I am asked is how to get over past relationships, especially the relationships which never make it off the ground. That’s a tough question. First of all, I don’t know if ‘getting over’ the past is the right way to look at this. I am sure you, just like me, have been told time and again to just get over something, let it go or forget about it. Don’t you just love that? Not too helpful is it? “Just get over it” and presto it’s gone, wiped from your mind never to rear its ugly head ever again! If you have ADD ADHD you know it is not as simple as that, it’s not and frankly I don’t think it’s that simple for anyone when it comes to a past situation that has significant emotional impact. The problem for us ADDers is that we have a lot of […]

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ADD ADHD Perfectionism – To be Perfect or Not to be Perfect

ADD ADHD Perfectionism – To be Perfect or Not to be Perfect

PERFECTIONISM To Be Perfect or Not to be perfect? We ADDers can be, at times, perfectionists. And when we become Hyper Focused on getting something perfect it can become an obsession. Nothing is perfect. I have to stop and tell myself that sometimes, but it’s hard to accept, because I really do want to get it right and I try so very hard to get it right. Maybe this or that is wrong, maybe if I adjust this it will come out even better, maybe if I hold it upside down and stand on my left foot and bounce six times, that will do ‘er up just right! I am not perfect, I have wanted to be perfect, and I have beat myself up to be perfect. When it’s not right I can go around all day long wondering what I can do to make something better, you know, well, […]

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The Tale of an ADD ADHD Memoir

The Tale of an ADD ADHD Memoir

This is a very special tale: It was the worst of times and the best of times Read about the real life, first hand story of a boy who went through childhood, and most of his adult life, undiagnosed with ADD ADHD. This is a remarkable opportunity for the ADD ADHD community and society. All that we ADDers ask for is understanding, consideration and acceptance, -ADD ADHD is real, it is affecting our children, our friends, our neighbors, it is affecting you and me, it is causing distress and turmoil and sorrow, and it does not have to be that way – it really doesn’t. ADD ADHD is a different way of thinking and in many of today’s typical settings it is a significant challenge which creates detrimental consequences. Treated and nurtured, ADD ADHD can be a wonderful and truly amazing gift.  

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Marijuana treatment for ADD ADHD

Marijuana treatment for ADD ADHD

I would like to share this article that came up about replacing Ritalin with Marijuana!  Although I can understand where the researcher is coming from concerning marijuana, I do not agree with this type of therapy for adults and especially not for children. I have personally seen what daily intake of marijuana can do to a person over time and although marijuana is probably beneficial to someone being treated for a terminal and painful disease, it can be terribly destructive to others. I believe there are side effects and dire consequences to daily (Street) marijuana use. Furthermore, many who use it seek harder stuff eventually, not always, but the risk is there – why get anyone started on it at all? That’s just what I think and believe and also believe the research is valuable, but there must be other ways and methods.   Since I originally posted this article, many things have changed and […]

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How to be a part of the elite!

How to be a part of the elite!

  You can be a part of the elite, all you have to do is want to be a part of the elite and then work in that direction. That’s right; it is as simple as that. Tell me your vision and I will tell you your future! I am not sure who wrote that, but it’s true. Between ADDer World and my Powerful Intentions webpage I have hundreds of thousands of readers. What I post here, I also post on PI and from time to time I post different things to each. What’s more is that many of my articles are posted all over the web by other prominent bloggers. If you write it, they will read it and if you appreciate what you write, well then, so will others. Can you be elite just by saying you are elite? Yes, I know so. But are you really? That’s […]

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Press Release for Bloggers!

Press Release for Bloggers!

FOR BLOGGERS and the PRESS! ***::: Fellow Bloggers, I need your assistance :::*** I have written a book about my life with undiagnosed ADD. It is a very helpful real life story written for society and those who know someone with ADD ADHD or has ADD ADHD. I am self-published through Infinity Publishing and do not have the marketing power, or public reach of a traditional publisher. The reviews have been wonderful and I am grateful. I would like your help with getting the word out that my memoir is available to those who could use words of inspiration and the inside story of what it is like to grow up with ADD ADHD and not know it. If you have a blog or are with the press, please copy this press release and post it on your site. I am attempting something with this blog posting, of my press release, which may not have been done before> I […]

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