on: February 26, 2008
by: Bryan Hutchinson
“Bryan’s memoir is riveting, engrossing – a crowd pleasing read. Heartbreaking at times, heartwarming at others, if you are looking for a guide through your own or your child’s ADHD, you’ll find it here. A delightful gem – not to be missed.” Dr. Lara Honos-Webb, author the Gift of ADHD Thank you very much for reading my memoir and giving us your personal review, Lara. – Lara took time out of her extremely busy schedule to read “One Boy’s Struggle: A memoir” and to me, this speaks very highly of her concern for both adults and children with ADHD regardless of background. Dr. Lara Honos-Web has a website http://www.visionarysoul.com/ where you can read more about her and sign-up for her newsletter if you like. Lara Honos-Webb, Ph.D., bio from booktour.com: She is the author most recently of The Gift of ADHD Activity Book: 101 Ways to Turn Your Child’s Problems into Strengths. She is […]
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on: February 22, 2008
by: Bryan Hutchinson
The complete story to this article is within the pages of my MEMOIR I write about relationships quite a bit, I like to write about them and I hope what I have written has meant something for those who read my articles. The ADD ADHD mind is very complex and not everyone is the same, we can relate on a lot of levels and in a lot of situations and I believe when it comes to relationships we relate quite well with each other too. Have you ever had that relationship that stays in your mind, fresh and alive, it never goes away and sometimes that past relationship provides a smile when you need it most and other times it brings sadness and ultimately it keeps one from potential new relationships or it complicates new relationships? I have had that relationship, so powerful and real. It was my first relationship and as […]
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