Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

June 2010

New Book – The Patient’s Guide for ADHD Medication Rules by Dr. Charles Parker

New Book – The Patient’s Guide for ADHD Medication Rules by Dr. Charles Parker

  I receive literally thousands of press releases every year. I publish very few of them for your reading pleasure. Instead, I ask authors if they would like to give away a free signed copy on our ADDer World social network. Some take up that offer and some don’t. This press release is a bit different because it is critically important for the ADHD population worldwide and it is published in ebook format, so there isn’t yet an autographed printed copy available. Over the last 3 years of so, Dr. Parker has become a trusted partner in helping raise awareness about ADHD and he has also become a valued friend. He’s also a member of our ADDer World ADHD Social Network. I am very proud and pleased to present his press release about his new book. His new book is going to change a lot of treatment strategies out there for […]

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The End of having a Best Friend?

The End of having a Best Friend?

I found this pic, it may be a little too far off base, but I thought it was funny and relates. It’s all fun and games, until… Someone recently shared with me an article from the New York Times about the end of having a best friend. My first thought about this was “Are they crazy?” and my final thoughts on this subject are: “Are they absolutely, ridiculously, out of their minds?!?” I mean c’mon, have we come so far that we are back to burning supposed Witches at the stake? ‘But Jamie doesn’t have a best friend and her older sister does’… And the point is? Jamie will eventually find a best friend and confidant, no reason to try and equalize everything in the world to the point we are just being categorically controlling, manipulating and restrictive to natural growth. Kids can’t even go out to play as we […]

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ADD is Real & Suprise Updates

ADD is Real & Suprise Updates

Remember the wonderful, helpful and sensitive video by a young lady talking about ADHD? Yes, that one! It captured our attention and exemplified for many of us, how we feel. The video is posted above, if you missed it. And if you enjoy the video, she’s joined us on our ADDer World ADHD Social Network, perhaps you would like to welcome her and/or comment on her video. Okay, I think I am done tinkering with the logo and site colors for a while on our ADHD Social Network. I say that, but you know I have ADD, so don’t count on it. However, I do feel I have finally aced the logo. Again, remember, I have ADD. You can tell me what you think here. New member, Jason, shares with us his very personal and revealing story. It’s touching and important, which is a good addition to uncovering ADD: Hi there! I’m […]

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PDF Files of ADDer World ADD ADHD Articles

PDF Files of ADDer World ADD ADHD Articles

Here are the latest of my ADDer World articles created into nice little PDF’s for your viewing pleasure. You may save a copy to your computer and if you like, you can also share them with friends or on other sites of interest. ADHD_Impulsivity_Foot_in_the_Mouth.pdf Deliciously_Sexy.pdf Dream_your_Dream_Anew.pdf Is_Awareness_the_Answer_to_ADD_ADHD_Suffering.pdf Perspective_Life_with_Adult_ADHD_ADD.pdf Self_Doubt_and_the_ADHD_Mind.pdf If you haven’t checked out the first batch of downloadable PDF articles, you can do that here. *The question of using my free ebooks and PDF files as ‘gifts’ on other sites has come up a few times, and the answer is YES that’s okay, but please remember that these are free, so I do ask that you not charge for them. Several of you emailed me about printing problems with the files from the last set, I fixed that problem, but in order to do that I had to reformat the files, so if you still have that problem, please download a […]

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Downloadable PDF Files of ADD ADHD Articles

Downloadable PDF Files of ADD ADHD Articles

  It’s taken me a while, but I have finally started coming through on a frequent request for PDF’s of certain articles. I have promised that I would create PDF’s of articles, but for the longest while I didn’t get around to it. I’ve started!! Finally! Whew! Let me tell you, it takes a bit of work to put this stuff together. I hope they came out okay. If you like, you can let me know in the comments. Here are the PDF’s in the order of most requested: Top Ten Dos and Don’ts in a Relationship with an ADDer Living with an ADHD Partner ADD ADHD Interview What Does Success Mean to You? ADHD Could be Affecting Your Relationship If I know others have been requested too and I will get to them in due time (I hope); however, in the meantime you can also send yourself PDF’s of […]

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Free Ebook: Modern Times & True Love Everlasting

Free Ebook: Modern Times & True Love Everlasting

I hope you enjoy this new ebooklet Modern Times & True Love Everlasting, it’s free for you to download and share with anyone you like. I believe it is an important message. It is an opinion piece, so I would love to hear your thoughts about it which may help me with the follow up edition! You can download it at THIS LINK or simply click on the cover. I know you have waited patiently for my new book Adult ADHD can be Sexy! It will be available within the next 4 weeks. Thank you and if you enjoy it, or think the message deserves it, please share it with friends and post it online to your blog or website, if you like. ~Bryan

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