I receive literally thousands of press releases every year. I publish very few of them for your reading pleasure. Instead, I ask authors if they would like to give away a free signed copy on our ADDer World social network. Some take up that offer and some don’t. This press release is a bit different because it is critically important for the ADHD population worldwide and it is published in ebook format, so there isn’t yet an autographed printed copy available.
Over the last 3 years of so, Dr. Parker has become a trusted partner in helping raise awareness about ADHD and he has also become a valued friend. He’s also a member of our ADDer World ADHD Social Network. I am very proud and pleased to present his press release about his new book. His new book is going to change a lot of treatment strategies out there for ADHD by explaining in detail what ADHD medication does and doesn’t do, how it should be used and prescribed – you know what, let me just post the press release so you can read the details for yourself… enjoy:
ADHD Medication Rules Need A Drastic Upgrade: The Process Is Almost Paleolithic
Brain science is talking, but few are listening. From functional brain imaging to neurotransmitter precursors, from breakfast protein to sleep, from brain injury to bipolar disorder and depression, the vast sea of ADHD treatment confusion is based upon superficial thinking, inadequate labels, and denial of specific hormonal and immune challenges. Understanding basic brain and body science will change the treatment process.
Virginia Beach, VA (PRWEB) June 8, 2010 — ADHD Medication Treatment Strategies Often Don’t Pay Attention to Brain Science – Parker’s New Book Covers Those Details – Launch July 4th.
ADHD Med Rules – Dr Charles Parker

ADHD treatment targets are superficial and almost entirely descriptive, ignoring brain function, and, by default, leave both doctors and patients to conjecture about clear treatment objectives. “Hyperactive, Inattentive and Combined” not only provide vague, superficial targets, but also fail to address important variables of context, feelings, and thinking. Current diagnostic targets almost always overlook the personal experience of those suffering with ADHD.
Not only are we not paying attention to paying attention, we aren’t thinking about thinking!
The truth is, current stimulant treatment strategies typically make little operational sense to patients and many professionals. Translating ADHD medication theory into effective what-you-do-in-the-office step-by-step guidelines has been challenging – and we are the purported thought leaders in the world! Even the expert observer recognizes that no basic rulebook exists that sets clear treatment options, clear objectives.
No wonder the ADHD treatment process appears unscientific – it is!
ADHD Medication Rules need significant, more precise revisions. In his new book of rules for ADHD medications Dr Parker provides explicit detail to help improve the medication delivery process, and pays more effective attention to the living circumstances, the real life context of those suffering with ADHD.
No, it’s not the fault of the doctors, not the fault of the pharmaceutical companies, and not the fault of the medications – it’s the failure to keep up with functional brain science. We are fast asleep with limited labels and cookie cutter recipes encouraged by the lingering idea that biology doesn’t work for psychology – that we don’t need technology to make the diagnosis or assess contributory cellular physiology.
Dr Parker sets out to improve the process for both patients and physicians with specific action plans, specific measurement and inquiry guidelines useful in everyday office conversations.
Note: Sign up for the 1 week (July 4 to midnight July 11) launch discount for Dr Parker’s eBook at this link: The Patient’s Guide for ADHD Medication Rules: Paying Attention to The Meds For Paying Attention.
Interviews: Parker is experienced with television and radio interviews, had his own cable television program, has spoken nationally to medical colleagues since the early 90’s, and has won several blogging awards at CorePsych Blog. He builds his case on many years of clinical experience and advanced training in brain and body neurophysiology. His first book, Deep Recovery (’92) outlined the challenges with ineffective labels in any recovery process. His perspective brings a fresh face to an abundance of missed diagnoses and imprecise treatment strategies.