Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

October 2011

ADHD the Creative Mind and Ghosts?

ADHD the Creative Mind and Ghosts?

Halloween was my favorite holiday as a child, because of the candy, not the costumes or any of the scary stuff. I was the wimpiest kid alive when it came to scary stuff, especially haunted houses. You could not get me into a haunted house no matter how much candy I was bribed with.   That’s funny, though, because now my favorite TV show is the Travel Chanel’s Ghost Adventures! It’s a lot of fun watching Nick, Aaron and Zak act like a bunch of kids in haunted houses with cameras (which is as close as I will get to a haunted house)! Ah, I envy them – not! But, it is fun to watch them cut up and have some fun, even if I am a skeptic (at least, I want to be a skeptic).   Okay, I had a purpose for this blog post. Oh, yes:   Do […]

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ADHD Debate and the Proliferation of Hate and Anger

ADHD Debate and the Proliferation of Hate and Anger

  I am not someone that entirely enjoys debates. However, I do enjoy reading multiple sides of a topic that are presented in an intellectual, sophisticated and respectful manner. The New York Times is currently presenting such a debate that I enjoy reading from true professionals who avoid name calling or the attempt to bastardize anyone’s belief. Whether I agree with any of the debaters or not, I do respect the tone and the professionalism, which is something that keeps me reading and more importantly, open to other ideas or viewpoints. Sometimes I agree with one of the writers and at other times, I do not, that’s my prerogative and yours, too.   However, the main reason I do not enjoy debates and the reason I stay away from taking part in them is that they usually result in bringing out the ugliest of society who are normally decent people on a […]

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How to Stay Positive and Happy Every Day – with ADHD!

How to Stay Positive and Happy Every Day – with ADHD!

The title of this post is a question I received from a reader just the other day and I thought it would make a great blog post: How can I stay positive and happy every day? I have ADHD!   There’s a common assumption that if you have ADHD life is pretty much is going to suck every day. Heck, I bet you can prove it, too! We are quickly drawn to the ‘problems’, ’challenges’ and ‘bad behavior’. It is natural and normal.   Here’s a simple multi-part tip that I have used for the last few years and I have found it very effective: Every morning before starting the day tell yourself something ‘good’ is going to happen today. At night, as you settle in to bed, reach over to your nightstand and open a special journal. In this special journal write down the ‘good’ thing(s) that happened that day. […]

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Lessons from Steve Jobs! Today is a Great Day even with ADHD!

Lessons from Steve Jobs! Today is a Great Day even with ADHD!

“Today is a day the Lord has made and I shall rejoice and be glad in it!” ~Me, today. I admit, I’ve never been an overly religious person, but the above statement always changes my perspective of the day that is ahead of me and I say it every morning when I wake up. Earlier this year I underwent surgery for something the doctors were not sure of. First, they were going to insert a camera into my body just above my naval and explore my insides to see if they could find the source of my pain and if they did, perhaps remove whatever it turned out to be. I had been suffering from severe pain in my abdomen for several months and didn’t know why. I was scared, to put it gently. They had already done every examination you can imagine, but could not find the source. As it turned out […]

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Steve Jobs RIP Dead – ADHD?

Steve Jobs RIP Dead – ADHD?

Dear Steve: We will miss you, the world has lost the ultimate inventor, innovator, and shining light of what can be. You told us to “Think Different” and showed us what was possible if we did. To those who said it couldn’t be done, you did not only tell them it could be done, no, you showed them and then continuously improved upon it. To say you changed things is the greatest understatement. You’ve changed the world and your influence will be felt for perhaps the rest of mankind’s existence. Thank you for everything! Rest in peace.   In one way or another I think we all have been affected and touched by Steve Jobs. But there’s something so mysterious about him that confuses, yet amazes, even those who were close to him.   Who quits college only to attend courses he was interested in? Who can think up so many […]

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A Magic Key to ADHD? Let’s Start!

A Magic Key to ADHD? Let’s Start!

I was asked recently if there was one thing I could directly point to that would make a major difference for just about anyone with ADHD. Yes, I can, it would be one word: Start! Ah, such a simple word isn’t it? The next thing I would have to point to is indefinite preparation.   For someone with ADHD one of the hardest things to do is start something. Here’s the “magic”, but frustrating, maddening, key:  Want to write a book? Start writing. Want to start a blog? Start it. Want to wash the dishes? Start washing. Want to paint the house? Start painting. Obviously, ADHD is highly complex and challenging, but I have found that once I start something I am usually good to go. Starting, sounds so easy and it should be, but it is not.   Part of the problem is ‘preparation’ we are taught in so […]

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