Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

One Blogger’s ADHD Year in REVIEW!

In my latest free eBook I ask readers to ‘note’ the good things. It is so easy for us to point out and beat ourselves up over our mistakes and things that didn’t work out. But if we really want to live happier, more positive lives, then we probably should give the “good” things the credit they deserve, too. Don’t you think?
One way that leads to happiness is gratefulness and I have a lot to be thankful for this year.
Here’s my list of my top 10 ‘good’ things this year:
. 1
I released my first free eBook of the year 7 Crucial Tips for Parents and Teachers of Children with ADHD. It has been downloaded thousands of times and passed on via email countless more times, also via facebook and so many other ways.
The ADDer World ADHD Social Network reached a new milestone as membership went over 3000 members!! We are already nearing 4000! If your not a member yet, join us.
One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir made me one of the top 3 bestselling authors for my publisher! What that really tells me is that my story is reaching, and resonating, with people all over the world and is becoming one of the most well known ADHD books. I am thankful it is benefiting so many. Far more than I ever dreamed of! Thank you!
Sharon St. John, LPC, wrote an ADHD support group guide to One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir!  I learned a lot from reading her guide, things I did not realize people were ‘getting’ from my story. Thank you, Sharon! She’s an amazing person and one of the very best support group coordinators.
I met Tom Cruise and Paula Patton! They were gracious and very nice. Tom was actually a surprise, because the press had given me very different expectations. Lesson learned: Can’t always rely on what you read in the papers!
I recently released my latest free eBook How to be Happy Every Day – Even if you have ADHD! This eBook is perhaps my favorite writing project of the year. I decided to both write and design this eBook, but I wasn’t sure I would get it out in time for the holidays. But I did! Woo Hoo! It is setting a personal record for how many copies have been downloaded in the amount of time so far.
I wrote another book this year that will be released in 2012-13. It is my first book not about ADHD – it is about writing, blogging and self-publishing.
My first free eBook 10 Things I Hate about ADHD went well over 50,000 downloads in 2011! If you consider that most published books often only have a run of 10,000 to 30,000 prints then it becomes clearer that my first eBook has been read by more people than most published books! 50,000 is only the number I can verify, but who knows how many times it has been emailed and shared. Although my eBooks are available to ADDer World members, they are also available on many other sites and I have no idea how many people are sharing them via their websites and so on.
So, what was my most read article of 2011 on my blog? The most read article on ADDer World was: Steve Jobs RIP Dead – ADHD? The runner up: Major Landmark for People with ADHD everywhere! Pass it on. – Also, one of my blog posts from last year (hint: blurting) will appear in ADDitude Magazine’s next issue (Spring)!
A major highlight of 2011 was a recent, very positive and encouraging review of One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir by Dr. Edward Hallowell! Thank you very much Dr. Hallowell.
Special thanks and gratitude to:

  • Sarah Gogstetter
  • Kate Kelly (She’s been in the hospital please keep her in your thoughts.)
  • Melissa Orlov
  • Katherine Ellison
  • Madelyn Griffith-Haynie
  • Sharon St. John
  • Jacqueline CX
  • Catherine Avery
  • Rory Stern
  • David A. Crenshaw
  • Seth Godin
  • Tara McGillicuddy
  • Terry Matlen
  • Nancy Irwin
  • David Giwerc
  • Ariane Benefit
  • Jacqueline Sinfield
  • Sarah D. Wright
  • Kenny Handelman
  • Nancy Ratey
  • Charles Parker
  • Eileen Bailey
  • All the wonderful members of ADDer World and so many others!

That’s my highlight list of “good things” for 2011 and I look forward to more good things in 2012! Thank you all so very much for reading the stuff I write, without you none of these things would be as good as they are. Please continue sharing the eBooks as far and wide as you can.
Make sure you get your copy of How to be Happy Every Day – Even if you have ADHD! As much requested I am updating it for a Special Edition Workbook! It seems I can never settle and do enough, but that’s one of my previous disadvantages that I turned into one of my “advantages” by finding my passion and purpose, and what makes ADHD a special “Gift” to me! Now, go and turn disadvantages into advantages, make your attention matter by paying more attention to your strengths and your possibilities, or your child’s! There are so many good things about you!
Best wishes to all!

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