Every day (and I do mean every day!) I get at least one email with the question that never fails to be asked. But. It’s not the right question.
Question: How do you write so much and so often? (Usually two questions in one. Sneaky. I get it.) I have a book coming out soon called Write Anyway! In my new book I reveal all of my writing secrets, but for this post I will answer the real question. Yep, I know the real question. There’s always a real question!
Short Answer: Passion!
Long Answer: ADHD and Passion. (I gave it away in the title didn’t I? Darn ADHD!)
Even Longer Answer (there always is a longer answer):
ADHD has always been the answer. It’s written in the stars, in the sky – in the everywhere. But, there’s a trick. A secret, if you will. You know there’s always a secret. Nothing gets done without a secret. That’s why you are reading this. You want to know. Unlike most authors who know the secret (shame on them), I am going to reveal it.
It’s all about harnessing the power within (special breathing not required). Harness that power and it is yours to control. But it is ADHD – you might say – it cannot be harnessed. Ah. I didn’t say harness ADHD.
Harness the power, I said. The Power. More specifically: The Power Within. You.
Most people with ADHD go about their days trying to fit in. Trying to be like everyone else. Trying to be the proverbial round peg. And since I am in such a mood today, I’ll just say it: trying to be average!
You are not: Round! You are not a: Peg! You are not: Average! You are: Better than those things. Much!
Myth: It’s not you – It’s ADHD. Translation: There’s something inherently wrong with you. Be more like people without ADHD and you will fit right in. You will be accepted, loved, cherished and, oh yes, adored. Who doesn’t want to be adored? It’s the holy grail of fitting in. It’s the trophy for winning the struggle. Or is it?
My Belief: Be YOU, the wonderful, AWESOME: YOU. Live for what you love to do and do what you love! That is the power within. Harness it. Live your passion. Become your passion. Love and cherish your passion. When you do that the ADHD wired, never-stop, relentless, on-going need to do what you love to do will never fade, never go away, the fuel will always be burning. Burning very hot! Burning very bright! Call the fire department!
I write a lot (and often) because I love to. It’s. What. I. Do.
The right question is:
What do you love to do? What. Do. You. Love. To. Do.?
Think about it long and hard. Be honest (only with yourself, of course. Forget about Joe Bob and Mary Jane for a second). Answer it.
Got the answer? Good. Now you know the real secret. It makes my day when I can solve a mystery. The Bermuda Triangle is next.
*Exception: In the title I really, really wanted to use Productive Prolific Pwriting! So, okay, sometimes you have to fit in. Just for that I am going to write a book about the things I hate about ADHD. Oh, memory lapse, I already wrote it: Coming soon. An Extended Edition. Ha!