Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

July 2012

37 Most Awesome Motivational and Inspirational Famous Quotes

37 Most Awesome Motivational and Inspirational Famous Quotes
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I love collecting quotes! If you’ve read the free eBooks that I’ve written and give away on our ADDer World Social Network then you’ve probably noticed that they are sprinkled with meaningful quotes. Every quote I select and where I place it is done with great care. I’ve written nearly a dozen eBooks over the last several years, collecting thousands of quotes. In a series of blog posts I am going to share them all with you. 37 at a time. Comment and share your favorite quote with us.   37 Quotes Collection 1:   Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.  ~George Carlin “Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, ‘What’s in it for me?’”  ~Brian Tracy “People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.”  ~Anon “What lies behind […]

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Stop Seeking Perfection and Approval, especially if you have ADD / ADHD

Stop Seeking Perfection and Approval, especially if you have ADD / ADHD
Thumbnail image for Stop Seeking Perfection and Approval, especially if you have ADD / ADHD

How to stop striving for perfection and approval, that’s what this post and my latest FREE eBook is about. Special shout-out to Healthline for awarding my blog, one of the best ADHD blogs on the web! Thank you! I am a recovering perfectionist. I’ve never been perfect, mind you, not even close. But that didn’t stop me from striving to be. I always thought, somewhere in the back of my mind, that if I could achieve perfection then I would also achieve approval. It’s not that I told myself those things. No. It was behind the scenes of my thoughts that the idea was somehow planted, grew roots and those roots eventually strangled my creativity, my goals, my hopes, my enjoyment and my happiness. And, I have ADHD, too! I didn’t know that I was a perfectionist until I was diagnosed with ADHD and quite a ways into treatment. I was diagnosed with […]

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Exclusive Interview: Dr. Edward Hallowell on ADHD & Positive Thinking

Exclusive Interview: Dr. Edward Hallowell on ADHD & Positive Thinking
Thumbnail image for Exclusive Interview: Dr. Edward Hallowell on ADHD & Positive Thinking

Hello and welcome to my redesigned blog. I hope you like the new design! The new design is so fresh that there are still some bugs being worked out, if you notice any, please let me know. Special thanks to Jorge over at for the design! For the relaunch of my blog I asked Dr. Edward Hallowell if he would answer a few (well, more than a few) questions in an exclusive interview. I am honored to provide you with his answers. Did you know he has a new book coming out or what he was asked would fall off when taking Ritalin? You’re about to discover those answers in a moment! I am not sure that there is anyone in the ADD / ADHD community who is not familiar with who Dr. Edward (Ned) Hallowell is. But just in case: He is one of the world’s foremost experts on ADHD. The Co-author of Driven to […]

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