Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

September 2012

ADHD and Insomnia! 10 Tips How to Overcome Insomnia and 1 Big No – No!

ADHD and Insomnia! 10 Tips How to Overcome Insomnia and 1 Big No – No!
Thumbnail image for ADHD and Insomnia! 10 Tips How to Overcome Insomnia and 1 Big No – No!

Beyond Tired I’m tired. It is 3am as I write this and I am still awake. Well, yes, I’d have to be in order to be writing this. But here’s the thing, I went to bed at 10pm. It was a respectable time and I was already very tired. As usual, after I slipped under the warm covers I randomly chose a book from my nightstand. There’s plenty there, a large pile actually. (I cleared the clutter from my desk. I never promised myself to do the same thing for my nightstand.) Reading a book at night puts me to sleep, unless it is extremely good and if that’s the case I can become so hyper-focused that I keep reading until it’s too late (or early) to get any sleep at all. 3 potty breaks, 4 water breaks and a piece of pie later and I am still awake. Yes, pie. Apple if […]

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Kate Kelly R.I.P. – What I Learned From an ADHD Master

Kate Kelly R.I.P. – What I Learned From an ADHD Master
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Kate Kelly A friend, ADHD pioneer, co-author of the book You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid Or Crazy?! and an incredibly positive light in the worldwide ADHD community passed away last week. Kate will be missed. She’s left a remarkable legacy. Her message of hope will carry on. She touched so many. For better words about Kate, please read posts by Rick Green, Zoë Kessler and Madelyn Griffith-Haynie. I had tears in my eyes as I read them. Kate touched them profoundly, as she did so many of us. If you’ve posted a tribute to Kate, please feel free to link to it in the comments. I wish I had known her as well as they did. Not only ADHD… I’ve wanted to write something about Kate since I heard the sad news, but my emotions were too strong to realize what I wanted to say. I waited. After reflection and rereading messages from her […]

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Why Someone Is always Better And What To Do About It (& The ADHD Factor)

Why Someone Is always Better And What To Do About It (& The ADHD Factor)
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I don’t know about you, but there are days when I wonder about what I am doing and why am I doing it. I ask myself a simple question and too often the answer leaves me wanting. That question is: Am I good enough? I know, I’ve written a free eBook on the subject and I’ve repeatedly told you that you are good enough. Still, believing it is sometimes difficult, even, dare I say, impossible. I really did write that sentence. Forgive me. Today’s post is about blogging in my case, but it could be about something else, anything else, for you. Something you’re interested in. Something you want to excel at. Something you work hard at. You pick the something. I read a lot of blogs and at the top of my list is Seth Godin’s. He’s a remarkable blogger. He’s the cream of the crop. Seth writes in a […]

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Clutter Creates Anxiety and Destroys Creativity! (How to Make Creativity Flow)

Clutter Creates Anxiety and Destroys Creativity! (How to Make Creativity Flow)
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Organized Chaos Have you ever heard anyone use the phrase, “organized chaos”? Well that is how I used to refer to the clutter on my home office desk. But, really, if I am honest, it was disorganized chaos and it drove me crazy! I’ll explain, but first… A great ride! On saturday I went for a  relaxing drive, it felt fantastic. My car seemed to drive better, smoother and dare I say it even smelled better! I really enjoyed being out on the road, sailing the streets and listening to rock and roll music. My mind filled with ideas I might write about. Ideas I could grab, hold on to and use. My creativity was flowing right along with the speed of my car down the highway. It’s the same car I have had for the last 5 years, but something was different. For some unknown reason I woke up one day last […]

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37 More Awesome Motivational and Inspirational Famous Quotes

37 More Awesome Motivational and Inspirational Famous Quotes
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If you’ve read the free eBooks that I give away on our ADDer World Social Network then you probably noticed that they are sprinkled with meaningful quotes. I’ve written nearly a dozen eBooks over the last several years, collecting thousands of quotes. In a series of blog posts I am going to share them with you. 37 at a time. This is part 2. Here is part 1. Share your favorite quote. You might win something if you do! Read the alert at the bottom of this post.   37 Quotes Collection 2: Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.  ~Napoleon Hill “People get what they want in life when they reach the point at which they can see themselves having what they seek.”  ~Thomas D. Willhite “We will either find a way, or make one!”  […]

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Sometimes You Must Fail To Succeed Even if you Have ADHD!

Sometimes You Must Fail To Succeed Even if you Have ADHD!
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Oops! I didn’t do it again. Recently, I wrote a post about one of my greatest phobias. In the post I told you about how I tried to ride a mountainside roller coaster and jumped off when my wife and I reached the top of the mountain just before it could begin to sail back down. It was a big mistake and I totally failed! I silently beat myself up about the failure the entire time that I was climbing back down the mountain. Yes, even as I waved at the people riding up. The people who would succeed where I failed. I told myself I wanted to try again, but I knew if I just hopped back on the roller coaster I would simply do what I’ve done so often before, I’d repeat my mistake. I failed, indeed. But I also realized something. I needed to try again, but I would need […]

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