Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

002 Boy’s Struggle reviews

The Ultimate ADHD Support Group Guide – Get it Here!

The Ultimate ADHD Support Group Guide – Get it Here!

I am proud to present the ultimate ADHD support group guide written by Sharon St. John, LPC! It’s free, so download it now by clicking here. (Best viewed after downloading to your computer – right click and choose ‘save as’.)   Okay, I added the ‘ultimate’ because it excites me that a book has been written to assist people with using my book One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir in a support group setting, (or, to be used individually with one’s therapist).  Over the last few years I have received many emails from support group facilitators around the world, from the United States to as far away as Australia, letting me know how they have used One Boy’s Struggle to assist their members in coming to grips with living with ADHD, and to some degree viewing ADHD in a more positive light.   Several ADHD support group facilitators have suggested I […]

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An online Book Review that touched My Heart!

An online Book Review that touched My Heart!

Today I found an online review of my book that touched me so deeply and emotionally. This is part of what drives me to continue writing, to be a voice and meet new people each and every day. To help a mother and daughter bond through the words I wrote, what a humbling treasure that is. Cixous39, if you happen to read this: Thank you! Seems we have helped each other. I hope you don’t mind that I copied your review of One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir here: What makes this book special? On a personal level, my Mom and I BONDED over it. While reading it, my mother found me crying and asked what was wrong. I told her what this memoir was about, and let her read it. Once she finished, we cried together. We also laughed because it helped make sense of my own experiences with AD/HD, which […]

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Download ADHD eBook – share it plz

Download ADHD eBook – share it plz

Wow, what an overwhelming response from the new PDF I sent out yesterday! Thank you to all of you who responded with comments and suggestions!! Okay, I changed up the document because many of you had nearly the same suggestions. I included some of the more ‘controversial‘ articles and what seem the current favorites: Is it ADHD or bad luck & Is Sex important to someone with ADHD?. Those of you that wrote me mentioned these articles would make you more likely to share the file with others. I also included the quote that I have on my blog – it was interesting that several mentioned it; I didn’t realize it was so popular 🙂 Here’s the updated file: ADHD_A_Real_Life_Story_Bryan_Hutchinson (download) Please download the file to your computer by right clicking and using ‘save target’ or however you do it. If you send it in an email to friends send it […]

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Download One Boy’s Struggle PDF to Share and Pass Forward!

Download One Boy’s Struggle PDF to Share and Pass Forward!

PDF of The life of Bryan, the Real Life Story with ADHD  (right click and ‘save target as’ to your computer or copy the shortcut to your website)   This is a PDF containing a brief description of my book “One Boy’s Struggle” with quotes from reviewers and a couple recent blog posts. Please look it over and pass along to those who could benefit. If you happen to have a website it would be great if you would offer it as a download (you can link to it here), or alternatively, this PDF can be printed out and taken with you to doctor trips or handed out.   Thanks so much!   ~Bryan   PS: Special thanks to Mindy Schwartz  

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A Brilliant Book Review – Is it ADHD or Highly Sensitive Individuals?

A Brilliant Book Review – Is it ADHD or Highly Sensitive Individuals?

Jenna Forest, author of the memoir Help Is On Its Way recently read my personal life story in my book One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir – Surviving Life with Undiagnosed ADD and she has posted a review about it on her website One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir has been blessed with numerous positive reviews, for which I am thankful, humbled and honored. Jenna’s review is one of the most understanding views of what I had envisioned for my story to be and is. Everyone takes from my story what has the greatest meaning to them, at the moment they are reading it. I believe because Jenna and I relate so very well and have similar backgrounds, she literally stepped into my mind, – no, even further, – into my soul, while reading my story.  Her insight and understanding is uncanny.  Check out Jenna’s review: (Excerpt) Is ADD/ADHD real or […]

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My personal book about ADHD, the ADDer World websites and me 1 year later

My personal book about ADHD, the ADDer World websites and me 1 year later

Sometimes it is nice to take a moment and reflect on things. ADDer World is now a year old (ADDer World community only 2 months) and my book “One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir – Surviving Life with Undiagnosed ADD” has been on the open market for just over 6 months. I sit here, close my eyes and reflect. Where was I in my quest just over a year ago, what hopes did I have and what did I imagine the future would hold? Seems to me I was living on a prayer (to quote the inspirational band Bon Jovi). I have a very vivid imagination, it is incredible, the things I can see and the things I can sense. But who knew? I didn’t. Fears, anxiety, hope and desire – terrible nightmares and wonderful, splendid wishful dreams. Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring. And yet, with a little hope and trust in the […]

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Truly a Real Life View of Living in the Adder World

Truly a Real Life View of Living in the Adder World

Over the next few weeks I will be reposting some blog posts from members of the new interactive website sanctuary. On the new interactive ADDer World members can text message each other, write blogs, participate in forums and post pictures, videos and music and so much more! Membership and participation is free! Our site is rich with special people, such as: Adult ADDers, parents of ADDers, spouses and friends of ADDers who all share personal experiences and suggestions with each other. Our membership roster also includes ADD ADHD experts, such as: Doctors, psychologists, professional bloggers, journalists and even certified life coaches and therapists. The interactive ADDer World may be new, but it is growing very fast! To give you an idea of what types of blogs and information you can find, I am reposting some of my favorite blogs from members, which you could normally not read unless you are a member. These are reposted with permission – make sure you […]

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Give my book away!

Give my book away!

That’s right. Well, at least loan it out. If you have read my book and your copy is sitting around somewhere, please take it with you on your travels today and give it to someone. If your a parent, take it with you to your child’s school and give it to a teacher or another parent. If you have ADHD, please consider passing it on to someone you know with ADHD. If you read it and you have no connection to ADHD, but relate to the book of a misunderstood and confused child, please pass it on to anyone who you think may read it. And, ask the people you pass it on to, to also, please pass it on to others. Please, take a moment today, or sometime this week, to pass on my book to someone you know who would be interested and caring enough to pass it on too. Thank you, Bryan 

Read More Peer Relationships Interview Peer Relationships Interview Keath Low has become one of my most enthusiastic supporters, and like many of you, she has been touched by my life’s story presented to the world through my memoir “One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir – Surviving Life with Undiagnosed ADD”. In my memoir I talk a lot about peer relationships, how they affected me and what I learned. Keath Low interviewed me recently for concerning peer relationships. I am pleased to know that what I have learned about ADHD and using my hindsight of my life’s situations is helping others. You can read the interview here.  Keath enjoyed my book so much that she wrote a personal review about it: By Keath Low:  Bryan Hutchinson’s life is inspiring and his message is one of hope, forgiveness, and of moving forward. In his book, One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir – Surviving Life with Undiagnosed ADD, Bryan takes us […]

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Dr. Ragan Review’s “One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir”

Dr. Ragan Review’s “One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir”

Dr. Ragan Review’s “One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir”    “Bryan’s book is not bogged down with research or statistics. He simply shares his personal story. The book reads like a conversation with a friend. After reading the book I feel like I know Bryan although we have never met. If you are feeling isolated and misunderstood regarding ADD, you will likely find solace in Bryan’s book.” Dr. Ragan of  My memoir was published in early January and it could have stopped there, well if you go to my Amazon page you will find some great reviews. Two well known doctors (Dr. Ragan and Dr. Lara Honos-Webb) have now read and put their stamp on it (no small thing that) and Keath Low, journalist from not only wrote a beautiful article about my book, but went on Amazon and gave it a 5 star review! Now that is rare. A journalist enjoyed a book so much […]

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