Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

01 My Thoughts

Presenting the Cover of my New Book!

Presenting the Cover of my New Book!

Ladies and Gentlemen, friends and neighbors, fellow members of ADDer World, I present to you the cover of my new book 7 Crucial Tips for Parents and Teachers of Children with ADHD! This cover is designed by the That’s Creative! professional design team. That’s Creative! is designing the entire eBook to make it visually rich and engaging from a visual design perspective. You might be amazed at all that goes into designing such a high production book, even when all the writing is already completed! I have to say I am immensely impressed with what they are doing so far. I think you will be too. **Now available as a Kindle book, click here. Bryan

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For Parents and Teachers of Children with ADHD – Adults with ADHD too!

For Parents and Teachers of Children with ADHD – Adults with ADHD too!

This is a very special announcement. I have a new book coming out in a couple short weeks. It is my labor of love, the grandest adventure and the most ambitious writing I have endeavored since One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir. The title of my new book is 7 Crucial Tips for Parents and Teachers of Children with ADHD. Don’t let the title fool you though, this new book will be just as important a read for adults with ADHD as it is for parents and teachers. I would even go so far as calling it my Manifesto – at least, that’s what my wife is calling it. The new book shares with readers what I consider the 7 most crucial tips for parents and teachers. Because of how serious I am about this new book I asked two professional therapists (who you may have heard of) to write forewords […]

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The Brilliant Gifts of Hyper Focus and Positivity

The Brilliant Gifts of Hyper Focus and Positivity

(This post was inspired by an email I received from a young lady who was attacked angrily on a forum because she talked about hyper focus. The other person claimed it doesn’t exist.) I love to hyper focus and I do it on a regular basis, I’ve written many blog posts about it, I wrote extensively about it in my first book One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir and, I have additionally written an eBook about it in an effort to help others discover ways to hyper focus at will. However, although hyper focus is a well known ADHD trait, not everyone with ADHD can hyper focus easily, sometimes rarely and some seemingly not at all. I tend to believe everyone has been lost in focus at one point or another, forgetting to eat, missing a turn or, just realizing by looking up at the clock that whoa, so much time […]

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Where in the world is Bryan?

Where in the world is Bryan?

It’s true I haven’t been around much for a little while. And it’s also true I haven’t been answering all of my emails or much else online. So where have I been? I have been recovering from chronic appendicitis and the removal of my appendix. The first two months of 2011 and the last two months of 2010 has been some tough months trying to figure out what was wrong and then the surgery and recovery. I should be back to doing what I do in a few weeks. As a matter of fact I have had a lot of time to search through my files and documents and have discovered a treasure trove of unpublished writings. Lot’s more positive stuff about life with ADHD and other musings. A few of the documents are too long for blog posts and just about long enough to be published as books, but […]

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Success, Opportunities and ADHD

Success, Opportunities and ADHD

How do you define success with ADHD? When I hear the word success I wonder what each person defines it as. I have always said success is what you define it. Here are 6 things I now have the opportunity to define as success with ADHD for me: Paid the monthly bills on time. I have automatic payments, so I don’t have to worry about most of them. There are other payments I have the opportunity to pay on time by making it to the bank on time, and I do for the most part. Made it to most of my appointments on time. It’s awesome when I am there 5 minutes early and have the opportunity to unwind first. The key is using my appointment calendar on my Smartphone and setting multiple alarms and not making appointments I may not need. Followed through on promises. Most of them anyway, […]

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The Shame Factor and ADHD

The Shame Factor and ADHD

The first rule of shame is not to talk about shame. I think a lot of us believe this unspoken rule. We may also believe that shame is weak, shame is admitting to being lesser than others and shame isn’t acceptable. Shame is something to be kept hidden in the dark. I think shame relates well to ADHD, because a common approach to shame is to state to someone ‘to pull it together’ or ‘quit feeling sorry for yourself’, and those of you familiar with ADHD know full well that neither of those two statements are effective, much less realistic. I speak from experience here, so please take what I am about to write from someone who’s been there and done that, nothing more. Please read this with caution, or if you are highly susceptible to triggers, please consider if this is the right time to read about this topic. The interesting […]

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The Gift of Positivity even With ADHD

The Gift of Positivity even With ADHD

There’s a lot to say about ADHD We know the devastations and the ramifications of untreated ADHD and oftentimes treatments don’t always work all that well and we spend years, upon years looking for the magic potion. Yet, sooner or later, we come to a point when we realize that one doesn’t exist. Or, does it? No, probably not, but something else does exist and it can come pretty darn close. Have you ever been beat down, physically punished to the point that the pain is so horrible you can’t even see straight, much less think straight? I have, more times than I care to remember. I’ve been through horrendous, painful things that have been brought on by my untreated, undiagnosed ADHD and a lot of it before I ever reached my teens. You might think I would grow to be an extremely resentful, angry and hurt person. You would be […]

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Bullying, Intolerance and ADHD

Bullying, Intolerance and ADHD

I have an extremely vivid imagination. As a child with undiagnosed ADD (ADHD) I used my imagination to escape to somewhere better, somewhere I was special and where I felt appreciated. In my first book One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir, I wrote of how I imagined I was Commander Mart, a superhero who flew through the skies on the back of a beautiful, incredible flying silver horse I named Pegasus! In my imagination I felt good about myself, I felt whole and I felt well. The thing is though, sometimes my imagination got me into a lot of trouble because I would escape into it whenever I was bored, uninspired or when I was under pressure and scared. I didn’t know it then, but I used my imagination as a survival skill. I felt comfortable in my imagination, I was in control there and nobody could hurt me because I […]

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Adult ADHD as Sexy Mysterious and a Bit Edgy

Adult ADHD as Sexy Mysterious and a Bit Edgy

Adults with ADHD are at times alluring in mysterious, charming and edgy ways. Not on purpose, mind you and most of us don’t even realize it. It’s a matter of considering our symptoms and realizing that most people are attracted to interesting personalities, those that are characteristically unusual, even if dangerous and especially if mysterious. Generally speaking, people are attracted to others who have some mystery surrounding them and who leave them wanting to learn more and could potentially take them to the edge. Adults with ADHD have that something extra, that ability to charm and take those attracted to them to another level of experience. It’s a sexiness that’s compelling because it’s a bit edgy, or maybe, in this day and age, more than ever, especially because it’s a bit edgy. I tend to agree with Joan, my wife, when she tells me that she thinks I was attracted […]

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Is the burden of ADHD causing lost Childhoods?

Is the burden of ADHD causing lost Childhoods?

I am not like everyone else, I have ADHD and my childhood wasn’t normal either. Quite frankly, I don’t want to be like everyone else. I don’t want to conform to be someone better than anyone else or to be ‘normal’ and I certainly don’t want to be average. I have no such desire. I used to and it would drive me crazy. I like being me. I have some hard luck stories, I can tell you of all the mistakes I have made and the challenges that overwhelmed me, but sometimes the point is missed. I still have ADHD and many of the issues that come with it, but that is not my point. The reason I have revealed so much about myself is because I have overcome many challenges, found some decent workarounds and I have moved forward to a more positive place. But, I didn’t entirely conform […]

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