Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

01 My Thoughts

PDF Files of ADDer World ADD ADHD Articles

PDF Files of ADDer World ADD ADHD Articles

Here are the latest of my ADDer World articles created into nice little PDF’s for your viewing pleasure. You may save a copy to your computer and if you like, you can also share them with friends or on other sites of interest. ADHD_Impulsivity_Foot_in_the_Mouth.pdf Deliciously_Sexy.pdf Dream_your_Dream_Anew.pdf Is_Awareness_the_Answer_to_ADD_ADHD_Suffering.pdf Perspective_Life_with_Adult_ADHD_ADD.pdf Self_Doubt_and_the_ADHD_Mind.pdf If you haven’t checked out the first batch of downloadable PDF articles, you can do that here. *The question of using my free ebooks and PDF files as ‘gifts’ on other sites has come up a few times, and the answer is YES that’s okay, but please remember that these are free, so I do ask that you not charge for them. Several of you emailed me about printing problems with the files from the last set, I fixed that problem, but in order to do that I had to reformat the files, so if you still have that problem, please download a […]

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Downloadable PDF Files of ADD ADHD Articles

Downloadable PDF Files of ADD ADHD Articles

  It’s taken me a while, but I have finally started coming through on a frequent request for PDF’s of certain articles. I have promised that I would create PDF’s of articles, but for the longest while I didn’t get around to it. I’ve started!! Finally! Whew! Let me tell you, it takes a bit of work to put this stuff together. I hope they came out okay. If you like, you can let me know in the comments. Here are the PDF’s in the order of most requested: Top Ten Dos and Don’ts in a Relationship with an ADDer Living with an ADHD Partner ADD ADHD Interview What Does Success Mean to You? ADHD Could be Affecting Your Relationship If I know others have been requested too and I will get to them in due time (I hope); however, in the meantime you can also send yourself PDF’s of […]

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Free Ebook: Modern Times & True Love Everlasting

Free Ebook: Modern Times & True Love Everlasting

I hope you enjoy this new ebooklet Modern Times & True Love Everlasting, it’s free for you to download and share with anyone you like. I believe it is an important message. It is an opinion piece, so I would love to hear your thoughts about it which may help me with the follow up edition! You can download it at THIS LINK or simply click on the cover. I know you have waited patiently for my new book Adult ADHD can be Sexy! It will be available within the next 4 weeks. Thank you and if you enjoy it, or think the message deserves it, please share it with friends and post it online to your blog or website, if you like. ~Bryan

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Deliciously Sexy

Deliciously Sexy

What do you long for? What excites you? Have you defined what you want, need and desire… …in someone to love, hold and live with forevermore? What is your innermost desire in another person – specific characteristics which stand above all others – do you know what they are? It’s important; believe me, it’s very, very important. You will never know what you are looking for until you define it. You will never find what you are looking for until you give it a description. They say that if you don’t stand for something that you will fall for anything. It’s the same with finding a true to your heart friend and lover. If you don’t know, you may seek out nearly anyone with a nice smile, pleasant demeanor and perhaps a little flash that shows seemingly genuine interest. And, you will be had! What’s so wrong with that? Have you ever […]

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ADDers Have a Unique and Talented Way of Thinking

ADDers Have a Unique and Talented Way of Thinking

Adult ADHD can be Sexy? Really? We ADDers have a unique way of thinking things through. We have a rare way of putting things together, of finding similarities between things or ideas that at first seem dissimilar or at least unlikely to be joined as an interesting concept. When the ADDer demonstrates how two vastly different notions can be connected the result can illuminate the possiblility of a completely new idea. For ADDers being creative is more about the process of finding associations between things and ideas that come at them day to day at a frenetic pace in order to make sense of the fast paced life around them. ADDers are famous for thinking outside the box when they are asked for solutions to a problem or a new approach to an old idea or way of doing something. And yet, too often this wonderful trait to see, create and do things in unique new ways is disregarded in today’s […]

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Adult ADHD can be Sexy Special Announcements and Release Info

Adult ADHD can be Sexy Special Announcements and Release Info

Above is a quick iphone snapshot of the front and back cover of my new book Adult ADHD can be Sexy. The book is not yet available for purchase. At the moment I am considering when that date will be. The photo is only a proof copy, once I send it back approved, then I will have a firmer release date in mind. Soon, my dear friends, soon. Waiting is a very difficult thing for me to do, because I am extremely excited about this book, perhaps more so than any other release of my books. Adult ADHD can be Sexy is like no other book you, or anyone else has ever read about ADHD – I can pretty much guarantee you of that! I have written about subjects and situations that are so sensitive (at least in my opinion) that I have added a warning / disclaimer to it. Therefore, be […]

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Don’t you just hate…

Don’t you just hate…

When someone assumes they know what you are about. When someone assumes they know what you are after in life. When someone assumes they know what makes you tick. When someone assumes your aspirations are similar to theirs. When someone finishes your sentences, but it’s not what you were thinking, much less what you were going to say. When you tell someone that you have ADHD, then a bunch of off the mark statements and knee jerk actions develop simply because they are now aware that you have it, but it is obvious they don’t really know what it is, much less how it affects you. Preconceived notions are usually wrong. Wouldn’t it be nice, instead of assuming something of you that they would have the selflessness to at least ask first? It’s said friendships are built on foundations of trust. However, something else comes before trust and it can be […]

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American Idol and a Valuable Lesson for People with ADD or ADHD

American Idol and a Valuable Lesson for People with ADD or ADHD

Okay, I admit it, I am a fan of American Idol. Yep, you got me there. I intend this to be a fun post, but you know how intentions are… I think Crystal Bowersox will win it all this year; however, I think Siobhan has an outside chance to become the dark horse and give Crystal a run for her money. A few long weeks ago Siobhan proved she has what it takes to win it when she rocked the Rolling Stone’s episode, but she has fizzled ever since. There is a very good reason why she has fizzled of late. As a matter of fact it is the same reason it would have behooved Katie Stevens to listen to Simon when he suggested she go in more of a country direction. Katie was rather lost on the show as to what kind of artist she is, or wants to be. Now, […]

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In Love and Desire, Hopes and Dreams – My ADD mind has a Purpose

In Love and Desire, Hopes and Dreams – My ADD mind has a Purpose

I still remember the very first time I thought I was in love. I did not yet know what love was, but going back in my mind, journeying back all those years to when I was just a very young boy, I know now that it sure felt like love to me. I was in love with her from the first moment I saw her. She was a princess. She was a kind of supergirl. I was crazy for her and I was going crazy in my mind about her, but I never mentioned it to her. As a matter of fact I admired her from afar and avoided close contact with her at all costs. Somehow, as a young boy, a young teen and a young adult I always knew I was head over heels for a beautiful maiden when I was too afraid to say hello to her. Okay, the […]

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Aim for the Stars! Dream your Dream Anew

Aim for the Stars! Dream your Dream Anew

There’s a saying: “Aim for the stars and reach for the moon.” Did you know that when the moon makes its way around the earth it gets closer and further away as it travels in an ellipse. At the moon’s closest point to us it is 225,622 miles away and at its furthest it is something like, well, 252,088 miles away. Reaching for the moon was an impossibility in the not too distant past for all of mankind, but aiming for the stars has never been impossible for anyone, not for you and not for me. Have you ever dreamed a dream? It’s like aiming for the stars. It’s not about getting there. It’s never been about getting there. Some people reach their dream, but when they get there they suddenly find themselves lost and confused. They relish the fact that they have achieved the impossible and made it possible, […]

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