Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

01 My Thoughts

How GOOD THINGS can come from BAD THINGS – How to Get Turned Up from being Turned down!

How GOOD THINGS can come from BAD THINGS – How to Get Turned Up from being Turned down!

Many of you know that I started writing One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir as a therapeutic endeavor, as I had no intention of publishing it. Today it is a well known, widely read book and it has gone on to make me one of the top 3 authors for Infinity Publishing this last June, 2011. However, I would not have published One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir, much less started my blog or created the ADHD social network ADDer World, if I had not been turned down for a certain job. Long ago there was a job that I wanted so very much that I worked day and night to prove myself. I gave everything I had to show what I could do and finally the opportunity arrived, but I did not get it. All that I had worked to prove suddenly seemed worthless and I felt like I had not […]

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The TRUTH about ADHD BLURTING! Here’s why blurting really gets us in trouble!

The TRUTH about ADHD BLURTING! Here’s why blurting really gets us in trouble!

When we start thinking about how terrible we have it with ADHD, take a moment to remember that we are human, we do not have to rely on our instincts alone, we can change, modify and improve and sometimes it is not ADHD that holds us back, it is our attitude. ADHD is not curable, but attitude is, even so, doing something about one’s attitude is hard work. Let’s consider blurting things out; is it the process of blurting that gets one in trouble or what one blurts out? Whether we realize it or not, what we blurt reveals our attitude and true inner thoughts to the world, or at least to anyone nearby. The basic issue is that blurting is normally just an awkward happenstance, which is sometimes embarrassing and usually uncomfortable, but when we lose friends, jobs and get ourselves in deep trouble because of it, then it’s not the blurting in of itself that is […]

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ADHD and Unfinished Personal Projects

ADHD and Unfinished Personal Projects

I have hundreds of unfinished personal projects and I have ADHD. From what I understand about ADHD, and from what I have read, I should be upset about unfinished personal projects. However, I am a writer and writing has taught me an extremely valuable lesson and that is:  Finishing everything I start writing is nearly impossible and, not everything that’s started is meant to be finished. Sometimes what I start is meant to take me somewhere else, to get me past a hump or lead me to deeper thoughts or inspiration. Before I go any further, let me clarify that I am talking about personal projects here. Not jobs. That’s for another post. As a writer I have some great ideas about things I want to write about. I’ll start writing perhaps ten pages about something intensely interesting and then the next morning I will discard it for something else. What I have learned is that not every draft needs […]

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Amazon Takes down Illegal Kindle Copies of Free EBooks

Amazon Takes down Illegal Kindle Copies of Free EBooks

Last week I posted about my free eBook, 7 Crucial Tips for Parents and Teachers of Children with ADHD, which was bootlegged, uploaded to and sold as a Kindle download. Amazon has taken down the illegal Kindle bootlegged copy, as they have taken down the other eBooks by me that were not authorized. This is a very important story, because Amazon is one of the premier retailers online which bootleggers / pirates have targeted and are using illegally. If I had not accidentally found my fee eBooks there to begin with then they would still be there. Why is it important to share this story? Because authors take a lot of time and effort to provide a market of free eBooks, if bootleggers are going to take them and successfully sell them as Kindle books, then we all may suffer by less effort to provide free eBooks online. Do you enjoy […]

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Attention Difference Disorder by Kenny Handelman review

Attention Difference Disorder by Kenny Handelman review

Dr. Kenny Handelman has written an outstanding, educational and easy to read book about ADHD. I finish very few books that I begin reading that are written by doctors, they usually end up in a pile of other books next to my bed (you know the pile I am talking about), but Attention Difference Disorder was engaging and kept my attention throughout. It helps that Dr. Handelman and I share many of the same philosophies about true caring, strength based approach and that each of us has value. The thing about books written by doctors, not just about ADHD, is that the majority of them come across as uncaring at best and condescending at worst, without meaning to be. However, there are a few books by doctors which transcend the clinical style and Attention Difference Disorder is one of them. It’s one of the best written by a doctor since […]

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Illegal copy of my work on Amazon AGAIN! BEWARE!

Illegal copy of my work on Amazon AGAIN! BEWARE!

Readers please pass on this information that Amazon is again offering one of my FREE eBooks as a Kindle download and charging for it! Please share this post so that people are warned. The last time this happened with 10 Things I Hate about ADHD I only discovered it via a google search because it made it onto one of their bestseller lists. This time 7 Crucial Tips for Parents and Teachers of Children with ADHD is the victim of being illegally uploaded and sold as an unauthorized Kindle download! Someone is profiting from my work which I give away for free. I do not sell my free eBooks and I have not authorized my free eBooks for sell! The advice I have been given is to stop offering free eBooks. Is that really what I should do? This is frustrating and mentally exhausting. Amazon is a site of trust with an […]

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ADHD Book Series TOP 3 Bestselling Author

ADHD Book Series TOP 3 Bestselling Author

Today I received great news from the Vice President of Author Services for Infinity Publishing. He informed me that my ADHD book series One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir, The Brilliant Reality of ADHD and Adult ADHD can be Sexy, has made me one of their TOP 3 Bestselling Authors! To say I was surprised is an understatement, after all, Infinity has published over 6000 titles, to include books by celebrities. It’s quite an honor, and sincerely demonstrates the amazing power of ADDer World readers and members who are helping to spread the word. I only advertise my books on my websites and in-turn the proceeds are the sole financial support for maintaining the ever increasing website costs. Thank you ADDer World readers and members! Please continue to help spread the word! I have been asked to write a blurb for Infinity’s monthly newsletter telling my story as an author. Here […]

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ADHD Myths Debunked At Last

ADHD Myths Debunked At Last

I am going to debunk the myths of ADHD and tell the truth about it once and for all. Yes, the conspiracy exists. Why do we forget things? Answer: Forgetting things is something of intention, meaning that we do it on purpose and we have a special device that wipes specific memories from our minds. For example: people with ADHD do not like keys, they are necessary for too many silly things like, well, locks, so we wipe away the memory of where we put them. We can, and do, take memories of combinations, and people, and remove those too. Why do we repeat our mistakes? Answer: We like to make the same mistakes over and over again. If someone chastises us enough or blames us enough for our lost memories or making the same mistakes then we can automatically correct our behavior just by not using the memory wiping […]

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ADHD POP Quiz – Take It!

ADHD POP Quiz – Take It!

You’ve got to do this and you’ve got to do that POP QUIZ. You’ve got to get your head together and start concentrating. You’ve got to start a plan. You’ve got to create yourself a list. You’ve got to abide by a schedule. You’ve got to remember to take the trash out. You’ve got to get better grades. You’ve got to be more responsible. You’ve got to take this seriously. You’ve got to get more organized. First pop quiz: If you have been told more than 4 of these then you are 9999999.99% sure to have ADHD! Next pop quiz: If you have told these things to your spouse, child, friend or neighbor and have pulled all of your hair out in the process, then whoever that person is, is 9999999.99% sure to have ADHD! Click the “LIKE” button if you are 9999999.99% sure! And/or comment and add your own […]

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Permission to Proceed by David Giwerc an ADHD book Review

Permission to Proceed by David Giwerc an ADHD book Review

Change isn’t easy, not really, not for anyone, but especially not for people with ADHD. In David Giwerc’s new book Permission to Proceed David shows how change by cultivating healthy habits is possible, even for those of us with ADHD. David Giwerc is a master certified coach, president and founder of the ADD coach academy. He knows a thing or two about helping people with ADHD become better equipped to manage the daily life of living in a non-ADHD world. I highly enjoyed reading Permission to Proceed from start to finish and what I liked most about it was how David shares with us his personal stories along the way. You’ll want to read this book to get a better understanding of how someone like David, with ADHD, becomes not only a master coach, but also a leader and a person deserving of respect and admiration, which are not things […]

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