Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Recent Book Reviews: ADD ADHD Life Memoir

Recent Book Reviews: ADD ADHD Life Memoir

It is not a trivial thing to review a book you have enjoyed. It does my heart well and I continue to be touched deeply by what readers are taking from my first book. As time continues to move forward, as I write and publish more books, in true ADDer fashion I tend to worry more and more about the inexperienced writing of the first book I wrote. However, readers continue to validate that which I have shared with the world. It does my heart and soul good to know that my story continues to be of meaning to so many. Special thanks to my readers everywhere. You’ve done more for me than I could ever do for you. Recent reviews of One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir – Surviving Life with Undiagnosed ADD: IT’S NOT MERELY HOPEFUL, IT’S AN ASSURANCE As an ADDer myself, I have read several books about […]

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Have you answered… ADDer World ADHD Network update July 8 2010

Have you answered… ADDer World ADHD Network update July 8 2010

We have quite a few new members over on our ADDer World ADHD Social Network. Welcome! Here’s a great forum topic to get started: How old was everyone when they found out they had ADD/ADHD? Connie has this question for you: Who do you talk to about your ADD/ADHD? For the next few months these signed books will be offered to members in our drawings: August: Eileen Bailey & Don Haupt MD – Complete Idiot’s Guide to Adult ADHD September: The Gift of ADHD Activity Book by Dr. Lara Honos-Webb (correction in the order from email sent to members) October: Life at Full Throttle: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults by Dr. Catherine Avery November: ADHD Medication Rules: Paying Attention To The Meds For Paying Attention by Dr. Charles Parker (not signed because digital ebook) If you are not a member of our ADDer World Social Network, join here. Have a wonderful and delighful week, […]

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Latest ADDer World ADHD Network Update 1 July 09

Latest ADDer World ADHD Network Update 1 July 09

She shared her deeply moving video about life with ADD with us and now, for the very first time she shares her story too. Ashley, thank you… I guess we could call this an exclusive? Sharing my story for the first time Today is the last day to enter our referral contest for a free copy of my new book Adult ADHD can be Sexy! Don’t miss out on it, it is sooo easy to enter, just invite people you think would enjoy our site and have them use your name when they sign up:  Since I am ending this contest, you realize what this means right…? I can guarantee you have never read a book about ADHD like this before! Here are some other posts to check out: Sharing your ADHD diagnosis with family and friends DO YOU EXPERIENCE REBOUND EFFECT ON MEDS? And Charles Parker is releasing his ground […]

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ADD is Real & Suprise Updates

ADD is Real & Suprise Updates

Remember the wonderful, helpful and sensitive video by a young lady talking about ADHD? Yes, that one! It captured our attention and exemplified for many of us, how we feel. The video is posted above, if you missed it. And if you enjoy the video, she’s joined us on our ADDer World ADHD Social Network, perhaps you would like to welcome her and/or comment on her video. Okay, I think I am done tinkering with the logo and site colors for a while on our ADHD Social Network. I say that, but you know I have ADD, so don’t count on it. However, I do feel I have finally aced the logo. Again, remember, I have ADD. You can tell me what you think here. New member, Jason, shares with us his very personal and revealing story. It’s touching and important, which is a good addition to uncovering ADD: Hi there! I’m […]

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PDF Files of ADDer World ADD ADHD Articles

PDF Files of ADDer World ADD ADHD Articles

Here are the latest of my ADDer World articles created into nice little PDF’s for your viewing pleasure. You may save a copy to your computer and if you like, you can also share them with friends or on other sites of interest. ADHD_Impulsivity_Foot_in_the_Mouth.pdf Deliciously_Sexy.pdf Dream_your_Dream_Anew.pdf Is_Awareness_the_Answer_to_ADD_ADHD_Suffering.pdf Perspective_Life_with_Adult_ADHD_ADD.pdf Self_Doubt_and_the_ADHD_Mind.pdf If you haven’t checked out the first batch of downloadable PDF articles, you can do that here. *The question of using my free ebooks and PDF files as ‘gifts’ on other sites has come up a few times, and the answer is YES that’s okay, but please remember that these are free, so I do ask that you not charge for them. Several of you emailed me about printing problems with the files from the last set, I fixed that problem, but in order to do that I had to reformat the files, so if you still have that problem, please download a […]

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ADDers Have a Unique and Talented Way of Thinking

ADDers Have a Unique and Talented Way of Thinking

Adult ADHD can be Sexy? Really? We ADDers have a unique way of thinking things through. We have a rare way of putting things together, of finding similarities between things or ideas that at first seem dissimilar or at least unlikely to be joined as an interesting concept. When the ADDer demonstrates how two vastly different notions can be connected the result can illuminate the possiblility of a completely new idea. For ADDers being creative is more about the process of finding associations between things and ideas that come at them day to day at a frenetic pace in order to make sense of the fast paced life around them. ADDers are famous for thinking outside the box when they are asked for solutions to a problem or a new approach to an old idea or way of doing something. And yet, too often this wonderful trait to see, create and do things in unique new ways is disregarded in today’s […]

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Is Awareness the Answer to ADHD Suffering?

Is Awareness the Answer to ADHD Suffering?

I created ADDer World, the ADHD social network not just to create awareness of and about ADHD. – Nearly everyone is already aware of ADHD unless they have been living in a remote area without TV, the Web or Newspapers for the last ten years. The problem is something else. Most do not fully understand what it is or the people who have it. That’s where the real problem is, understanding and relating. I created ADDer World so folks with ADHD can come together and discuss things we ‘get’ together. A lot of times we are not looking for specific answers or specific solutions, we just don’t want to be alone, or worse, feel like we are alone.  The truth is we don’t have to be alone. Everyone has problems with or without ADHD, we all have issues and differing dynamics and most people simply focus on their own situations and how they are going to make it […]

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Getting Started

Getting Started

About Bryan Hutchinson and ADDer World: After struggling through a painful childhood, a frustrating young adulthood, and a decade in therapy, Bryan Hutchinson finally found the key to unlocking the complexities of his mind. He was diagnosed with ADHD, type 1 (inattentive) at 37 years old – and after his initial shock at the diagnosis, he was ultimately filled with liberation and validation, knowing finally that he wasn’t simply lazy, or a failure, or incapable of sustaining relationships and living a life of purpose. He embarked on a journey of self-discovery, learning along the way the power of positive thinking and reframing his negative self-image into a positive one filled with optimism.   As he learned more about ADHD, and met more and more people like him, who had felt like failures for their entire lives, who lived with pain and self-loathing every day, who felt powerless to change their […]

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