Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Choose Friends Wisely! Here’s How and Why

Choose Friends Wisely! Here’s How and Why

It’s wonderful to have friends, especially those who encourage us to be the best that we can be. However, it’s also important to remember that we tend to emulate the people we are around the most. If we’ve fallen into a pessimistic, negative or downbeat group, then perhaps we need to adjust our friendships, especially if we want to move on to happier horizons. Friendships are incredibly important. Therefore: Choose friends wisely. If you truly want to be happy, my experience is to choose friends that encourage and support you, have an optimistic nature and like you for who you are and who you are becoming. Consider the direction you are going and the direction you want to go, and then hang around and befriend people that are as you would like to become. As they say, if you want to be happy, surround yourself with happy people, because they […]

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Success, Opportunities and ADHD

Success, Opportunities and ADHD

How do you define success with ADHD? When I hear the word success I wonder what each person defines it as. I have always said success is what you define it. Here are 6 things I now have the opportunity to define as success with ADHD for me: Paid the monthly bills on time. I have automatic payments, so I don’t have to worry about most of them. There are other payments I have the opportunity to pay on time by making it to the bank on time, and I do for the most part. Made it to most of my appointments on time. It’s awesome when I am there 5 minutes early and have the opportunity to unwind first. The key is using my appointment calendar on my Smartphone and setting multiple alarms and not making appointments I may not need. Followed through on promises. Most of them anyway, […]

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With Acceptance We Can Overcome and Achieve

With Acceptance We Can Overcome and Achieve

It’s true that with acceptance for who we are, and all which that encompasses, can we learn, overcome and thrive to achieve whatever kind of wonderful is for us. Far too often I read or hear people with ADHD berating themselves, putting themselves down and cursing ADHD, which is as much a part of who they are as anything else. Now, I am not saying ADHD doesn’t give us reasons to be ticked off, upset and feel dejected. Oh, it clearly does! But, you know what? No amount of self-deprecation will take ADHD away or force one’s self to be better or different or, heaven forbid, normal. It’s somewhat along the lines of a teacher scolding a child with ADHD with the intent that he can make the child realize that she is just lazy and, if she wants to enough, she can be normal and function in normal ‘accepted’ ways. The most […]

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On the Fence – Perspective of Life and ADHD

On the Fence – Perspective of Life and ADHD

Being on the fence allows me to view things from a perspective where I can take in both sides and make decisions, choices and base beliefs on the facts all sides present (what I can make of them). Personally, I think it is a mistake to join one particular side of an issue and allow it to consume everything – life isn’t that simple and wars get started by this way of thinking, due to anger, resentment and inflexibility. Typically, each side of an issue has both merits and faults. My experiences have taught me that nothing is as clear cut as it seems when it comes to human beliefs and relations. My position(s) are as simple as they are complex. Here are a few or more: I believe we all have the power within us to improve, become better and fulfill our wants, needs, desires, – our dreams. I believe whichever way […]

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