Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Kate Kelly R.I.P. – What I Learned From an ADHD Master

Kate Kelly R.I.P. – What I Learned From an ADHD Master
Thumbnail image for Kate Kelly R.I.P. – What I Learned From an ADHD Master

Kate Kelly A friend, ADHD pioneer, co-author of the book You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid Or Crazy?! and an incredibly positive light in the worldwide ADHD community passed away last week. Kate will be missed. She’s left a remarkable legacy. Her message of hope will carry on. She touched so many. For better words about Kate, please read posts by Rick Green, Zoë Kessler and Madelyn Griffith-Haynie. I had tears in my eyes as I read them. Kate touched them profoundly, as she did so many of us. If you’ve posted a tribute to Kate, please feel free to link to it in the comments. I wish I had known her as well as they did. Not only ADHD… I’ve wanted to write something about Kate since I heard the sad news, but my emotions were too strong to realize what I wanted to say. I waited. After reflection and rereading messages from her […]

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Stop Seeking Perfection and Approval, especially if you have ADD / ADHD

Stop Seeking Perfection and Approval, especially if you have ADD / ADHD
Thumbnail image for Stop Seeking Perfection and Approval, especially if you have ADD / ADHD

How to stop striving for perfection and approval, that’s what this post and my latest FREE eBook is about. Special shout-out to Healthline for awarding my blog, one of the best ADHD blogs on the web! Thank you! I am a recovering perfectionist. I’ve never been perfect, mind you, not even close. But that didn’t stop me from striving to be. I always thought, somewhere in the back of my mind, that if I could achieve perfection then I would also achieve approval. It’s not that I told myself those things. No. It was behind the scenes of my thoughts that the idea was somehow planted, grew roots and those roots eventually strangled my creativity, my goals, my hopes, my enjoyment and my happiness. And, I have ADHD, too! I didn’t know that I was a perfectionist until I was diagnosed with ADHD and quite a ways into treatment. I was diagnosed with […]

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ADDer World updates

ADDer World updates

 We have started our new Signed Book Giveaway Contest: Untapped Brilliance: How to Reach Your Full Potential As an Adult with Attention Deficit Disorder by Jacqueline Sinfield. I’ve read the book and I really like it, Jacqueline has provided us with a brilliant roadmap to reaching our full potential in her book Untapped Brilliance!   It’s easy to enter the drawing by starting a new relevant topic on our ADDer World ADHD Social Network, inviting new members and, new members are automatically entered into the drawing box.   We are well over 3000 members now!! Goodness, we started as a relatively small community for people seeking a more positive place to discuss the trails, tribulations, triumphs and inspirations of life with ADHD. Over Three…Thousand members – we’ve come quite a ways. And our members are an active bunch, with over 1600 blog posts and over 1000 topics posted in the main […]

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Educating the Public about ADHD

Educating the Public about ADHD

Pick a disorder, any disorder, that you do not know much about. Find someone with that disorder and I’ll bet they wish you would understand the issues they are dealing with a little bit more. They may even wish that you would walk in their shoes for a day or two. The thing about educating the public about ADHD is that it can be so different for each and every one of us. ADHD is a neurobiological disorder with a spectrum of symptoms. Truly understanding ADHD can be mind boggling just for us, not to mention there’s so much disagreement in our community on how we should talk about it, perceive it and respond to it. Then we have the media that shouts out to the public the latest research and statistics about ADHD, but doesn’t really tell folks how people deal with it on an individual basis, each different […]

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Is Awareness the Answer to ADHD Suffering?

Is Awareness the Answer to ADHD Suffering?

I created ADDer World, the ADHD social network not just to create awareness of and about ADHD. – Nearly everyone is already aware of ADHD unless they have been living in a remote area without TV, the Web or Newspapers for the last ten years. The problem is something else. Most do not fully understand what it is or the people who have it. That’s where the real problem is, understanding and relating. I created ADDer World so folks with ADHD can come together and discuss things we ‘get’ together. A lot of times we are not looking for specific answers or specific solutions, we just don’t want to be alone, or worse, feel like we are alone.  The truth is we don’t have to be alone. Everyone has problems with or without ADHD, we all have issues and differing dynamics and most people simply focus on their own situations and how they are going to make it […]

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