How to stop striving for perfection and approval, that’s what this post and my latest FREE eBook is about. Special shout-out to Healthline for awarding my blog, one of the best ADHD blogs on the web! Thank you! I am a recovering perfectionist. I’ve never been perfect, mind you, not even close. But that didn’t stop me from striving to be. I always thought, somewhere in the back of my mind, that if I could achieve perfection then I would also achieve approval. It’s not that I told myself those things. No. It was behind the scenes of my thoughts that the idea was somehow planted, grew roots and those roots eventually strangled my creativity, my goals, my hopes, my enjoyment and my happiness. And, I have ADHD, too! I didn’t know that I was a perfectionist until I was diagnosed with ADHD and quite a ways into treatment. I was diagnosed with […]
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