Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


ADHD and Insomnia! 10 Tips How to Overcome Insomnia and 1 Big No – No!

ADHD and Insomnia! 10 Tips How to Overcome Insomnia and 1 Big No – No!
Thumbnail image for ADHD and Insomnia! 10 Tips How to Overcome Insomnia and 1 Big No – No!

Beyond Tired I’m tired. It is 3am as I write this and I am still awake. Well, yes, I’d have to be in order to be writing this. But here’s the thing, I went to bed at 10pm. It was a respectable time and I was already very tired. As usual, after I slipped under the warm covers I randomly chose a book from my nightstand. There’s plenty there, a large pile actually. (I cleared the clutter from my desk. I never promised myself to do the same thing for my nightstand.) Reading a book at night puts me to sleep, unless it is extremely good and if that’s the case I can become so hyper-focused that I keep reading until it’s too late (or early) to get any sleep at all. 3 potty breaks, 4 water breaks and a piece of pie later and I am still awake. Yes, pie. Apple if […]

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The Gift of Positivity even With ADHD

The Gift of Positivity even With ADHD

There’s a lot to say about ADHD We know the devastations and the ramifications of untreated ADHD and oftentimes treatments don’t always work all that well and we spend years, upon years looking for the magic potion. Yet, sooner or later, we come to a point when we realize that one doesn’t exist. Or, does it? No, probably not, but something else does exist and it can come pretty darn close. Have you ever been beat down, physically punished to the point that the pain is so horrible you can’t even see straight, much less think straight? I have, more times than I care to remember. I’ve been through horrendous, painful things that have been brought on by my untreated, undiagnosed ADHD and a lot of it before I ever reached my teens. You might think I would grow to be an extremely resentful, angry and hurt person. You would be […]

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ADD is Real & Suprise Updates

ADD is Real & Suprise Updates

Remember the wonderful, helpful and sensitive video by a young lady talking about ADHD? Yes, that one! It captured our attention and exemplified for many of us, how we feel. The video is posted above, if you missed it. And if you enjoy the video, she’s joined us on our ADDer World ADHD Social Network, perhaps you would like to welcome her and/or comment on her video. Okay, I think I am done tinkering with the logo and site colors for a while on our ADHD Social Network. I say that, but you know I have ADD, so don’t count on it. However, I do feel I have finally aced the logo. Again, remember, I have ADD. You can tell me what you think here. New member, Jason, shares with us his very personal and revealing story. It’s touching and important, which is a good addition to uncovering ADD: Hi there! I’m […]

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