Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

8 Steps how to Super Focus at Will! Free eBook

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New FREE eBook:

8 Steps How to hyper Super Focus at Will!

This eBook is for anyone who wants to learn how to Super Focus at will! Especially for those people in sports, school or just need more control of their focus. ADHD not required!

Thanks to a special article about hyper focusing, I recently published in ADDitude magazine (fall 2009), I have received many emails asking me how I learned to hyper focus at will and make it a beneficial trait I can call upon whenever I want. To clarify, I have used the term ‘hyper’ because it is most recognizable; however, I now personally call it SUPER Focusing. When focusing is not within one’s control, I believe it should be defined as ’hyper’. Although, when we purposely aim to achieve the state of being ‘hyper’ Focused at will, when we in fact control it to our advantage, the results can be extremely rewarding and that is SUPER Focus!

This eBook is not specifically about managing particular traits of ADHD, but about harnessing your potential to Super Focus at will, whether you have ADHD or not. Many of you have been in the zone, when the stars have seemingly aligned, hyper focusing at one time or another. It is my ambition to help you achieve super focus by design!

You can right click the above link to my new eBook and ‘save as’ to save to your computer. Please feel free to pass on this eBook to anyone who may benefit.

If you have not read my article about hyper focusing in the fall ’09 edition of ADDitude Magazine, you can get yourself a copy here.
