In a recent study of tens of thousands of people over many years, it was found that coffee drinkers (I raise my hand with pride) have no more heart attacks or strokes than those who do not drink coffee! But, here’s the catch, coffee drinkers actually appear to have lower risk. (Get out of town! That’s my kind of catch.) It’s true. The study says so. For me that’s good enough. (I sip my cup of Joe in satisfaction.)
I love coffee. I do. I sip it. I caress it. And. Let me be a little more open than usual (you can look away), I sometimes talk softly to it. Yes. Coffee may provide the best stimulation I have ever experienced from something in a cup. I’m blushing. I don’t care. I have no shame. Not for something I love.
Guess what, though, according to WebMD, coffee may actually have even more benefits. (Can this day get any better?) More and more research shows that coffee drinkers, compared to (gasp!) non-coffee drinkers, are less likely to have type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and dementia. And there’s more, coffee drinkers may also have fewer cases of certain cancers and heart rhythm problems.
Now, let’s be clear that I am not advocating that you drink coffee, but for me, as someone with ADHD, this is all great news. No. I take that back. It is glorious news! The first thing I want in the morning is a cup of coffee! As a matter of fact when I had trouble waking up in the morning I used to have a thermos of coffee on my night stand. Just a sip, a heavenly sip, that’s all I needed and my eyes would brighten, my brain would light up (like Christmas) and I would finally be able to do the incredible, remove my blankets. Another deep sip and I would be standing, ready for the day! Dare I say I even became a cheerier person?
Yes. I said it: CHEERIER!
Remember a moment ago when I asked if this day can get any better? It can! I stumbled upon an article on CNN that for women, the risk of depression falls as coffee intake rises. (Get the heck out of here!) Yep, AND I think it is for men, too. I mean, I’m a guy and don’t I seem happier? Let me take another sip. Oh yes. Can’t you see my smile widen? Take a sip of yours. There you go. Now we are smiling together.
Reading the CNN article further, according to yet ANOTHER study (better and better), conducted among men in Finland, has also linked caffeine consumption to lower risk of depression. (This is truly one heck of a good day!) Happiness in a cup of Joe. Somehow I think I already knew this one. It’s the same with chocolate. Who doesn’t get happier after eating a piece of chocolate? Guys, too. You don’t have to say so, but we all know the truth. Chocolate + Coffee = the world is a better place. Indeed.
Do you want more good news about coffee? Are you sure you can handle it? It might be too much in just one blog post. Go ahead and take another drink of your precious Joe. I will wait. (Yes. I am convinced coffee helps my ADHD symptoms. So I can wait very patiently while you taste your lovely Java. Take your time. No rush.)
Okay, are you ready for this? Then here you go: According to an article on Physorg a study by researchers at the University of Scranton shows that Coffee is the number one (1) source of antioxidants in the U.S. diet! We’ve hit the mother-load of good news about coffee! And you thought popcorn was good, but how about some coffee with that popcorn?! (If you’re confused about my popcorn reference please read the awesome news I posted about it in a previous article here.)
Furthermore, in the many forums and discussions I have been involved in about ADHD, many people have said that coffee helps them with their ADHD symptoms. That’s not a study, of course, just my totally inconclusive observations. Even so, Coffee is known to have some side effects and in depth research is needed on the benefits for adults and children with ADHD. For me, though, personally, I started drinking coffee much later than most, in my 30’s and perhaps only coincidently, my ADHD symptoms have improved in that same timeframe. (Example: when I lose my car keys, my reading glasses or my wallet, a nice, long, deep passionate drink of Coffee helps me remember where I put them. Seriously.)
Final word: I love coffee! Did you have any doubts? So, are you a coffee drinker? Do these studies provide, well, a certain sense of grand satisfaction?
Oh, and by the way, drinking coffee doesn’t make anyone shorter. That’s just a myth. Really. I think.