Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Norwegian study links Milk and Gluten with ADHD

Norwegian study links Milk and Gluten with ADHD

I just read a very good article by Dr. Eleanor Rolnick about a decade long Norwegian study involving 23 children with ADHD who were put on milk free and gluten free diets. The theory that milk and gluten interfere with the breakdown of certain proteins was developed by Dr. Karl Ludvig. The theory is a metabolic predicament which seems to be triggered when eating milk and gluten and therefore may accelerate ADHD. 22 of the children in the study showed almost immediate mental health improvement, overall behavior, as well as enhanced attention span with increased learning capabilities! “Long term monitoring of these children has found their disorders to be manageable while the challenges they once faced have virtually disappeared.” – So, what do I think of this? Actually, I must concur with the results of this study, with the results of my own recent diet change! It has been […]

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Part of the ADD ADHD dilemma or Bipolar?

Part of the ADD ADHD dilemma or Bipolar?

I have decided that once a week I will address the most interesting subject from your emails in a Blog Article and this week’s will deal with: is it ADD ADHD or Bipolar? In a recent email a reader asked me if ADHD can be misdiagnosed as Bipolar. The simple answer and the definite answer is, please, see a doctor—I am not a doctor.  I cannot answer that question; however, I can give you my personal opinion, but remember it is only another Adder’s opinion and nothing more than that. You must see a doctor for such inquiries. There are many tests and evaluations one must go through. I cannot, and clearly will not, give you any medical advice other than that you see a Doctor! –so there! However, I have this for you: ADD and ADHD present a lot of obstacles in one’s life, but one of the most […]

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Comments, Suggestions and Ideas

Comments, Suggestions and Ideas

The reason I created Adder World was and is to help spread understanding and awareness of ADD ADHD. I speak from experiences I have had, what I have researched and the experiences others have shared with me. I do not claim to be a doctor or any other type of medical professional. If my experiences and what I have observed and therefore write about help bring awareness and inquiry to others, then I am achieving my said goal and hopefully more. You can help me! Read on if you really, really want to help…

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Co-Morbid= Multiple Illnesses or Disorders

Co-Morbid= Multiple Illnesses or Disorders

Co-morbidity with ADDers is fairly common. When I first heard the world ‘Co-morbid’ I was kind of creeped out. I have to admit, the word morbid is involved and to me that sounds kind of, well, morbid. Doesn’t it? Co-morbid doesn’t mean anything like what I thought. Co-morbid is a term used when referring to the fact that more than one disease or disorder is present and they are related in some manner. Personally, I would prefer another word had been selected for such a description. Nobody really wants to explain their illnesses or disorders as morbid.

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