Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Download ADHD eBook – share it plz

Download ADHD eBook – share it plz

Wow, what an overwhelming response from the new PDF I sent out yesterday! Thank you to all of you who responded with comments and suggestions!! Okay, I changed up the document because many of you had nearly the same suggestions. I included some of the more ‘controversial‘ articles and what seem the current favorites: Is it ADHD or bad luck & Is Sex important to someone with ADHD?. Those of you that wrote me mentioned these articles would make you more likely to share the file with others. I also included the quote that I have on my blog – it was interesting that several mentioned it; I didn’t realize it was so popular 🙂 Here’s the updated file: ADHD_A_Real_Life_Story_Bryan_Hutchinson (download) Please download the file to your computer by right clicking and using ‘save target’ or however you do it. If you send it in an email to friends send it […]

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Sex Love Marriage Affairs and ADHD

Sex Love Marriage Affairs and ADHD

Why does it seem that too many people with ADHD come to a point in their relationship that they seek an affair, or simply find themselves in the midst of overly fantasizing about having an affair? This doesn’t apply to everyone and yet, there seems to be a growing number of mid-aged ADDers fooling around while married or in a long term relationship. What gives? It seemed like a good relationship. Yes, it had some ups and downs, what relationship doesn’t? I have a theory about some affairs and people with ADHD. Actually, I have several theories, but in this post I am going to try to keep it to just one of them. Remember though, it’s just my theory and, like I said, it doesn’t cover every affair. This particular theory deals with late bloomers. Many of us with ADHD are late bloomers, including some that are early diagnosed […]

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Is Sex important to someone with ADHD?

Is Sex important to someone with ADHD?

Not really. Physical sex that is, it is nearly irrelevant. You wouldn’t think so, because, well, we probably think of sex more than we think of anything else. However, we don’t think of physical sex that much, not in that way. Do you doubt me? Then read on. Our inherent definition of sex is entirely different than what we think sex should be. I mean to say that what marketers, advertisers and movies, TV and magazines show us what sex should be, isn’t what we define sex to be.  And you know what – sex in of itself is uninspiring for someone with ADHD, and yet, for someone who doesn’t have ADHD, I have heard tell that that having sex, physically and emotionally, with someone who has ADHD can be the best sexual experience they have ever had, the first few times, that is. Have you heard this too? I am […]

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The Harshness and Disasters of ADHD Relationships

The Harshness and Disasters of ADHD Relationships

Not all relationships with an ADDer are harsh and not all relationships are doomed to failure. However, there seems to me to be a relating factor in most the messages I read across the internet by other ADDers. It goes like this – the relationship starts off great and then after a while the sparks and fireworks tend to wear off and the ADDer becomes bored. We say things like the other person didn’t help me, motivate me, validate me and the number 1 complaint is that he or she did not excite me anymore. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t a relationship about two people? Isn’t there more involved than just the other person pleasing us all the time, doing what we need and want? Yes, relationships do change after a couple years as two people get relaxed around each other, that is natural, and yet difficult […]

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That Relationship

That Relationship

The complete story to this article is within the pages of my MEMOIR  I write about relationships quite a bit, I like to write about them and I hope what I have written has meant something for those who read my articles. The ADD ADHD mind is very complex and not everyone is the same, we can relate on a lot of levels and in a lot of situations and I believe when it comes to relationships we relate quite well with each other too. Have you ever had that relationship that stays in your mind, fresh and alive, it never goes away and sometimes that past relationship provides a smile when you need it most and other times it brings sadness and ultimately it keeps one from potential new relationships or it complicates new relationships? I have had that relationship, so powerful and real. It was my first relationship and as […]

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The ADD ADHD Ghosts of Relationships past

The ADD ADHD Ghosts of Relationships past

A frequent question I am asked is how to get over past relationships, especially the relationships which never make it off the ground. That’s a tough question. First of all, I don’t know if ‘getting over’ the past is the right way to look at this. I am sure you, just like me, have been told time and again to just get over something, let it go or forget about it. Don’t you just love that? Not too helpful is it? “Just get over it” and presto it’s gone, wiped from your mind never to rear its ugly head ever again! If you have ADD ADHD you know it is not as simple as that, it’s not and frankly I don’t think it’s that simple for anyone when it comes to a past situation that has significant emotional impact. The problem for us ADDers is that we have a lot of […]

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ADD ADHD Relationships Start Exciting, but what happens next? PART 3 – The lost art of listening

ADD ADHD Relationships Start Exciting, but what happens next? PART 3 – The lost art of listening

Hear and Listen, and come together I consider this part to be of the utmost importance for us ADDers. In the previous article I talked about asking questions, being interested, but I did not mean just appear to be interested. People appreciate, respect and even love those who pay attention to them with purposeful interest. I am talking legitimate interest here, not stalker interest. Don’t you just hate it when you are talking and talking, expressing yourself and baring your soul and all the while you think the other person cares and then later, when you bring up a previous point, the other person has a deer in the headlight look, which means he or she was not listening? That’s pretty rude, don’t you think? Many ADDers are known for, uhmmm, ahem, not paying attention. When we do not pay attention, we don’t listen and when we don’t listen, we […]

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ADD ADHD Relationships Start Exciting, but what happens next? PART 2

ADD ADHD Relationships Start Exciting, but what happens next? PART 2

  Chew, taste and enjoy. That’s easy to say, but some relationships with ADDers get off to such an exciting start it takes a major act of will power to stop and smell the flowers every once in a while. If a relationship with an ADDer is to be healthy and last, smelling the flowers might be the most important thing a couple can do for each other, especially at the beginning. Fear of failure and fear of revealing too much can be a motivational factor for an ADDer to not slow down and keep the hot fires roaring just to avoid giving anything of his or her real self. And yet we wonder why in the world relationships don’t work and why they keep ending without substance. The truth is simple, no matter how exciting and exhilarating the initial relationship is, we eventually will have to take time to […]

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ADD ADHD Relationships Start Exciting, but what happens next?

ADD ADHD Relationships Start Exciting, but what happens next?

  One of the most familiar things all ADD ADHD relationships seem to have in common is that they most always have a very exciting beginning. Once the initial meeting has happened and two people connect, that’s when it is full speed ahead and it might be months, even years before the two involved catch a breath and actually get to know each other. This might be the most fantastic time in their lives, but it could also be very dangerous. Why dangerous? You might ask…

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ADD ADHD affected my relationships and finding love Part 3

ADD ADHD affected my relationships and finding love Part 3

Good day everyone! I received a few emails from these last few articles concerning relationships and it was asked that I give more details and give clearer explanations of the ‘signs’ that I missed. I am going to try and do that a bit here in today’s post. But first let me explain a bit about what I am trying to do with my blog and writing about my life with Attention Deficit Disorder. It is my attempt to help others by writing openly about my experiences and allowing you to take from my writing what you will. Unfortunately, there are no clear and perfect 1, 2, 3 steps you can follow and be cured. ADD ADHD is amazing like that – the more we read about it, learn about it and share our experiences, the better we understand and the better we can cope. My experiences, the articles written […]

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