Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Pittsburgh Steelers Jonathan Dwyer is a Positive Role Model with ADHD

Pittsburgh Steelers Jonathan Dwyer is a Positive Role Model with ADHD

Last night I watched the Pittsburgh Steelers game against the Washington Redskins and it was an amazing game. The Steelers won! It was amazing because the Steelers were controlling the game with the running game, something they failed to do for most of the last 4 years. It was thanks in no small part to the young running back named, Jonathan Dwyer. Jonathan was getting his start due to injuries to other players. Dwyer so far has two games in a row with over 100 yards rushing. The Steelers haven’t had back to back 100 yard rushing games, again, in 4 years! Dwyer is a great running back, clearly, and the Steelers find themselves lucky to have him. He’s so good that he’s created a running backs controversy with the Steelers because he’s only filling in at the moment, but that looks as if that may change soon. This is all well and […]

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7 Strategies on How to Remember What You’ve Read. The ADHD Way.

7 Strategies on How to Remember What You’ve Read. The ADHD Way.

Reading, Memory and ADHD As you well know reading is one thing, remembering what you’ve read is another. Dang it. I love reading. Truly, I do. But it’s often been a frustrating experience because I have ADHD. I read for minutes or for hours and then when finished I come to realize I don’t remember a thing. Nope. Nothing. Blank. Nada. I’m lucky to remember the book title. This was a pain in the booty back in my school days. It’s kind of weird, but I tend to remember things better two weeks later rather than after 2 hours. Go ahead, try and explain that to your teacher. However, the good news is that over the years of beating my head against books (paperbacks, because hardbacks hurt), I have come up with strategies that help me remember. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t. So below are the top 7 that have been the most […]

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6 Life-Changing Reasons You Should Celebrate the Positives of Your ADD

6 Life-Changing Reasons You Should Celebrate the Positives of Your ADD

From Bryan: This is a guest post by Andrea Nordstrom. Andrea is a mental health therapist and the author of the blog The Art of ADD. Be sure to check out her blog and get a copy of The ADD Artist’s Toolkit (free). Having ADD sucks. Did I just say that? Hmm, looks like I did. Not being able to breathe under water also sucks. Why are fish and a limited number of mammals the only sentient beings blessed with the ability to navigate life fully immersed in water? I would love to frolic under the sea for hours without coming up for oxygen. But I wasn’t born with gills, so I can’t. I also really hate the fact that I can’t fly. I could get to work a lot quicker if things like traffic and gravity wouldn’t get in my way. The view would be amazing and the commute a […]

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5 Important Reasons to Focus on What Could Go Right (even if you have ADHD!)

5 Important Reasons to Focus on What Could Go Right (even if you have ADHD!)

The mind seeks to create what it constantly focuses on. 1) When focusing on what could go right we look for solutions, opinions, ideas, tools and even take lessons to create the outcome we desire. Alternatively, by focusing on what could go wrong we avoid those things because it’s going to go wrong anyway. 2) When focusing on what could go right we notice all the little things that will help us. The tiniest steps forward are viewed as progress. By focusing on what could go wrong any step forward is likely to be disregarded as never enough. 3) Focusing on what could go right stimulates and sustains your inspiration, motivation and enthusiasm. Why would you need those if it’s going to go wrong? 4) Focusing on what could go right creates a “can do” mentality. Focusing on what can go wrong creates a “can’t do” mentality. 5) Our focus attracts certain types of people. By focusing on what could go right […]

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ADHD and Insomnia! 10 Tips How to Overcome Insomnia and 1 Big No – No!

ADHD and Insomnia! 10 Tips How to Overcome Insomnia and 1 Big No – No!

Beyond Tired I’m tired. It is 3am as I write this and I am still awake. Well, yes, I’d have to be in order to be writing this. But here’s the thing, I went to bed at 10pm. It was a respectable time and I was already very tired. As usual, after I slipped under the warm covers I randomly chose a book from my nightstand. There’s plenty there, a large pile actually. (I cleared the clutter from my desk. I never promised myself to do the same thing for my nightstand.) Reading a book at night puts me to sleep, unless it is extremely good and if that’s the case I can become so hyper-focused that I keep reading until it’s too late (or early) to get any sleep at all. 3 potty breaks, 4 water breaks and a piece of pie later and I am still awake. Yes, pie. Apple if […]

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Why Someone Is always Better And What To Do About It (& The ADHD Factor)

Why Someone Is always Better And What To Do About It (& The ADHD Factor)

I don’t know about you, but there are days when I wonder about what I am doing and why am I doing it. I ask myself a simple question and too often the answer leaves me wanting. That question is: Am I good enough? I know, I’ve written a free eBook on the subject and I’ve repeatedly told you that you are good enough. Still, believing it is sometimes difficult, even, dare I say, impossible. I really did write that sentence. Forgive me. Today’s post is about blogging in my case, but it could be about something else, anything else, for you. Something you’re interested in. Something you want to excel at. Something you work hard at. You pick the something. I read a lot of blogs and at the top of my list is Seth Godin’s. He’s a remarkable blogger. He’s the cream of the crop. Seth writes in a […]

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Clutter Creates Anxiety and Destroys Creativity! (How to Make Creativity Flow)

Clutter Creates Anxiety and Destroys Creativity! (How to Make Creativity Flow)

Organized Chaos Have you ever heard anyone use the phrase, “organized chaos”? Well that is how I used to refer to the clutter on my home office desk. But, really, if I am honest, it was disorganized chaos and it drove me crazy! I’ll explain, but first… A great ride! On saturday I went for a  relaxing drive, it felt fantastic. My car seemed to drive better, smoother and dare I say it even smelled better! I really enjoyed being out on the road, sailing the streets and listening to rock and roll music. My mind filled with ideas I might write about. Ideas I could grab, hold on to and use. My creativity was flowing right along with the speed of my car down the highway. It’s the same car I have had for the last 5 years, but something was different. For some unknown reason I woke up one day last […]

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Sometimes You Must Fail To Succeed Even if you Have ADHD!

Sometimes You Must Fail To Succeed Even if you Have ADHD!

Oops! I didn’t do it again. Recently, I wrote a post about one of my greatest phobias. In the post I told you about how I tried to ride a mountainside roller coaster and jumped off when my wife and I reached the top of the mountain just before it could begin to sail back down. It was a big mistake and I totally failed! I silently beat myself up about the failure the entire time that I was climbing back down the mountain. Yes, even as I waved at the people riding up. The people who would succeed where I failed. I told myself I wanted to try again, but I knew if I just hopped back on the roller coaster I would simply do what I’ve done so often before, I’d repeat my mistake. I failed, indeed. But I also realized something. I needed to try again, but I would need […]

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5 Steps To Get What You Want, Even If You Have ADHD!

5 Steps To Get What You Want, Even If You Have ADHD!

What does a small white dog look like? Visualized the picture of a small white dog in your mind’s eye. Close your eyes for a moment. Imagine – Small. White. Dog. Roll with me on this. Got it? Did you clearly see an image of a small white dog in your mind or perhaps remember a dog that fit the description? Okay, I cheated by posting a picture of a small white dog. I do that sometimes. The mind’s eye is powerful. What if I told you that if you want something you must first visualize having it. Would you believe that? We do it all the time. I am willing to bet (and you can let me know) that today or perhaps for the next couple days you are going to notice (or think about) more small white dogs than normal. We visualize things all the time with our words, […]

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Medication and Diet OMG! Why ADD ADHD is so Misunderstood

Medication and Diet OMG! Why ADD ADHD is so Misunderstood

It’s a sad reality. Most people don’t understand ADHD. And, quite frankly, many do not want to. Unfortunately, too many are intolerant or ignorant. ADHD is an excuse, they say. Some go further than that, as you will soon read, and blame ADHD on pharmaceutical companies who, as you know, created ADHD so they can sell their over-priced medications. They have that power, apparently. Those reasons and more are why ADD ADHD is so misunderstood . It truly is amazing what some people believe or want to believe, isn’t it? Today I want to call your attention to an article published by Jaqui Karr. “Destroying Children with the Cloak of ADHD: Parents Need to Pay Attention” Karr states unequivocally: The problems AND answers lie in food. Sadly the pharmaceutical companies will do everything in their power to get the “experts” and medical community to say otherwise. Even sadder is that for the […]

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