Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Stop Seeking Perfection and Approval, especially if you have ADD / ADHD

Stop Seeking Perfection and Approval, especially if you have ADD / ADHD

How to stop striving for perfection and approval, that’s what this post and my latest FREE eBook is about. Special shout-out to Healthline for awarding my blog, one of the best ADHD blogs on the web! Thank you! I am a recovering perfectionist. I’ve never been perfect, mind you, not even close. But that didn’t stop me from striving to be. I always thought, somewhere in the back of my mind, that if I could achieve perfection then I would also achieve approval. It’s not that I told myself those things. No. It was behind the scenes of my thoughts that the idea was somehow planted, grew roots and those roots eventually strangled my creativity, my goals, my hopes, my enjoyment and my happiness. And, I have ADHD, too! I didn’t know that I was a perfectionist until I was diagnosed with ADHD and quite a ways into treatment. I was diagnosed with […]

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10 Things I Hate About ADHD Extended Edition Kindle coming soon!!

10 Things I Hate About ADHD Extended Edition Kindle coming soon!!

Update: 10 Things I Hate About ADHD has been one of the most popular and downloaded ADHD eBooks ever! Soon I will be releasing an extended edition subtitled “Laughing at Distraction” there will be 10 more things included and the originals have been extended. It is funnier than ever. It will be released as Kindle. The original version is still available in the eBooks group on our network for a little while longer, but it has been removed from other 3rd party websites. After tens of thousands of downloads, my first ever eBook will be getting the funniest update ever, I say! I look forward to letting you know when it is available. Short Excerpt (I hate repeating mistakes): You can like my facebook page to stay updated (right column), or join the ADHD social Network ADDer World!! Are you ready to laugh? Are you ready to have fun? Are you tired […]

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Who are the Famous, Successful Women with ADHD?

Who are the Famous, Successful Women with ADHD?

Why don’t we hear more about them? . This is my attempt at guessing part of the reason: . I do not entirely know the answer. However, I do know that for a long time it was thought that ADHD was only an issue for males, but we now know that is simply not the case. Women have ADHD, too! And, I am certain there are many who have overcome, succeeded and who are thriving with ADHD. . But why don’t we hear more about them? . Two of the most successful movie franchises at the moment have women in the lead, doing action flicks as used to be only done by men (Underworld / Resident Evil). Some highly successful women are also becoming self-made millionaires and billionaires, leaving most men in the dust (J. K. Rowling / Sheryl Sandberg). . So what’s notable about these women and their success […]

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What is your life’s purpose? Let’s find out! Even if you have ADHD!

What is your life’s purpose? Let’s find out! Even if you have ADHD!

What is your life’s purpose? What is that “something” that fills you with abundant energy and joy? . Everyone has it, that “It” factor, that special quality that sets them apart from everyone else. It’s their purpose and doing it takes no excessive effort or exasperating force of will. It comes naturally, like a cool breeze on a hot summer’s day. It’s not about making money or meeting any requirements or doing something that you are “told”. . Most of a person’s life with ADHD is doing things that do not come naturally. It starts in school and just seems to continue forever. This typically happens because we live in a world setup for the non-ADDer and we are regularly following guidelines and rules created for people without ADHD. We are constantly trying to “fit in” and be different than we are wired to be. We are today’s left handers practically […]

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How to be Happy Every Day Even if you have ADHD free eBook

How to be Happy Every Day Even if you have ADHD free eBook

Today I would like to pass on my heartfelt thanks to you, the readers! Thanks for the opportunity to write about something that means so much to me! Well, I’ve thought a lot about what I want to write in this post, but there are no perfect words, so please allow me to skip directly to the gift giving! In the tradition of the holidays and to pass on my deepest thanks to you, I am giving away my latest eBook, How to be Happy Every Day – Even if you have ADHD. It is my holiday gift to you. Click Here. Download link now available in the free eBooks group on our ADHD social network (updated 2/12/12) I hope you enjoy this new eBook and please do pass it forward. Share it with your friends and anyone you think will enjoy it.  – Several people have emailed me asking what they can […]

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Amazon Takes down Illegal Kindle Copies of Free EBooks

Amazon Takes down Illegal Kindle Copies of Free EBooks

Last week I posted about my free eBook, 7 Crucial Tips for Parents and Teachers of Children with ADHD, which was bootlegged, uploaded to and sold as a Kindle download. Amazon has taken down the illegal Kindle bootlegged copy, as they have taken down the other eBooks by me that were not authorized. This is a very important story, because Amazon is one of the premier retailers online which bootleggers / pirates have targeted and are using illegally. If I had not accidentally found my fee eBooks there to begin with then they would still be there. Why is it important to share this story? Because authors take a lot of time and effort to provide a market of free eBooks, if bootleggers are going to take them and successfully sell them as Kindle books, then we all may suffer by less effort to provide free eBooks online. Do you enjoy […]

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Illegal copy of my work on Amazon AGAIN! BEWARE!

Illegal copy of my work on Amazon AGAIN! BEWARE!

Readers please pass on this information that Amazon is again offering one of my FREE eBooks as a Kindle download and charging for it! Please share this post so that people are warned. The last time this happened with 10 Things I Hate about ADHD I only discovered it via a google search because it made it onto one of their bestseller lists. This time 7 Crucial Tips for Parents and Teachers of Children with ADHD is the victim of being illegally uploaded and sold as an unauthorized Kindle download! Someone is profiting from my work which I give away for free. I do not sell my free eBooks and I have not authorized my free eBooks for sell! The advice I have been given is to stop offering free eBooks. Is that really what I should do? This is frustrating and mentally exhausting. Amazon is a site of trust with an […]

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Modern Times and True Love Everlasting Redesigned Ebook

Modern Times and True Love Everlasting Redesigned Ebook

NEW COVER and New Design:  (Click on cover to download your free copy of the eBook, or click here. Save it to your computer. If you want a higher resolution version please email me for availablity.) About finding True Love in today’s times. So many people are looking for it, but can’t find it. This eBook answers the question of why true love is so hard to find today and how to find it. A few weeks ago when I was deciding which eBook I would have redesigned first, I decided to sort through all of the emails that I have received for my eBooks. Previously my categorizing was simply all eBook emails went into one folder. It took a couple days, but I eventually sorted each email into a folder for each eBook. At first I wondered if I would get it done, but I did! Then it was easy […]

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Finally! It’s available MY NEW EBook for Parents and Teachers of Children with ADHD FREE DOWNLOAD!

Finally! It’s available MY NEW EBook for Parents and Teachers of Children with ADHD FREE DOWNLOAD!

It’s here! My new eBook 7 Crucial Tips for Parents and Teachers of Children with ADHD is now available for download. The new eBook is a complete book and although it is written for parents and teachers, I believe it will also be a beneficial read for adults with ADHD as well. **Now available as a Kindle book, click here. The PDF free version is now only available in the Kindle edition. A very special thank you to Dr. David Crenshaw and Dr. Catherine Avery for your contributions to this eBook! I am honored for your input, your words of wisdom and the forewords you wrote and are included in this new eBook. A HUGE special thank you to my loving wife, Joan! She put up with me last year when I wrote this burning the midnight oil. I finished this eBook during Christmas and I do believe the completion was her most prized […]

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PDF Files of ADDer World ADD ADHD Articles

PDF Files of ADDer World ADD ADHD Articles

Here are the latest of my ADDer World articles created into nice little PDF’s for your viewing pleasure. You may save a copy to your computer and if you like, you can also share them with friends or on other sites of interest. ADHD_Impulsivity_Foot_in_the_Mouth.pdf Deliciously_Sexy.pdf Dream_your_Dream_Anew.pdf Is_Awareness_the_Answer_to_ADD_ADHD_Suffering.pdf Perspective_Life_with_Adult_ADHD_ADD.pdf Self_Doubt_and_the_ADHD_Mind.pdf If you haven’t checked out the first batch of downloadable PDF articles, you can do that here. *The question of using my free ebooks and PDF files as ‘gifts’ on other sites has come up a few times, and the answer is YES that’s okay, but please remember that these are free, so I do ask that you not charge for them. Several of you emailed me about printing problems with the files from the last set, I fixed that problem, but in order to do that I had to reformat the files, so if you still have that problem, please download a […]

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