Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


5 Important Reasons to Focus on What Could Go Right (even if you have ADHD!)

5 Important Reasons to Focus on What Could Go Right (even if you have ADHD!)

The mind seeks to create what it constantly focuses on. 1) When focusing on what could go right we look for solutions, opinions, ideas, tools and even take lessons to create the outcome we desire. Alternatively, by focusing on what could go wrong we avoid those things because it’s going to go wrong anyway. 2) When focusing on what could go right we notice all the little things that will help us. The tiniest steps forward are viewed as progress. By focusing on what could go wrong any step forward is likely to be disregarded as never enough. 3) Focusing on what could go right stimulates and sustains your inspiration, motivation and enthusiasm. Why would you need those if it’s going to go wrong? 4) Focusing on what could go right creates a “can do” mentality. Focusing on what can go wrong creates a “can’t do” mentality. 5) Our focus attracts certain types of people. By focusing on what could go right […]

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ADHD and the Gift of Being Distracted

ADHD and the Gift of Being Distracted

I have ADHD. I strive to reframe and rephrase my disadvantages and turn them into advantages. It’s something I try to do as much as possible. ADHD is a serious disorder that affects millions of people. The symptoms cause very serious challenges. Each person develops their own, personal coping skills in order to deal with their symptoms. Many of us, as I was, can easily become overwhelmed and will need very specific, specialized treatment, perhaps even medication. My point of view is part of my coping skills. It’s been working for me and I will tell you why. Over the years I have learned that I tend to get bored with certain tasks quickly and as a consequence I become easily distracted. To compensate, what I have learned to do is multi-task. That’s part of my answer to distraction. I spend short bursts of time on projects and quickly turn […]

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You Can Learn to Harness Your Ability to Focus and Concentrate Better – eBook

You Can Learn to Harness Your Ability to Focus and Concentrate Better – eBook

Since I have started this blog and published my first book One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir, the most frequent and prevalent inquires I have received have been about hyper focusing. Most have been from people who want to control it in some way. Anyone, with or without ADHD can control their ability to focus at will. I truly believe that. For those of us with ADHD it is far more challenging; however, when it is achieved at will, it can be repeated and eventually harnessed – if you are willing to take the steps to get there! The ‘willing‘ (motivation) part can get in our way, especially if you have ADHD; therefore, this eBook is written specifically with that in mind. The inquiries have come from all sorts of people from various backgrounds and, interestingly I started to realize that a great many of the inquiries were coming from people who do not […]

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