Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Kate Kelly R.I.P. – What I Learned From an ADHD Master

Kate Kelly R.I.P. – What I Learned From an ADHD Master

Kate Kelly A friend, ADHD pioneer, co-author of the book You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid Or Crazy?! and an incredibly positive light in the worldwide ADHD community passed away last week. Kate will be missed. She’s left a remarkable legacy. Her message of hope will carry on. She touched so many. For better words about Kate, please read posts by Rick Green, Zoë Kessler and Madelyn Griffith-Haynie. I had tears in my eyes as I read them. Kate touched them profoundly, as she did so many of us. If you’ve posted a tribute to Kate, please feel free to link to it in the comments. I wish I had known her as well as they did. Not only ADHD… I’ve wanted to write something about Kate since I heard the sad news, but my emotions were too strong to realize what I wanted to say. I waited. After reflection and rereading messages from her […]

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Prayer and ADHD

Prayer and ADHD

For me one of the best ways to control my impulses, or to find answers, is to believe in, and talk to God, the Universe or something higher using prayer. If I want to do something, but I don’t think I can: I Pray about it. If I want to control myself, but feel out of control: I Pray about it. If I want to slow down, but feel myself running when I should be walking: I Pray about it. If I want “fill in the blank”: I Pray about it. The key isn’t to know the answers or to even receive a divine answer, or providential influence: it is the process of slowing down and talking ‘it’ out with one’s self and the Universe, God or the entity that you choose. We don’t always need another ‘opinion’ to help us, but since ADHD is an ‘impulse control’ issue it’s […]

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Modern Times and True Love Everlasting Redesigned Ebook

Modern Times and True Love Everlasting Redesigned Ebook

NEW COVER and New Design:  (Click on cover to download your free copy of the eBook, or click here. Save it to your computer. If you want a higher resolution version please email me for availablity.) About finding True Love in today’s times. So many people are looking for it, but can’t find it. This eBook answers the question of why true love is so hard to find today and how to find it. A few weeks ago when I was deciding which eBook I would have redesigned first, I decided to sort through all of the emails that I have received for my eBooks. Previously my categorizing was simply all eBook emails went into one folder. It took a couple days, but I eventually sorted each email into a folder for each eBook. At first I wondered if I would get it done, but I did! Then it was easy […]

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The Shame Factor and ADHD

The Shame Factor and ADHD

The first rule of shame is not to talk about shame. I think a lot of us believe this unspoken rule. We may also believe that shame is weak, shame is admitting to being lesser than others and shame isn’t acceptable. Shame is something to be kept hidden in the dark. I think shame relates well to ADHD, because a common approach to shame is to state to someone ‘to pull it together’ or ‘quit feeling sorry for yourself’, and those of you familiar with ADHD know full well that neither of those two statements are effective, much less realistic. I speak from experience here, so please take what I am about to write from someone who’s been there and done that, nothing more. Please read this with caution, or if you are highly susceptible to triggers, please consider if this is the right time to read about this topic. The interesting […]

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The Gift of Positivity even With ADHD

The Gift of Positivity even With ADHD

There’s a lot to say about ADHD We know the devastations and the ramifications of untreated ADHD and oftentimes treatments don’t always work all that well and we spend years, upon years looking for the magic potion. Yet, sooner or later, we come to a point when we realize that one doesn’t exist. Or, does it? No, probably not, but something else does exist and it can come pretty darn close. Have you ever been beat down, physically punished to the point that the pain is so horrible you can’t even see straight, much less think straight? I have, more times than I care to remember. I’ve been through horrendous, painful things that have been brought on by my untreated, undiagnosed ADHD and a lot of it before I ever reached my teens. You might think I would grow to be an extremely resentful, angry and hurt person. You would be […]

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Is the burden of ADHD causing lost Childhoods?

Is the burden of ADHD causing lost Childhoods?

I am not like everyone else, I have ADHD and my childhood wasn’t normal either. Quite frankly, I don’t want to be like everyone else. I don’t want to conform to be someone better than anyone else or to be ‘normal’ and I certainly don’t want to be average. I have no such desire. I used to and it would drive me crazy. I like being me. I have some hard luck stories, I can tell you of all the mistakes I have made and the challenges that overwhelmed me, but sometimes the point is missed. I still have ADHD and many of the issues that come with it, but that is not my point. The reason I have revealed so much about myself is because I have overcome many challenges, found some decent workarounds and I have moved forward to a more positive place. But, I didn’t entirely conform […]

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Does Positive Thinking Work?

Does Positive Thinking Work?

In the last few years I have read thousands of emails from readers all over the world. Many love what I have written and thank me for going out on a ‘limb’ to share my life experiences. You, the readers are my driving source for writing, sharing and you inspire me to keep on keeping on, to continue sharing – it’s a very positive, uplifting and learning experience each time I read a letter or email from someone that has been touched by my writing. And what’s just as special is our ADDer World Social Network is nearing 2000 members! Originally, I had foreseen a couple dozen members of blog readers where we could get together and communicate a bit easier. Seems I am not the only one interested in finding a positive outlook, no, not by far and that’s awesome! Together we are never alone, no, never alone and […]

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ADHD and Brain Cancer and PMA

ADHD and Brain Cancer and PMA

Liza, this post is dedicated to you. Even if you have ADHD or worse, brain cancer, you too can be a role model, someone others look to and are inspired by, if you so choose. I know such a person and I am always incredibly impressed by her motivational, moving nature and most of all her resiliency under incredibly difficult circumstances, circumstances I can’t imagine living through, much less keeping a Positive Mental Attitude. I recently found out that I have been suffering from Mono for quite a while and although I knew I was constantly tired and rather drained, I feared the worse, but blood tests proved negative for just about everything until one doctor said my symptoms appeared similar to Mono and he tested for it. Bingo! Did you know you can suffer from Mono for several years even though the worst symptoms may never develop? I didn’t. […]

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Free Ebook: Modern Times & True Love Everlasting

Free Ebook: Modern Times & True Love Everlasting

I hope you enjoy this new ebooklet Modern Times & True Love Everlasting, it’s free for you to download and share with anyone you like. I believe it is an important message. It is an opinion piece, so I would love to hear your thoughts about it which may help me with the follow up edition! You can download it at THIS LINK or simply click on the cover. I know you have waited patiently for my new book Adult ADHD can be Sexy! It will be available within the next 4 weeks. Thank you and if you enjoy it, or think the message deserves it, please share it with friends and post it online to your blog or website, if you like. ~Bryan

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Aim for the Stars! Dream your Dream Anew

Aim for the Stars! Dream your Dream Anew

There’s a saying: “Aim for the stars and reach for the moon.” Did you know that when the moon makes its way around the earth it gets closer and further away as it travels in an ellipse. At the moon’s closest point to us it is 225,622 miles away and at its furthest it is something like, well, 252,088 miles away. Reaching for the moon was an impossibility in the not too distant past for all of mankind, but aiming for the stars has never been impossible for anyone, not for you and not for me. Have you ever dreamed a dream? It’s like aiming for the stars. It’s not about getting there. It’s never been about getting there. Some people reach their dream, but when they get there they suddenly find themselves lost and confused. They relish the fact that they have achieved the impossible and made it possible, […]

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