Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Why Someone Is always Better And What To Do About It (& The ADHD Factor)

Why Someone Is always Better And What To Do About It (& The ADHD Factor)

I don’t know about you, but there are days when I wonder about what I am doing and why am I doing it. I ask myself a simple question and too often the answer leaves me wanting. That question is: Am I good enough? I know, I’ve written a free eBook on the subject and I’ve repeatedly told you that you are good enough. Still, believing it is sometimes difficult, even, dare I say, impossible. I really did write that sentence. Forgive me. Today’s post is about blogging in my case, but it could be about something else, anything else, for you. Something you’re interested in. Something you want to excel at. Something you work hard at. You pick the something. I read a lot of blogs and at the top of my list is Seth Godin’s. He’s a remarkable blogger. He’s the cream of the crop. Seth writes in a […]

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Knowing Thyself With ADHD Can Improve Quality of Life!

Knowing Thyself With ADHD Can Improve Quality of Life!

Today I read a great blog post on our ADHD Social Network. The author presented a list of things she knows about herself. This article I’ve written today is inspired by her post and the comment I added there. I often recommend therapy for people like me, with ADHD, and sometimes there is a bit of confusion as to how therapy can help and although she did not talk about therapy, her blog post still pretty much hit the nail on the head!    Therapy helps us discover who we are, the ‘whys’ behind the things we do and the patterns we have put in place for ourselves and, helps us discover the things ‘we can do well’. Too many of us with ADHD struggle trying everything we can in order to do the things we are not good at, or to be how we believe we should be, either because we have been […]

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What you don’t know will hurt you!

What you don’t know will hurt you!

I was listening to an audio book recently: Challenge to Succeed by Jim Rohn. I recommend it to anyone interested in self improvement. In the audio Jim makes many good points about wealth, health and state of being. The most important point he makes is this: “What you don’t know will hurt you.” Any late diagnosed ADDer will tell you that this is too true. What if we had known 10 years, or, 20 years earlier? What if our parents had known and we were diagnosed as children? What a difference would that have made? We can deal with ‘what if’s’ all day long, but, what about today? Today there is a wealth of information available in books and on the internet. There is no reason we cannot self-educate ourselves about our condition, not in an information packed world such as ours. As anyone knows that reads my blog posts and […]

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