Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


5 Important Reasons to Focus on What Could Go Right (even if you have ADHD!)

5 Important Reasons to Focus on What Could Go Right (even if you have ADHD!)

The mind seeks to create what it constantly focuses on. 1) When focusing on what could go right we look for solutions, opinions, ideas, tools and even take lessons to create the outcome we desire. Alternatively, by focusing on what could go wrong we avoid those things because it’s going to go wrong anyway. 2) When focusing on what could go right we notice all the little things that will help us. The tiniest steps forward are viewed as progress. By focusing on what could go wrong any step forward is likely to be disregarded as never enough. 3) Focusing on what could go right stimulates and sustains your inspiration, motivation and enthusiasm. Why would you need those if it’s going to go wrong? 4) Focusing on what could go right creates a “can do” mentality. Focusing on what can go wrong creates a “can’t do” mentality. 5) Our focus attracts certain types of people. By focusing on what could go right […]

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This Is How ADHD Saved My Life!

This Is How ADHD Saved My Life!

On a recent trip to France, Joan and I stopped at a wild animal / amusement park in the middle of a forest. It was a beautiful park in a picturesque valley surrounded by tall trees that seemed to reach up and touch the sky. It was in this majestic place of splendor and tranquility that I came face to face with one of my most powerful phobias. And it was there that I tried to overcome my fear. I failed. In the worst imaginable way. Face your fears. So they say. At this park there is a roller coaster type ride that takes a steep climb up the side of a mountain and then it freely sails back to the bottom. Sounds like easy fun, right? I thought so, too. I don’t like roller coasters. I tend to avoid them at all costs. They scare the living crap out of me to put […]

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What is your life’s purpose? Let’s find out! Even if you have ADHD!

What is your life’s purpose? Let’s find out! Even if you have ADHD!

What is your life’s purpose? What is that “something” that fills you with abundant energy and joy? . Everyone has it, that “It” factor, that special quality that sets them apart from everyone else. It’s their purpose and doing it takes no excessive effort or exasperating force of will. It comes naturally, like a cool breeze on a hot summer’s day. It’s not about making money or meeting any requirements or doing something that you are “told”. . Most of a person’s life with ADHD is doing things that do not come naturally. It starts in school and just seems to continue forever. This typically happens because we live in a world setup for the non-ADDer and we are regularly following guidelines and rules created for people without ADHD. We are constantly trying to “fit in” and be different than we are wired to be. We are today’s left handers practically […]

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Lessons from Steve Jobs! Today is a Great Day even with ADHD!

Lessons from Steve Jobs! Today is a Great Day even with ADHD!

“Today is a day the Lord has made and I shall rejoice and be glad in it!” ~Me, today. I admit, I’ve never been an overly religious person, but the above statement always changes my perspective of the day that is ahead of me and I say it every morning when I wake up. Earlier this year I underwent surgery for something the doctors were not sure of. First, they were going to insert a camera into my body just above my naval and explore my insides to see if they could find the source of my pain and if they did, perhaps remove whatever it turned out to be. I had been suffering from severe pain in my abdomen for several months and didn’t know why. I was scared, to put it gently. They had already done every examination you can imagine, but could not find the source. As it turned out […]

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ADHD and Higher Standards

ADHD and Higher Standards

Think about it for a moment and consider that people, like you and me, with ADHD, we are seemingly held to higher standards. I don’t mean higher standards in that we are better than anyone else. I mean that if you have ADHD you are expected to do more to improve yourself. Our responsibility to ‘self-improvement’ is much higher than the average. First we must strive to attain what normal people attain, and then we must compete to be even better. Due to public opinion of ADHD we are constantly proving ourselves. Even so, it’s not the general public that concerns me, it’s the attitude and behavior of ‘a few’ who take it to the next level and are quite offensive towards anyone with labeled imperfections. Even with Michael Phelps’ success in swimming and achieving there are a few who say ‘oh you just wait his day of under achievement is […]

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The Boy That Became a Fiery Phoenix

The Boy That Became a Fiery Phoenix

I fully believe in the process of looking on the brighter side, it’s my way, it works for me. Each and every day is a day of opportunity, good things can happen and more often than not, when I expect good things to happen, they usually do. It wasn’t always this way. Having undiagnosed ADHD most of my life led to a lot of heartache and tragedy. I was constantly in the mode of waiting for the other shoe to drop and the other shoe typically dropped very hard indeed. What I have learned is that we usually get what we expect and to a degree we can create our own life-forecast.  It’s true. How many times have you heard a hard luck story of a person that was far worse off than anything you have experienced and the story goes on to tell about that person rising from the […]

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ADHD is a fad again?! Shame and Guilt are back!

ADHD is a fad again?! Shame and Guilt are back!

Seems things are going to get worse before they get better. I just read another article about ‘the myth of ADHD’ by someone who raised my eyebrows. Mr. Herr, an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Studies, Leadership and Counseling at Murray State University, wrote a recent article titled – ADHD: Has this diagnostic fad run its course? According to Mr. Herr, ADHD is a diagnostic fad! His article perfectly underscores my recent blog post about how a report in the media can be skewed by the headline (in this case the entire article). I am not going into detail about how accurate a report authored by an assistant professor of economics about ADHD children and misdiagnosis of ADHD at an early age might be (Youngest in class get ADHD label – another headline to go with my previous collection). However, people are paying attention to it and when someone who is an assistant […]

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ADD ADHD Treatment – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Works!

ADD ADHD Treatment – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Works!

There’s a new study out that shows what I have known and has already been proven in my life already. And that is psychotherapy or, more specifically, cognitive behavioral therapy helps people with ADHD improve and cope. The study was conducted by: Steven A. Safren, PhD, ABPP; Susan Sprich, PhD; Matthew J. Mimiaga, ScD, MPH; Craig Surman, MD; Laura Knouse, PhD; Meghan Groves; Michael W. Otto, PhD and is published in Journal of the American Medical Assn. Author Affiliations: Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston (Drs Safren, Sprich, Mimiaga, Surman, Knouse, and Otto and Ms Groves); Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts (Drs Safren, Sprich, Mimiaga, Surman, and Knouse); and Department of Psychology, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts (Dr Otto). I was absolutely delighted when I received this new study today. If you have read my book One Boy’s Struggle: A memoir – Surviving Life with Undiagnosed ADD, […]

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Recent Book Reviews: ADD ADHD Life Memoir

Recent Book Reviews: ADD ADHD Life Memoir

It is not a trivial thing to review a book you have enjoyed. It does my heart well and I continue to be touched deeply by what readers are taking from my first book. As time continues to move forward, as I write and publish more books, in true ADDer fashion I tend to worry more and more about the inexperienced writing of the first book I wrote. However, readers continue to validate that which I have shared with the world. It does my heart and soul good to know that my story continues to be of meaning to so many. Special thanks to my readers everywhere. You’ve done more for me than I could ever do for you. Recent reviews of One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir – Surviving Life with Undiagnosed ADD: IT’S NOT MERELY HOPEFUL, IT’S AN ASSURANCE As an ADDer myself, I have read several books about […]

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The Blocked Road at the ADHD Intersection

The Blocked Road at the ADHD Intersection

This article is specifically for those who have been, or, are still on a road that seems blocked. Have you ever been so frustrated because no matter what you try, no matter what you do or how much you want something, there’s just nothing in the world that seems to work? You cannot get past a certain point. Doesn’t it seem the road is blocked? Actually, I believe the road is blocked, indeed. Have you ever felt like you are traveling through life with the emergency brake on? In other words no matter how hard you press on the accelerator or how fast you may be going, it just doesn’t seem like you are getting anywhere. It doesn’t have to do with accomplishments or successes, it just seems like everything and anything either doesn’t live up to expectations or just never touches the right buttons. We move on, backwards, forwards, […]

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