Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Prayer and ADHD

Prayer and ADHD

For me one of the best ways to control my impulses, or to find answers, is to believe in, and talk to God, the Universe or something higher using prayer. If I want to do something, but I don’t think I can: I Pray about it. If I want to control myself, but feel out of control: I Pray about it. If I want to slow down, but feel myself running when I should be walking: I Pray about it. If I want “fill in the blank”: I Pray about it. The key isn’t to know the answers or to even receive a divine answer, or providential influence: it is the process of slowing down and talking ‘it’ out with one’s self and the Universe, God or the entity that you choose. We don’t always need another ‘opinion’ to help us, but since ADHD is an ‘impulse control’ issue it’s […]

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Hyper Focusing and Writing

Hyper Focusing and Writing

During an interview recently, I was asked to discuss how I used my natural ADHD ability to Hyper Focus to help me write my life’s story in One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir. I’ve written about it before, but I thought I would write about it again. There are few things I enjoy more than hyper focusing and writing, together they are sublime. I consider the ability to tune out the world and hyper focus a wonderful trait and it is very difficult to clarify to anyone who doesn’t have ADHD. It’s very similar to meditating, but whereas with meditation you are basically trying to relax and tune out the world while thinking of nothing, hyper focusing is similar, but instead of doing nothing one is able to complete tasks, even extremely complex tasks. There are, of course, some serious drawbacks to hyper focusing. Therefore, I have devised some ways to […]

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You Can Learn to Harness Your Ability to Focus and Concentrate Better – eBook

You Can Learn to Harness Your Ability to Focus and Concentrate Better – eBook

Since I have started this blog and published my first book One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir, the most frequent and prevalent inquires I have received have been about hyper focusing. Most have been from people who want to control it in some way. Anyone, with or without ADHD can control their ability to focus at will. I truly believe that. For those of us with ADHD it is far more challenging; however, when it is achieved at will, it can be repeated and eventually harnessed – if you are willing to take the steps to get there! The ‘willing‘ (motivation) part can get in our way, especially if you have ADHD; therefore, this eBook is written specifically with that in mind. The inquiries have come from all sorts of people from various backgrounds and, interestingly I started to realize that a great many of the inquiries were coming from people who do not […]

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