For me one of the best ways to control my impulses, or to find answers, is to believe in, and talk to God, the Universe or something higher using prayer. If I want to do something, but I don’t think I can: I Pray about it. If I want to control myself, but feel out of control: I Pray about it. If I want to slow down, but feel myself running when I should be walking: I Pray about it. If I want “fill in the blank”: I Pray about it. The key isn’t to know the answers or to even receive a divine answer, or providential influence: it is the process of slowing down and talking ‘it’ out with one’s self and the Universe, God or the entity that you choose. We don’t always need another ‘opinion’ to help us, but since ADHD is an ‘impulse control’ issue it’s […]
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