Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

August 2007

Co-Morbid= Multiple Illnesses or Disorders

Co-Morbid= Multiple Illnesses or Disorders

Co-morbidity with ADDers is fairly common. When I first heard the world ‘Co-morbid’ I was kind of creeped out. I have to admit, the word morbid is involved and to me that sounds kind of, well, morbid. Doesn’t it? Co-morbid doesn’t mean anything like what I thought. Co-morbid is a term used when referring to the fact that more than one disease or disorder is present and they are related in some manner. Personally, I would prefer another word had been selected for such a description. Nobody really wants to explain their illnesses or disorders as morbid.

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YoUr iDeAs and cReaTiVity are VaLiD!

YoUr iDeAs and cReaTiVity are VaLiD!

Having ADD or ADHD does not mean your thoughts, ideas and creativity are not valid! So many of us with ADD/HD have grown up in a world of invalidation and it has affected us throughout our lives—in our careers, in our relationships and worst of all in our own personal worlds of creative thinking. Adders have brilliantly creative minds. I have said that before and I will say it again. You are a creative genius and you have ideas with the potential to be great! Yes, indeed you do! I have never been more serious about a subject than this. If nobody has ever told you that you are a creative genius, well, that ends now. You are a creative genius! Get up and go look at yourself in the mirror. You will be looking at a person who can create and not just any creations, creations of substance, of […]

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Positive Thinking part2 post1:

Positive Thinking part2 post1:

© Bryan L. Hutchinson Positive Thinking part2 post1:         Potential The one thing all of us Adders seem to have in common is that we attract attention. It just does not matter what we do. We can stand still and we attract attention. We can be home, under the covers and in a deep sleep and we still attract attention. Why is that? Because we are remarkable? Because we are amazing? Or, because we do things that just don’t make sense and it peeks the curiosity of others? Well, yeah, all of those things, but, I am thinking it’s something more and I can sum it up in one word, a word you have probably heard more often than you can remember: Potential.

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Great Saturday everyone! Adding an immeasurable Adder link today:

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What is RLS?

What is RLS?

This is becoming a frequent question and I have added links to help better understand Restless Leg Syndrome:

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Dear Stacey W.

Dear Stacey W.

I just approved your comment. I want to thank you for your enthusiasm concerning my article about Paris Hilton and her situation with ADD. I normally would not write a post for a comment, however, you asked some important questions and I want to take a moment to answer them. Others might have the same questions: Unfortunately, no, I do not have a way of contacting Ms. Hilton. When I write about someone I try to let them know that their name has been mentioned. I did leave a message on CNN’s site for Larry King. No, I have not heard from him. Yes, I do believe we could spread the word and awareness of ADD together if she so desired. Yes, I did write a little about ADD and Ms. Hilton in my book. It is a short concise part similar, but shorter, than the article I wrote and […]

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The wonderful people at posted parts of my article on Paris Hilton and her ADD! If you ever wanted to know as much as possible about Paris Hilton, I gotta admit, their site has the info! You know, just the other day I heard someone talking about how stupid Paris Hilton was for saying she read the bible and then couldn’t remember what she read on Larry King, and then that person mentioned how Larry King just let her get away with it! Let me make something very, very clear. Obviously, Larry King understands the disorder of ADD. An Adder could read a book 20 times and might never remember any exact quote from the book, unless, the book was in hand at the time of the request. Ever wonder why we have so much difficulty in school? I am sure she read what she said she read, but, […]

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Larry King’s transcript Paris Hilton interview

Larry King’s transcript Paris Hilton interview

For those that missed the interview: It was during this interview that she admitted to having ADD. ~Bryan   

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Dopamine lower in persons with ADD ADHD

Dopamine lower in persons with ADD ADHD

The Archives of General psychiatry published this month a report which concludes that Dopamine levels were found to be lower in a test group of ADHD adults than in a control group of those not afflicted with ADHD. You can read the report by visiting the Archives web site and the report name is Polymorphisms of the Dopamine D4 Receptor, Clinical Outcome, and Cortical Structure in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Here is the link:

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Brain Studies Show ADD ADHD Is Real Disease

Brain Studies Show ADD ADHD Is Real Disease

Well, it seems the debate is finally over! ADHD is a real disease:

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