The Dip by Seth Godin is a book I recommend for ADDers as highly as I do certain books written specifically about ADHD. (
Seth doesn’t have ADHD, but he could have fooled me! *Correction: Seth reveals in the comments below that he does indeed have ADHD.) The Dip is a motivational and inspiring book about knowing when to give up, yes, give up, let go and when to not give up, – no, do not give up and stick with it, making it through The Dip.
ADDers have a tendency to give up and berate themselves for giving up, but what if we should give up on certain things?
Giving up isn’t always bad or as terrible as we perceive it, sometimes it is the right thing to do. On the contrary though, there are things which seem difficult and trying, but we don’t want to give up on them, no matter what and we stick with them even when others would tell us to stop, try something else and move on. But, when should we give up, and when should we stick with it? That, my friends and neighbors, is what The Dip is about. It is an extraordinary book, which in of itself seems, and is, simplicity itself, but then again, simplicity always is the most confounding and complex reality… isn’t it?
A Member of the Interactive ADDer World, our community for those with ADHD and related to ADHD in some way, recently posted a review there about Seth Godin’s book, The Dip. I have copied that review here for you to read and enjoy, if you have not joined and become a member of ADDer World yet, here’s the review:
Godin, Seth. The Dip A LITTLE BOOK THAT TEACHES YOU WHEN TO QUIT (AND WHEN TO STICK). Copyright: Do You Zoom, Inc. 2007. A review by GF (member of ADDer World Community website)
“Quitters never win and winners never quit,” according to the late football coaching great, Vince Lombardi. “Bad advice,” asserts author, founder and CEO of Squidoo, and well-known television and business blog personality, Seth Godin. Furthermore, Godin continues, “Winners quit all the time. They just quit the right stuff at the right time.”
Being the best in the world at that one thing that matters most to you is seriously important. Our minds, unfortunately, especially our ADDer minds, are capable of infinite distractions and excuse making. Who has not heard of someone described as a ‘Jack of all trades and master of none’? Like Jack, perhaps you prefer to be thought of as well rounded, rather than just an excellent salesperson, house framer, or teacher.
However, ask yourself what qualities you would want in a physician if you were newly diagnosed with liver cancer. Would it comfort you knowing that your doctor always finishes at the top of his age group in the New York Marathon? Can play three musical instruments rather well? Or enjoys his friends’ compliments as a talented sushi chef?
Most likely you would you choose someone ranked by her peers as one of the top three liver cancer specialist in the state. Sure, a music background may make for smoother bedside manners, but what you really want is the physician who will give you the best shot at a long and healthy life.
The reward for being best in the world is exponential. Think about it: being the best is rare. It is scarce. Gold, not manure, is priced in hundreds of dollars an ounce. The world richly rewards scarcity, not abundant mediocrity. Jack is never rewarded. This book is about tough love.
What, then, is the dip? It is the boring, difficult, inconvenient time after the excitement, positive feedback, and the fun of a new relationship or project has worn thin. The dip is drudgery; it is an artifice society creates to KEEP YOU OUT of the inner circle. The dip creates scarcity, and scarcity creates value, says Godin.
By determining which dip is the right challenge to stick with and then leaning into the dip or obstacle, you may succeed from your perseverance, when others find it easier to quit. What was Woody Allen’s secret for success? Just show up (having a talent for comedic writing did not hurt him, either).
Whether it concerns finding a loving mate, gathering power, or building wealth, we live in a competitive society. The system depends upon us, the majority (the average), sticking with the wrong goals and quitting the right goals when we encounter the dip.
If the goal is hollow, Godin believes in quitting early. Most people are afraid to quit. We continue in meaningless jobs and deplorable relationships because we are afraid to take a calculated risk. Instead, we settle for mediocrity and expressing present frustrations.
Here are the author’s “Three Questions To Ask Before Quitting”:
Quitting is not the same as panicking. Panic is never premeditated. Panic attacks us, it grabs us, it is in the moment.
If you are considering quitting, it’s almost certainly because you’re not being successful at your current attempt at influence.
If you’re trying to succeed in a job or a relationship or at a task, you’re either moving forward, falling behind, or standing still. There are only three choices.
When the goal is meaningful and worth pursuing, then expect the dip, gather your resources and mentors (ADD coaches, perhaps?), and prepare yourself for a difficult slog. Having a scarce and valued skill – being the best – and taking pride in the effort to be the best will get you noticed and rewarded.
By GF, a member of ADDer World the interactive community for those with ADHD, their families, mentors and friends.