Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


The Tale of an ADD ADHD Memoir

The Tale of an ADD ADHD Memoir

This is a very special tale: It was the worst of times and the best of times Read about the real life, first hand story of a boy who went through childhood, and most of his adult life, undiagnosed with ADD ADHD. This is a remarkable opportunity for the ADD ADHD community and society. All that we ADDers ask for is understanding, consideration and acceptance, -ADD ADHD is real, it is affecting our children, our friends, our neighbors, it is affecting you and me, it is causing distress and turmoil and sorrow, and it does not have to be that way – it really doesn’t. ADD ADHD is a different way of thinking and in many of today’s typical settings it is a significant challenge which creates detrimental consequences. Treated and nurtured, ADD ADHD can be a wonderful and truly amazing gift.  

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Getting Noticed With MySpace Accounts

Getting Noticed With MySpace Accounts

Hi everyone, I hope you have been enjoying the articles here on Adder World. Lots of visitors and the site is gaining in popularity. That’s a great thing and really makes it worth writing and telling my thoughts. I have a request I would like to make of visitors. If you enjoy this site, please, tell your friends and neighbors about it. There are many ways to do that and I have added a “sharethis” link to each post so you can even email the post! Another great way would be if you have a MySpace account, perhaps you could post a bulletin telling your friends of ? That would be great. As you can see the site has been redesigned ever so slightly. I added a “guest book” page. If you would like, you could say hello to all of your fellow Adders! Check it out and let […]

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One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir – Surviving Life with Undiagnosed ADD ‘Synopsis’ UPDATED

One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir – Surviving Life with Undiagnosed ADD ‘Synopsis’ UPDATED

  As we move closer to publication of “One Boy’s Struggle” I have decided on the synopsis which will be used to describe the story. Even if I say so myself, “One Boy’s Struggle” is a compelling read and is a must for Parents, Guardians and Teachers of Adders. Adults with ADD or ADHD, related to an Adder, in a relationship with an Adder or friends of an Adder, will find this story of substantial use and insight. Without further a due, here is the synopsis:

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Update on ‘One Boy’s Struggle’

Update on ‘One Boy’s Struggle’

   UPDATE: Friends and Supporters, my story has hit a bit of a delay. My wife and I are working very hard and diligently on getting One Boy’s Struggle into your hands as soon as possible. We are doing this on our own, with no outside assistance, so, it’s taking a little longer than expected. The writing is complete, the cover is complete; however, a few problems with the editing have been discovered and we want to go through the entire manuscript to recheck for anything we might have missed. We apologize for the delay and rest assured we are doing our best to get this to you. Thanks for your understanding and support. We have pretty much decided which Self Publishing company we will hire… more info on that once we are ready. ~Bryan  

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Updated: Self Help – News – Parenting ADHD ADD Children  

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Updated both Self help and Parenting ADHD ADD children categories. ~Bryan

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Updated the Parenting ADHD Children category. Edited previous post with a new link. ~Bryan

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Updated the Workplace-Jobs category with more links concerning the legal issues. Because I will be editing posts to add links within categories and not creating new posts to already existing categories, I will use the ‘1-Updated category’ to “post” news about which categories were updated. I will not always notify within this category that a post was updated, but, I will try my best to do so. Just keep in mind that I am regularly updating already existing posts within categories with new links. I am not adding actual “posts” within categories in order to keep the categories neat, clean and easy to find links that you are looking for.  ~Bryan     

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