Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

One Boy’s Struggle: PUBLISHED ~!

One Boy’s Struggle: PUBLISHED ~!

If you Believe, you can acheive anything! (click the image for your copy) Finally, after so much, the manifestation of my life’s story is here, it is in print, it is published and I hope and believe what I have written will help people across the world in a new enlightening way. This is my story, my memories, the good, the bad, the ugly and the wonderful, the successes and the reality that there is more and we can all find it within each of us. This is the story of what I went through and the people around me were subjected to and reacted to. This is the story of a boy who was lost, all over the place, struggled with school, with friends and just about everything, but with all the struggles, there was always something special within and for many reasons I found that something special and […]

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Even With ADD ADHD – When there is a WILL there is a WAY

Even With ADD ADHD – When there is a WILL there is a WAY

  There’s going to be people who say you can’t, there’s going to be people who tell you there is no way, there are going to be people who try to hold you back, but the truth is—you can, there is a way and no matter what someone says or tries to make you believe, it really comes down to what you believe, what you think and what you want. Nobody has control over your mind and your future the way that you do! I am here to tell you that there will be times that people make you feel bad, make you feel down and make you feel like nothing you do is worth anything. It can get to you and it got to me, but the great power within our minds has the ability to overcome naysayers, put-downers and those who are trying to make us feel as […]

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ADD ADHD Parents and their Child’s Homework

ADD ADHD Parents and their Child’s Homework

  A few parents have written me from time to time asking me what I did as a child to succeed with my homework. Because this question comes up quite a bit from concerned parents I thought I would put my two cents into the hat and if you decide to read this, remember this is from my experience and my opinions—ultimately what you decide is up to you. Let’s start this off with the honest truth about me as a child with concern to homework. I hated it and when I could get out of it, I did. The most important thing, from my perspective and experience, for a parent to realize about ADD ADHD children is that most of them are experts in getting out of things. We spend more time coming up with detours, ways out and loop holes more than anything else. ADD ADHD children are […]

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ADD ADHD Relationships Start Exciting, but what happens next? PART 2

ADD ADHD Relationships Start Exciting, but what happens next? PART 2

  Chew, taste and enjoy. That’s easy to say, but some relationships with ADDers get off to such an exciting start it takes a major act of will power to stop and smell the flowers every once in a while. If a relationship with an ADDer is to be healthy and last, smelling the flowers might be the most important thing a couple can do for each other, especially at the beginning. Fear of failure and fear of revealing too much can be a motivational factor for an ADDer to not slow down and keep the hot fires roaring just to avoid giving anything of his or her real self. And yet we wonder why in the world relationships don’t work and why they keep ending without substance. The truth is simple, no matter how exciting and exhilarating the initial relationship is, we eventually will have to take time to […]

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People Pleasers – May I have your approval?

People Pleasers – May I have your approval?

  Do you ever get the feeling that all you want to do is please other people or that your main mission in life is to seek the approval of others for your own very existence? And for some reason or another, no matter how you try you are just not succeeding and nobody really notices your efforts. Do you feel like it is a waste of time, but you can’t stop? We can be very hard on ourselves for seemingly not fitting in, for not getting things right, or not understanding what it takes to make another person feel good. It can be so hard that, at times, our first thoughts when we wake up in the morning is what can I do better for this person or that person and unfortunately, we forget that the most important approval comes from within ourselves. If you don’t love yourself, then […]

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ADD ADHD Relationships Start Exciting, but what happens next?

ADD ADHD Relationships Start Exciting, but what happens next?

  One of the most familiar things all ADD ADHD relationships seem to have in common is that they most always have a very exciting beginning. Once the initial meeting has happened and two people connect, that’s when it is full speed ahead and it might be months, even years before the two involved catch a breath and actually get to know each other. This might be the most fantastic time in their lives, but it could also be very dangerous. Why dangerous? You might ask…

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Are you able to utilize your ADD ADHD Talents and Traits?

Are you able to utilize your ADD ADHD Talents and Traits?

  I often write about how great ADD and ADHD talents and traits can be and I really think they are wondrous. However, do you get noticed for them? Do you get credit for them? Are you able to utilize them in a manner which benefits others? I mentioned in yesterday’s article that I am hyper-focused and able to think rationally around Big Names, especially when I am supposed to be nervous and this trait I have been able to utilize. I like to write a lot and hopefully inspire others with positive thoughts and ideas. I utilize that with my Blog. I have learned to utilize my traits and talents by trying, and trying always brings with it new understandings and discoveries of what more I can do, even if I use what I learn in something else other than what I originally started out with. For example, I […]

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Being around Big Names and Not Going Crazy GaGa – ADD Advantage?

Being around Big Names and Not Going Crazy GaGa – ADD Advantage?

I was pondering last night, as I often do, you know—ponder. Sometimes I daydream and that’s usually about something fantastical, farfetched things and lovely to fall asleep to. However, last night I was pondering. Pondering is when I am sincerely considering something, but haven’t yet made up my mind about whatever it is. Is it so, isn’t it so? I wonder, you know? That’s pondering to me. Ever since I was a young man I have been lucky enough to be in the presence of great people, famous people—people of stature. You know, those type of people that make us regular folk just go, well, gaga! I met a movie star when I was about 18 or 19 for the first time. Big name, everyone recognized him and everyone around me went gaga, for lack of a better term. I didn’t. While most everyone else was too busy with their […]

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Positive ADDer Quote of the Week – Terry Bradshaw

Positive ADDer Quote of the Week – Terry Bradshaw

“When you’ve got something to prove, there’s nothing greater than a challenge.” Terry Bradshaw Terry Bradshaw is one of my ultimate, all time heroes and I just recently discovered that he suffers from clinical depression and has ADHD. I did not know and I feel ashamed! I mean, I am a Pittsburgh Steelers fan from way back and heck, I should have heard about this long ago… maybe I just wasn’t paying enough attention!?! With this new found knowledge of my hero, I went back and watched the 1974 NFL documentary about the Steelers and felt, for the very first time, a connection beyond anything I had ever imagined with the blond bomber. Watching the documentary, I felt a kinship to a man who has already been an idol of mine. Looking back and re-watching was very typical of hindsight and I realized the connection almost immediately.

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Hello, I am the Magic Man …………………………… ( With Attention Deficit Disorder )

Hello, I am the Magic Man  ……………………………  ( With Attention Deficit Disorder )

  Just goofing off not too long ago, and taking in all I have written in my book and on my blog, I came up with a song about me, ADD ADHD and living with my wonderous wife! The lyrics had been going on over and over again in my mind and I finally wrote them down a while back. Okay, I don’t consider myself a song writer or a poet or even anything remotely close — this was just fun and is from my ADD mind as is:

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