Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Here are ADHD Studies and Reports To Be Concerned About

Here are ADHD Studies and Reports To Be Concerned About

Have you been keeping up with all of the recent studies and reports concerning ADD / ADHD? . What – you haven’t? Is it because you do not have an easy way to keep track of them? If so, I have good news for you. I have an ADHD radar. It alerts me to special news about ADHD. Do you want one? You’ll have to sign a special waiver, of course. After the waiver there will be tests. If you pass those tests there will be more tests after that, but I am not that kind of guy. I cheat. . For you (only you), I have a special deal = The secret to how I cheat: Go to Google News. Once you get there type ADHD in the search field, then click the search button. After you’ve done that you will see a list of the latest news about ADHD. […]

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Headlines say: ADHD is Bogus?!

Headlines say: ADHD is Bogus?!

Lately, more and more headlines are reporting that ADHD is, to a degree, misdiagnosed because kids are put into a school environment too early and they must stay still for too long of periods, which is not natural to human nature. What’s worse is that with our hectic lifestyles and need for both parents to work to maintain a household it is becoming ever more essential for children to start school earlier. The reason is simple: many parents can’t afford daycare or a babysitter; therefore, school is the next best alternative. This isn’t really new, but it is becoming a more common problem. The reports are saying that kids put into school to early are sometimes being misdiagnosed with ADHD, when the real culprit is immaturity. I happen to agree that ADHD can be misdiagnosed due to requirements of the modern world and certain circumstances children are put in, adults […]

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