Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


The Gift of ADHD and the Power of Positive Thinking

The Gift of ADHD and the Power of Positive Thinking

I love ADHD I really do! And if you stick with me through this post, you’re going to find out why. It’s amazing what powers I have found within myself and my ADHD traits. I wouldn’t give up my ADHD for anything in the world, not now, no way! When I first found out I had ADHD at the age of 37 and how it had been negatively impacting my life all along I was very upset about it, mostly because the diagnosis came so late and my life and circumstances could have been much improved with an early diagnosis, especially if I had been diagnosed in first or second grade, instead of just being held back and then put in a special education class. In truth, I loved my special education class, I talked about it in my first book “One Boy’s Struggle”, but let me tell you here that being […]

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ADDer World Book Contest: “Trust Me” by Kenneth Kaye Ph.D. with Nick Kaye

ADDer World Book Contest: “Trust Me” by Kenneth Kaye Ph.D. with Nick Kaye

~In Trust Me, family psychologist Kenneth Kaye and his son, Nick, use the experience of Nick’s struggle with what he calls “Attention Money Disorder” to combine a no-nonsense strategy, practical advice, business wisdom, and dozens of examples. They show you step by step how to negotiate a “Deal” with your young adult, rebuilding mutual trust and nurturing the skills and habits of a self-supporting grown-up.~ You can read more about the Kaye’s and their book “Trust Me” here ALSO: To help celebrate the publication of my new book The Brilliant Reality of ADHD, I will be giving the winner of this contest a copy of that too. This contest will net you two books, if you happen to win!! Member’s names will be put into a box and randomly selected to choose the winner. How to get your name in the box: 1) Write a blog post, or, forum post, […]

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Special Announcement Published! Brilliant Reality of ADHD

Special Announcement Published! Brilliant Reality of ADHD

I am pleased, proud and thankful to announce the publication of my new book: The Brilliant Reality of ADHD! In many ways The Brilliant Reality of ADHD is a continuation of my first book One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir and in many ways it set’s itself apart. When I started writing openly on the Internet, on this blog, I wrote strictly from my experiences, my life, my lessons learned and most of all, from my heart. I still write from all of those things and my writing has become enhanced by you, the readers. Thanks to your emails, your comments, your encouragements and yes, also your critique, my views and opinions have broadened beyond what I could have ever imagined. Thank you! A brief history: When I began writing my first book One Boy’s Struggle I had no intention of publishing it. It was an effort to get my thoughts into print for myself. After years […]

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Embracing Me and ADHD

Embracing Me and ADHD

I had a choice. I made that choice. I would embrace my ADHD or I would fight it. It may seem like an easy choice, but anyone who has ADHD can tell you, it’s not. Even so, it seems like it would be a clear yes or no. What’s the difference between fighting it and embracing it? For me, fighting ADHD means to search for a cure outside of one’s self – something to permanently solve the reality of ADHD symptoms. It seems to me, fighting ADHD in search of a cure is akin to searching for that magic answer which will cure the world of all evils.  Embracing ADHD means, at least to me, to look at the symptoms and say okay, you are a part of me and I will find a way to make you work for me and not against me. By doing this I can look upon therapy and other […]

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