So Special – So Sweet. There comes a moment, a moment in time when you meet someone, someone so special; there is no other who can compare, no words can describe, but inside you, you know that this is the one – oh yes, sweet, delicious, luscious, YES! Every heartbeat exemplifies. This one, this oh, oh, so perfect one, who’s mere existence explains why the world exists, why the sun comes up and why the stars twinkle. This person smiles so brightly, has such kind words to say, wants to see you each and every day. Heaven is everywhere, all around you, within you. You can’t sleep, much less think of anything, or anyone, else. The world is new – there is finally reason to the madness and everything, everything is so gloriously clear, finally, at long last. Have you ever been so lucky? So blessed? To be loved for you, […]
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