Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

Positive Sides of ADD

Michael Phelps ADHD Hyper Focus Concentration Helps Win Gold Medal in Beijing!

Michael Phelps ADHD Hyper Focus Concentration Helps Win Gold Medal in Beijing!

“Single-Minded Focus” Michael Phelps won the Gold Medal in his first swim in Beijing! There seems to be some confusion and wonder at how and why Michael Phelps was able to overcome so many odds to not break under so much mental pressure. Michael is described in countless articles to have laser like focus on his swimming and single mindedness on being the best. His concentration has even been described as other-worldly. Yes, Michael has the body makeup of a perfect swimming machine, but in competition it is always the mental aspect which allows someone to step above the rest – in Michael’s case, way above the rest – domination. Michael Phelps has ADHD. I am not the least bit confused by what others are describing about his laser like concentration, this mental part of his makeup, believe it or not, is rather normal for most people with ADHD. It […]

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Kevin Wall and the ADHD InSpiRaTion

Kevin Wall and the ADHD InSpiRaTion

  I wondered who I could write about for this New Year’s article to really highlight ADD ADHD as something viable, something valuable, –something real and something to be, yes, to be cherished. The struggles are real and the stigma can be devastating, but there is so much more to it than that, so much indeed. Who better to demonstrate the brilliance of human life and the positive abilities ADD ADHD bring to the world and the people it touches? Enter: K E V I N  W A L L

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Comments, Suggestions and Ideas

Comments, Suggestions and Ideas

The reason I created Adder World was and is to help spread understanding and awareness of ADD ADHD. I speak from experiences I have had, what I have researched and the experiences others have shared with me. I do not claim to be a doctor or any other type of medical professional. If my experiences and what I have observed and therefore write about help bring awareness and inquiry to others, then I am achieving my said goal and hopefully more. You can help me! Read on if you really, really want to help…

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Positive Sides of ADD ADHD

Positive Sides of ADD ADHD This is a nice little article about the positive sides of ADHD.  — breaks down certain traits of ADD ADHD and describes the positive sides of those traits. — A good article for parents of ADD ADHD children and how ADD ADHD can be positive for the learning experience if tapped correctly. 

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