Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

hyper focus

Michael Phelps, A Person With ADHD Is The Greatest Olympian Ever!

Michael Phelps, A Person With ADHD Is The Greatest Olympian Ever!

This is a time to celebrate. One of our athletes, Michael Phelps, has accomplished what no other Olympian in the history of the Olympics has ever accomplished. 19 Medals. It is a record for the ages. Michael Phelps has ADHD. He is the greatest, undisputed champion of the Olympics. (Click Here to tweet that.) He’s one of us. Let’s take a moment to think about that. Few people in the world must train and prepare as much as an Olympian. Their life is eating, breathing, living in training. It’s what they do and they do it all for a moment in time. Some seize the moment and bask in the glory of winning a medal. Most. Do. Not. Michael Phelps is the best of the best. He seized the most moments. Why? What makes him different? What makes him the best? I am sure there are many answers. It’s easy […]

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The Brilliant Gifts of Hyper Focus and Positivity

The Brilliant Gifts of Hyper Focus and Positivity

(This post was inspired by an email I received from a young lady who was attacked angrily on a forum because she talked about hyper focus. The other person claimed it doesn’t exist.) I love to hyper focus and I do it on a regular basis, I’ve written many blog posts about it, I wrote extensively about it in my first book One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir and, I have additionally written an eBook about it in an effort to help others discover ways to hyper focus at will. However, although hyper focus is a well known ADHD trait, not everyone with ADHD can hyper focus easily, sometimes rarely and some seemingly not at all. I tend to believe everyone has been lost in focus at one point or another, forgetting to eat, missing a turn or, just realizing by looking up at the clock that whoa, so much time […]

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Is the burden of ADHD causing lost Childhoods?

Is the burden of ADHD causing lost Childhoods?

I am not like everyone else, I have ADHD and my childhood wasn’t normal either. Quite frankly, I don’t want to be like everyone else. I don’t want to conform to be someone better than anyone else or to be ‘normal’ and I certainly don’t want to be average. I have no such desire. I used to and it would drive me crazy. I like being me. I have some hard luck stories, I can tell you of all the mistakes I have made and the challenges that overwhelmed me, but sometimes the point is missed. I still have ADHD and many of the issues that come with it, but that is not my point. The reason I have revealed so much about myself is because I have overcome many challenges, found some decent workarounds and I have moved forward to a more positive place. But, I didn’t entirely conform […]

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Turning ADHD Disadvantages into Advantages

Turning ADHD Disadvantages into Advantages

If you’re tired of hearing about all the bad, negative things about ADHD then this post is for you! This post isn’t to downplay the serious consequences of living with ADHD, it’s to take another perspective and reframe it in a positive way which has worked for me. Of course, many of these on my list have serious consequences which I have had to work through. ADHD isn’t curable, but sometimes we let it kick us when we are down and like the boxing coach says, ‘stay down’. I’ve never been one to ‘stay down’, I’m stubburn like that! 1) Distraction. As I wrote in a recent blog post, I have learned to appreciate my distracted nature. It has taken me places I would never have gone, or much less dreamed of. It really has led me on some awesome adventures down alleyways, backwoods and vivid, spectacular places in my own imagination […]

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Hyper Focusing and Writing

Hyper Focusing and Writing

During an interview recently, I was asked to discuss how I used my natural ADHD ability to Hyper Focus to help me write my life’s story in One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir. I’ve written about it before, but I thought I would write about it again. There are few things I enjoy more than hyper focusing and writing, together they are sublime. I consider the ability to tune out the world and hyper focus a wonderful trait and it is very difficult to clarify to anyone who doesn’t have ADHD. It’s very similar to meditating, but whereas with meditation you are basically trying to relax and tune out the world while thinking of nothing, hyper focusing is similar, but instead of doing nothing one is able to complete tasks, even extremely complex tasks. There are, of course, some serious drawbacks to hyper focusing. Therefore, I have devised some ways to […]

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8 Steps how to Super Focus at Will! Free eBook

8 Steps how to Super Focus at Will! Free eBook

New FREE eBook: 8 Steps How to hyper Super Focus at Will! This eBook is for anyone who wants to learn how to Super Focus at will! Especially for those people in sports, school or just need more control of their focus. ADHD not required! Thanks to a special article about hyper focusing, I recently published in ADDitude magazine (fall 2009), I have received many emails asking me how I learned to hyper focus at will and make it a beneficial trait I can call upon whenever I want. To clarify, I have used the term ‘hyper’ because it is most recognizable; however, I now personally call it SUPER Focusing. When focusing is not within one’s control, I believe it should be defined as ’hyper’. Although, when we purposely aim to achieve the state of being ‘hyper’ Focused at will, when we in fact control it to our advantage, the results can be extremely […]

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Michael Phelps ADHD Hyper Focus Concentration Helps Win Gold Medal in Beijing!

Michael Phelps ADHD Hyper Focus Concentration Helps Win Gold Medal in Beijing!

“Single-Minded Focus” Michael Phelps won the Gold Medal in his first swim in Beijing! There seems to be some confusion and wonder at how and why Michael Phelps was able to overcome so many odds to not break under so much mental pressure. Michael is described in countless articles to have laser like focus on his swimming and single mindedness on being the best. His concentration has even been described as other-worldly. Yes, Michael has the body makeup of a perfect swimming machine, but in competition it is always the mental aspect which allows someone to step above the rest – in Michael’s case, way above the rest – domination. Michael Phelps has ADHD. I am not the least bit confused by what others are describing about his laser like concentration, this mental part of his makeup, believe it or not, is rather normal for most people with ADHD. It […]

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