When we start thinking about how terrible we have it with ADHD, take a moment to remember that we are human, we do not have to rely on our instincts alone, we can change, modify and improve and sometimes it is not ADHD that holds us back, it is our attitude. ADHD is not curable, but attitude is, even so, doing something about one’s attitude is hard work. Let’s consider blurting things out; is it the process of blurting that gets one in trouble or what one blurts out? Whether we realize it or not, what we blurt reveals our attitude and true inner thoughts to the world, or at least to anyone nearby. The basic issue is that blurting is normally just an awkward happenstance, which is sometimes embarrassing and usually uncomfortable, but when we lose friends, jobs and get ourselves in deep trouble because of it, then it’s not the blurting in of itself that is […]
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