Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Are Kids Being Diagnosed With ADHD Too Early? What is Not being said…

Are Kids Being Diagnosed With ADHD Too Early? What is Not being said…

The answer is yes according to a recent study. In short the study determined that if kids in the same class are separated by their age the youngest are most likely to be diagnosed with ADHD and treated with medications to improve their behavior. . I’ve always said that today’s need for perfect compliance and behavior are stunting the growth of our youth, whether they are diagnosed with ADHD or not. Kids are simply not allowed to be ‘kids’ to play around, goof off, climb trees and get in the trouble kids get into. Scraped knees and falling out of trees isn’t normal anymore (Okay, that was never normal per se, but it was fun!). Passing notes? Whispering? Squirming? Those weren’t allowed when I was a kid either, but how far are we going to go until everyone is properly medicated into conformity? I sometimes wonder how kids today learn […]

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Major Landmark for People with ADHD everywhere! Pass it on

Major Landmark for People with ADHD everywhere! Pass it on

My publishing company’s monthly newsletter came out yesterday revealing the top 3 selling authors for June (pictured above) overall, not just by categories. Suddenly it hit home for me when I saw the newsletter. This isn’t just about my books, or becoming a bestselling author, this is about ADHD books making it out of category, rising above stigma and ultimately, a triumph for people with ADHD everywhere and those who are close to us! I posted about the achievement of my books a little while back when I first received notice, but the full significance had not hit home yet, not entirely, not until now.   When an ADHD book series became bestsellers of a publishing company this last June it was not only a moment to celebrate, but also time to truly think about what this means for us as a community. Consider that we are talking about an ADHD […]

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The Side Effect of an ADHD Diagnosis

The Side Effect of an ADHD Diagnosis

Yesterday I was interviewed by Tara McGillicuddy for  and we talked about creativity. It was a very interesting conversation and I hope you have the chance to listen to it. There was something that I talked a little about in our conversation and that was about how sometimes the diagnosis of ADHD can lead one to believe all hope is lost, and even start experiencing symptoms that were previously not noticeable or problematic. I am calling this: The side effect of ADHD diagnosis. I’ve suffered a bit from it myself. Of course, I am making up ‘the side effect’ part, but am I really? Read on and make your own decision. Let me know if you have been affected by the side effect of an ADHD diagnosis. The side effect of an ADHD diagnosis is a very common side effect and a lot of people suffer from it. As […]

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Headlines say: ADHD is Bogus?!

Headlines say: ADHD is Bogus?!

Lately, more and more headlines are reporting that ADHD is, to a degree, misdiagnosed because kids are put into a school environment too early and they must stay still for too long of periods, which is not natural to human nature. What’s worse is that with our hectic lifestyles and need for both parents to work to maintain a household it is becoming ever more essential for children to start school earlier. The reason is simple: many parents can’t afford daycare or a babysitter; therefore, school is the next best alternative. This isn’t really new, but it is becoming a more common problem. The reports are saying that kids put into school to early are sometimes being misdiagnosed with ADHD, when the real culprit is immaturity. I happen to agree that ADHD can be misdiagnosed due to requirements of the modern world and certain circumstances children are put in, adults […]

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