Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Clutter Creates Anxiety and Destroys Creativity! (How to Make Creativity Flow)

Clutter Creates Anxiety and Destroys Creativity! (How to Make Creativity Flow)

Organized Chaos Have you ever heard anyone use the phrase, “organized chaos”? Well that is how I used to refer to the clutter on my home office desk. But, really, if I am honest, it was disorganized chaos and it drove me crazy! I’ll explain, but first… A great ride! On saturday I went for a  relaxing drive, it felt fantastic. My car seemed to drive better, smoother and dare I say it even smelled better! I really enjoyed being out on the road, sailing the streets and listening to rock and roll music. My mind filled with ideas I might write about. Ideas I could grab, hold on to and use. My creativity was flowing right along with the speed of my car down the highway. It’s the same car I have had for the last 5 years, but something was different. For some unknown reason I woke up one day last […]

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The Side Effect of an ADHD Diagnosis

The Side Effect of an ADHD Diagnosis

Yesterday I was interviewed by Tara McGillicuddy for  and we talked about creativity. It was a very interesting conversation and I hope you have the chance to listen to it. There was something that I talked a little about in our conversation and that was about how sometimes the diagnosis of ADHD can lead one to believe all hope is lost, and even start experiencing symptoms that were previously not noticeable or problematic. I am calling this: The side effect of ADHD diagnosis. I’ve suffered a bit from it myself. Of course, I am making up ‘the side effect’ part, but am I really? Read on and make your own decision. Let me know if you have been affected by the side effect of an ADHD diagnosis. The side effect of an ADHD diagnosis is a very common side effect and a lot of people suffer from it. As […]

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Problems aren’t all bad, but I detest being fearful

Problems aren’t all bad, but I detest being fearful

  You know how often I wish I never had a problem? Daily, hourly, sometimes minute by minute. I pride myself on being a problem solver. I am very, very good at it – sometimes too good at it. I have been solving problems all of my life, to the point that I became so tuned for problems that I try to predict them… and you probably know what that means. I believe this is a habit created by having ADHD, especially when it was undiagnosed, I created most of my own problems, but I didn’t know why.  Fear is the worst. I loathe being fearful and yet all too often I feel on edge for no good reason. When I was a kid I mostly feared getting in trouble and being punished physically for it. That was a constant state of existence for me. That’s where it started and […]

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