Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


Prayer and ADHD

Prayer and ADHD

For me one of the best ways to control my impulses, or to find answers, is to believe in, and talk to God, the Universe or something higher using prayer. If I want to do something, but I don’t think I can: I Pray about it. If I want to control myself, but feel out of control: I Pray about it. If I want to slow down, but feel myself running when I should be walking: I Pray about it. If I want “fill in the blank”: I Pray about it. The key isn’t to know the answers or to even receive a divine answer, or providential influence: it is the process of slowing down and talking ‘it’ out with one’s self and the Universe, God or the entity that you choose. We don’t always need another ‘opinion’ to help us, but since ADHD is an ‘impulse control’ issue it’s […]

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Physciatric Therapy and ADHD

Physciatric Therapy and ADHD

I have been in a lot of battles in my life, some were life threatening, some were tug of wars with myself for things I simply did not understand and some were just me trying to be confrontational with, well, me, myself and I. ADHD can suck so bad that nothing else matters, it leads to a life of constant struggle, going nowhere, unless backwards is a place you want to go. When an adult discovers he has ADHD (or she) I think it is natural to want to find treatment to improve the symptoms, to counter them as soon as possible. The quickest way to do that is with medication, the more profound and life enhancing way, I believe, is through professional physciatric therapy to actually go in and take stock of what we are thinking and why. The suddenly new possibilities of living an improved, aware life are […]

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