One of our members, Dana, on has come up with a great way of cutting through the, uhm, crap (her word, she’s brave like that) of New Year’s Resolutions: CUTTING THROUGH THE CRAP OF MAKING NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS! I am on a roll with finding the most hysterical New Year’s Resolutions for anything or anyone! This one is by far the MOST helpful and interesting of them all! If you have been plagued each new year with making and breaking your list of resolutions, I have found the PERFECT list that will assist you in nailing down the most simplistic list of New Year’s Resolutions for 2009. First, make your list of your top 10 New Year’s Resolutions. Next, follow this step by step approach to deleting the resolutions that you truly will never follow or that are most likely to fail. Simplify your resolutions by following these steps: […]
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