Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

December 2008



One of our members, Dana, on has come up with a great way of cutting through the, uhm, crap (her word, she’s brave like that) of New Year’s Resolutions: CUTTING THROUGH THE CRAP OF MAKING NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS! I am on a roll with finding the most hysterical New Year’s Resolutions for anything or anyone! This one is by far the MOST helpful and interesting of them all! If you have been plagued each new year with making and breaking your list of resolutions, I have found the PERFECT list that will assist you in nailing down the most simplistic list of New Year’s Resolutions for 2009. First, make your list of your top 10 New Year’s Resolutions. Next, follow this step by step approach to deleting the resolutions that you truly will never follow or that are most likely to fail. Simplify your resolutions by following these steps: […]

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A Year in Review: Top 11 Blog Posts for the Year

A Year in Review: Top 11 Blog Posts for the Year

A Year in Review of over 200 blog postings. It’s been a very interesting year by far! Here’s the Top 11 for 2008: People with ADD ADHD are Amazing and Wonderful The Gift of Hyper Focus is yours, here’s the Secret The Tale of an ADHD Memoir A Natural Born Pool Hustler thanks to ADHD Diagnosis of ADHD brings Forgiveness and Understanding The Harshness and Disasters of an ADHD Relationship Michael Phelps and Hyper Focus Concentration helps win Gold Medal in Beijing My Personal Book, the ADDer World websites and me, 1 year later Self Fulfilling Prophecies ADHD Diagnosis and Validation Top Ten Reasons YOU do not have ADHD Enjoy reading – these are in no particular order. Bryan  

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Blog Blogging Blogger Blogosphere

Blog Blogging Blogger Blogosphere

I blog, I love to blog – I love to share my personal experiences, thoughts and beliefs with you. I think blogging is one of the most important movements in the new world order. Yes, there is a new world order, more and more people are reading blogs and less people are reading printed newspapers! In turn more newspapers are offering their articles online for free. Good idea! However, it’s blogging in the blogosphere which has caught the world by storm and I mean bloggers who are just writing about what they personally care about, not necessarily about what they are being paid to write or being asked to write. Many blogs have more readership than many traditional newspapers. Why? I think one word can sum it up: Influence. When something is written on a blog by someone paid or asked to write, there is influence, or perceived influence, from […]

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3 Million Books Sold?

3 Million Books Sold?

(The very last paragraph is very important, as well as the middle part… info for you) If I were to tell you that 3 million copies of my book “One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir” has been sold, what would your first thoughts be? Keep in mind that “One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir” is only sold online and is not available in any traditional bookstores (that I know of). Do you think it is possible? Do you think there is enough interest to support such a claim, if I were to make it? Do you think the lessons learned from my life, told in a way which could help millions of people suffering from ADHD, their families, friends and mentors, are worth 3 million copies being sold? Of course you do, probably much more than 3 million, that’s why you read this. If it wasn’t interesting and worth it, you would […]

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Blog Posts from Real People living with ADHD

Blog Posts from Real People living with ADHD

Over the next couple weeks, I am going to give the world a glimpse into the realities of individuals living with ADHD. In the ADDer World Community, we have wonderful, real life people, with ADHD, discussing and sharing their realities in regard to living with ADHD and much, much more. Here’s the first post from a Member of ADDer World who answered the question which I posted: “What does ADHD mean to you personally?” Hi my name is … and I am an adult with ADD. I have had ADD and been diagnosed, believe it or not, since 1st grade, I am now 35. I am and have been extremely successful in my journey with ADD. I was a little slower initially in school, but thankfully my mother was very realistic, and held me back in 1st grade. The best decision anyone could have ever made for me. I continued to […]

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The Dip by Seth Godin – Book Review for those with ADHD

The Dip by Seth Godin – Book Review for those with ADHD

The Dip by Seth Godin is a book I recommend for ADDers as highly as I do certain books written specifically about ADHD. (Seth doesn’t have ADHD, but he could have fooled me! *Correction: Seth reveals in the comments below that he does indeed have ADHD.) The Dip is a motivational and inspiring book about knowing when to give up, yes, give up, let go and when to not give up, – no, do not give up and stick with it, making it through The Dip. ADDers have a tendency to give up and berate themselves for giving up, but what if we should give up on certain things? Giving up isn’t always bad or as terrible as we perceive it, sometimes it is the right thing to do. On the contrary though, there are things which seem difficult and trying, but we don’t want to give up on them, no […]

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Peer Pressure and ADHD

Peer Pressure and ADHD

ADDers fall for peer pressure. That’s a bold statement and it is, more often than not, true. The reasons are simple really, nothing complex about an ADDer submitting to peer pressure. In fact, I have met many adults diagnosed late with ADHD that did not understand why they kept giving in until they were actually diagnosed and receiving treatment. Many of us with ADHD and still undiagnosed (I was diagnosed at the age of 37) know something is different about the way we are, we do not exactly conform and we feel inferior in many ways (you are NOT inferior for having ADHD, no, never think that, ever). Even those who are diagnosed and receiving treatment find themselves falling for peer pressure. It’s about fitting in and doing anything to not be the odd one out. It’s not a good thing. Falling for peer pressure opens one up to be used […]

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A Brilliant Book Review – Is it ADHD or Highly Sensitive Individuals?

A Brilliant Book Review – Is it ADHD or Highly Sensitive Individuals?

Jenna Forest, author of the memoir Help Is On Its Way recently read my personal life story in my book One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir – Surviving Life with Undiagnosed ADD and she has posted a review about it on her website One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir has been blessed with numerous positive reviews, for which I am thankful, humbled and honored. Jenna’s review is one of the most understanding views of what I had envisioned for my story to be and is. Everyone takes from my story what has the greatest meaning to them, at the moment they are reading it. I believe because Jenna and I relate so very well and have similar backgrounds, she literally stepped into my mind, – no, even further, – into my soul, while reading my story.  Her insight and understanding is uncanny.  Check out Jenna’s review: (Excerpt) Is ADD/ADHD real or […]

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Let’s give thanks! Thanks to you, me and ADHD!

Let’s give thanks! Thanks to you, me and ADHD!

ADHD has brought us together in a community of caring and common cause. We have discovered that Depression, PTSD and Fear are not simply the result of ADHD, but more often the negative treatment of one with ADHD by others due to apparent shortcomings in ADHD tendencies. Not only that, but also the way we treat ourselves for ‘not’ measuring up. Through our sharing we give each other hope and aspirations for better tomorrows. Let’s give thanks that The Brilliant Reality of ADHD is finally seeing the light, we are discovering that there is more to ADHD than the negative connotation associated with the abbreviation. The Brilliant Reality of ADHD is that you and I are not alone and we are possessing valuable talents and traits which are valuable not only to ourselves, but to the community as a whole. ADDers are the ones who were being left behind in society as […]

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Join Artists and Art Lovers on ADDer World Anything and Everything ADHD

Join Artists and Art Lovers on ADDer World Anything and Everything ADHD

Creativity is a cornerstone of ADHD. We are unique individuals with many talents and traits. There is no such thing as a ‘normal’ ADDer. Likewise, there is no such thing as anyone described as ‘normal’ also described as creative, artistic, ingenious or having ADHD. Many of us see ADHD as both a curse and a blessing. If you relate or would like to understand why from real, personal experiences, then ADDer World is the place to find out. On ADDer World you will find: 173 discussions currently ongoing. Share your input in the forums. 368 Blog posts so far. All shared personal experiences concerning life with ADHD. Join and start posting blogs with us! ADDer World also has multiple community groups for specific topics such as: People Pleasers and Boundaries in Relationships The GIFT A.D.D. Divorce and ADD Medication Pros and Cons ADHD AND OUR PETS Self Help Books Divorce […]

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