Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

February 2009

Is there a Secret to Overcoming ADHD?

Is there a Secret to Overcoming ADHD?

You and I have great potential within us. Only you know what your potential is. It is not what others tell you it is. Your potential can be found within your desires, your interests and your dreams. I consider one of the greatest difficulties for those of us with ADHD is that we are in a modern world of saturation. Following our dreams, desires and interests is considered by too many to be wasteful, shameful and selfish; however, that’s only not true if you happen to be the very best at whatever your interests have created. Not everyone will become the best or find life sustaining success in the area of their desires; therefore, it is more appropriate to be realistic and join the conveyer belt of the modern world. It’s an inspiring reality, right? It is what it is… The most significant improvements in my life came through therapy […]

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The benefit of ADHD – Right Braininess?

The benefit of ADHD – Right Braininess?

The benefit of ADHD – is there such a thing? To a degree, I believe there is. It’s hotly contested and some are very upset when the word benefit is even remotely used in conjunction with ADHD. I am not going to try and reinvent the wheel here, let’s push forward. The most obvious difficulties for ADDers have to do with standards. People with ADHD have difficulties coloring within the lines or complying with routine, predictable standards. Today’s world is all about standards and since those who have ADHD find such difficulty living within the rules of standards, they often suffer and some suffer extraordinarily. It is devastating for too many. There are Laws are in place to protect people with ADHD in certain situations, it’s gone that far. A couple hundred years ago ADHD doesn’t seem to have existed. The first story written about a child with ADHD was only 150 or so years ago. […]

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Michael Phelps Smoking pot, weed, grass or something in a bong?!

Michael Phelps Smoking pot, weed, grass or something in a bong?!

  I guess when you are insane famous a little photo can get a lot of attention, especially if you are considered the perfect role model. Truth is, nobody is perfect and nobody should be expected to be perfect. That being said, I read a couple recent blog posts about Michael’s situation and how his actions do, or better yet, do not relate to ADHD. Can you really separate the actions of someone with ADHD from ADHD itself? That’s a very good question. Check out these two articles which take a moment to put this whole shebang in perspective: Dr. Rory Stern’s take And another very interesting, no BS article by Jennifer Koretsky What do you think of Michael’s recent actions concerning smoking marijuana? Related to ADHD? Or just a 23 year old experimenting? Or… ~Bryan

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