Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

April 2012

Does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adults with ADHD Work and is it Better than Medication?

Does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adults with ADHD Work and is it Better than Medication?
Thumbnail image for Does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adults with ADHD Work and is it Better than Medication?

Controlled trial results with the potential answer in this post. . One of the things I have come to enjoy from blogging is reporting some of the latest studies about ADHD. It’s a lot of fun and sometimes we talk about things like Coffee isn’t so bad and how to make popcorn in a paper bag, but then there are other things we find out that we weren’t really sure about and CBT is one of those things. Does it work? In my opinion and experience: YES. But don’t take my word for it alone, I’ll give you the results of the trial in a moment. . In my first book One Boy’s Struggle I wrote about my experiences with therapy and I gave an overview in my free eBook 7 Crucial Tips for Parents and Teachers of Children with ADHD. In short, my experiences have been profound and exceedingly successful. If you have any idea of how […]

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Here are ADHD Studies and Reports To Be Concerned About

Here are ADHD Studies and Reports To Be Concerned About
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Have you been keeping up with all of the recent studies and reports concerning ADD / ADHD? . What – you haven’t? Is it because you do not have an easy way to keep track of them? If so, I have good news for you. I have an ADHD radar. It alerts me to special news about ADHD. Do you want one? You’ll have to sign a special waiver, of course. After the waiver there will be tests. If you pass those tests there will be more tests after that, but I am not that kind of guy. I cheat. . For you (only you), I have a special deal = The secret to how I cheat: Go to Google News. Once you get there type ADHD in the search field, then click the search button. After you’ve done that you will see a list of the latest news about ADHD. […]

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What We Eat Can Make a BIG Difference to our (Mental) Health!

What We Eat Can Make a BIG Difference to our (Mental) Health!
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 Oh my. Oh my. This is one of those articles that you just don’t want to write. No one in their right mind wants to think about diet, much less change it. I don’t. But I will because it is important (“think about it” that is). Very important. The kind of importance that resonates with everyone, sort of like when Tiger Woods hits a hole in one, or better yet, when he runs over a fire hydrant. Now. That. Is. Important. (Not really, but it is more entertaining than dieting. You gotta give him that.) . Dieting sucks. Let’s face it and not disguise it. People with ADHD have a hard enough time remembering where they put their shoes (I did finally find mine), much less remembering what foods to eat. We tend to love fast food, microwaves and we love prepackaged sandwiches for Pete’s sake. Personally, I am a hot dog lover, […]

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Several Studies Say Drinking COFFEE May Be GOOD, even GREAT!

Several Studies Say Drinking COFFEE May Be GOOD, even GREAT!
Thumbnail image for Several Studies Say Drinking COFFEE May Be GOOD, even GREAT!

In a recent study of tens of thousands of people over many years, it was found that coffee drinkers (I raise my hand with pride) have no more heart attacks or strokes than those who do not drink coffee! But, here’s the catch, coffee drinkers actually appear to have lower risk. (Get out of town! That’s my kind of catch.) It’s true. The study says so. For me that’s good enough. (I sip my cup of Joe in satisfaction.) . I love coffee. I do. I sip it. I caress it. And. Let me be a little more open than usual (you can look away), I sometimes talk softly to it. Yes. Coffee may provide the best stimulation I have ever experienced from something in a cup. I’m blushing. I don’t care. I have no shame. Not for something I love. . Guess what, though, according to WebMD, coffee may […]

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