Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

002 Boy’s Struggle reviews

Dr. Lara Honos-Webb Review of One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir

Dr. Lara Honos-Webb Review of One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir

“Bryan’s memoir is riveting, engrossing – a crowd pleasing read. Heartbreaking at times, heartwarming at others, if you are looking for a guide through your own or your child’s ADHD, you’ll find it here. A delightful gem – not to be missed.” Dr. Lara Honos-Webb, author the Gift of ADHD Thank you very much for reading my memoir and giving us your personal review, Lara. – Lara took time out of her extremely busy schedule to read “One Boy’s Struggle: A memoir” and to me, this speaks very highly of her concern for both adults and children with ADHD regardless of background. Dr. Lara Honos-Web has a website where you can read more about her and sign-up for her newsletter if you like. Lara Honos-Webb, Ph.D., bio from She is the author most recently of The Gift of ADHD Activity Book: 101 Ways to Turn Your Child’s Problems into Strengths. She is […]

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Tara McGillicuddy reviews One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir

Tara McGillicuddy reviews One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir

Tara McGillicuddy, ADD ADHD Coach and fellow Blogger, has been so kind as to review my book “One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir – Surviving Life with Undiagnosed ADD“. You can check out her review HERE. Thank you Tara for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read and review my memoir. She also brings up a very good point in her review, which is important for readers to know and I had not completely realized the extent of before I started getting mail from readers. My book is an emotional account of my years growing up and that emotion seems to be transferable to those who read my book, especially to those who have grown up as I have. I appreciate our connection and to those who do not have ADD or ADHD and are just as moved, I think I can understand that too. My story is not that far removed […]

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Press Release for Bloggers!

Press Release for Bloggers!

FOR BLOGGERS and the PRESS! ***::: Fellow Bloggers, I need your assistance :::*** I have written a book about my life with undiagnosed ADD. It is a very helpful real life story written for society and those who know someone with ADD ADHD or has ADD ADHD. I am self-published through Infinity Publishing and do not have the marketing power, or public reach of a traditional publisher. The reviews have been wonderful and I am grateful. I would like your help with getting the word out that my memoir is available to those who could use words of inspiration and the inside story of what it is like to grow up with ADD ADHD and not know it. If you have a blog or are with the press, please copy this press release and post it on your site. I am attempting something with this blog posting, of my press release, which may not have been done before> I […]

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More Reviews of “One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir” My ADD ADHD Memoir

More Reviews of “One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir” My ADD ADHD Memoir

  A New Look at ADD, February /2/ 2008 By  John Bryan’s book is an enlightening story about an overwhelmed boy growing up with more than the normal share of confusion and hardships. His story also brings forth the ways he overcame his problem with ADD and achieved his goals. This inspiring book helped me understand the struggles someone with ADD lives through before they even realize they have a special problem and few books provide the real-life information from the perspective Bryan gives us. This book is invaluable to any parent with a child and not just those with ADD. Too often children withdraw from family and friends and we don’t take the time to understand why. Bryan gives insight into his ordeal as a child and how he took hold of his situation and opened up all the possibilities life has to offer.

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Reviews of “One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir” My ADD ADHD Memoir

Reviews of “One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir” My ADD ADHD Memoir

  One Boy’s Inspiring Triumph , 01/28/2008  Reviewer: Katherine  As an adult recently diagnosed with ADD, I was curious to read about someone else’s experience growing up with undiagnosed ADD. I easily related to many of Bryan’s struggles in school, developing relationships, and with his parents. All the signs were there with me too, but it was easier for others to dismiss my behavior as eccentric and at times frustrating…especially my desire to escape into my own imaginative daydreams. This book is written in a heartwarming, positive tone as though the author himself is relating his inspirational story to a dear friend or loved one. I am still learning to cope with my ADD, and reading Mr. Hutchinson’s book gives me hope that I am not cursed, but indeed blessed in so many ways.  One Boy’s Struggle , 01/30/2008  Reviewer: Lisa  Being diagnosed around 15 years ago I have read […]

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