“Bryan’s memoir is riveting, engrossing – a crowd pleasing read. Heartbreaking at times, heartwarming at others, if you are looking for a guide through your own or your child’s ADHD, you’ll find it here. A delightful gem – not to be missed.” Dr. Lara Honos-Webb, author the Gift of ADHD Thank you very much for reading my memoir and giving us your personal review, Lara. – Lara took time out of her extremely busy schedule to read “One Boy’s Struggle: A memoir” and to me, this speaks very highly of her concern for both adults and children with ADHD regardless of background. Dr. Lara Honos-Web has a website http://www.visionarysoul.com/ where you can read more about her and sign-up for her newsletter if you like. Lara Honos-Webb, Ph.D., bio from booktour.com: She is the author most recently of The Gift of ADHD Activity Book: 101 Ways to Turn Your Child’s Problems into Strengths. She is […]
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