Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

December 2007

Magical Mystery Tour, Life with my ADD ADHD partner

Magical Mystery Tour, Life with my ADD ADHD partner

     Life with my ADDer By: Joan F. Hutchinson  Itʼs definitely like being on a magical mystery tour when you live with a person who has undiagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD. ADDers like Bryan desire constant excitement, positive reinforcement, and acceptance for their extraordinary talents as well as their limitations. At first living with Bryan was both scary and exhilarating; it felt like driving at high speed into a glistening, dense fog, not knowing what to expect, but trusting that the fog would clear and reveal a wondrous path ahead for both of us.

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Kevin Wall and the ADHD InSpiRaTion

Kevin Wall and the ADHD InSpiRaTion

  I wondered who I could write about for this New Year’s article to really highlight ADD ADHD as something viable, something valuable, –something real and something to be, yes, to be cherished. The struggles are real and the stigma can be devastating, but there is so much more to it than that, so much indeed. Who better to demonstrate the brilliance of human life and the positive abilities ADD ADHD bring to the world and the people it touches? Enter: K E V I N  W A L L

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If you have ADD or ADHD and write about it they will destroy you!

If you have ADD or ADHD and write about it they will destroy you!

A reader wrote me an interesting email about putting myself out there and that I would certainly receive backlash. “You can’t write openly about having ADD and get away with it!” The writer was sincere and had apparently received backlash. First of all, I am not trying to get away with anything. I write to spread awareness and try to bring a little positivity and hope into the ADD ADHD scene, in my own, small way. Who would want to destroy me for that? Who would be so heartless and mean? Who is this phantom—this grim reaper? Na, I don’t want to know who it is. I would like to say though, despite a very few negative responses from those who do not believe ADD ADHD exists, feedback has been very positive and from sources some would say would be upset by it. Actually, being open about my situation has received […]

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Blake Lewis and ADD – Audio Day Dream

Blake Lewis and ADD – Audio Day Dream

  I finally listened to Blake Lewis’ album ADD and was impressed with his style, rhythm and raw talent. I was extremely impressed, actually. I have always been impressed with Blake ever since he appeared on American Idol. On American Idol he was by far the most interesting performer and what made him the most interesting was that he was also the most creative and unique. He made songs his own, he rarely, if ever performed songs as they were originally arranged.  But, the most important question concerning Blake Lewis is:  Does he have ADD?

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I am legend – Will Smith – An ADDer’s movie review

I am legend – Will Smith – An ADDer’s movie review

  This was an amazing movie, absolutely positively amazing. Before I go any further let me just say that if Will Smith doesn’t get an Oscar for his performance then nobody from ’07 deserves one. Yes, yes, I know it’s a sort of horror film, but it’s not really – it is an emotional endeavor to explain how a person deals not only with loss, but to be totally alone with that loss and be defeated over and over again by a seemingly hopeless struggle to find a cure. Yeah, this is an ADDer movie. Not too many people can pull off a full movie with just their acting alone, but Will Smith does it and I think the only other person who pulled it off was Tom Hanks. Both are incredible actors.

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  Fellow Adders I just read a troubling article about the ADHD ‘scheme’. This article tells of a lawsuit against the pharmaceutical industry, basically saying that they have expanded this disorder (ADHD) to sell their medicine to as many children as possible, even normal children. Reading this article a couple quotes stand out to me:

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ADD ADHD Reading Problems and Solutions with Tips

ADD ADHD Reading Problems and Solutions with Tips

Do you ever have the problem of reading an article, a paragraph or pages of text and then suddenly realize that you don’t remember anything that you just read, or simply have a hazy recollection. That used to happen to me all the time. It was especially noticeable when I reached a place in a novel that was riveting and I became confused at how such a situation was reached when it was clearly explained in the pages which proceeding it, but I didn’t remember them. This seems to be common amongst those with ADD or ADHD. It’s frustrating, it’s just plain maddening to go back over and over the same words trying to get them to sink in and at times it just seems we are going through the motions of viewing the words. When I was in High School (I write extensively about this in my Memoir), I had […]

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ADD ADHD – The Anxiety and Worry Connection

ADD ADHD – The Anxiety and Worry Connection

Does ADD ADHD cause worrying and anxiety? “Cause” being the key word here, I would say yes, but I think it’s good to look at it from another perspective, as in, the effects of having ADD or ADHD cause worry and anxiety! My thoughts on this are that worry and anxiety keeps us alert—so we think. We ADDers are so used to being in trouble and criticized that we constantly worry about what we will do or say wrong next. Things slip from between our lips that we wish we would never have said. We are so impulsive at times that we do things we wish we could have back. Shoot, I wish I could go back in time and fix a lot of things, but I can’t and neither can you!

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Merry Christmas Everyone

Merry Christmas Everyone

Christmas time has always been my favorite time of the year. It’s exciting, full of bright colorful lights, music and festivities. But, most of all, Christmas takes me back to my most cherished memories. Christmas has many different meanings for each and every one of us and those differences are created by our experiences. Feelings, emotions and thoughts all seem to converge at this time of year. Don’t you agree? For better or worse and for happiness or sadness, Christmas brings it all together. I do not know of a more influential time of the year.  This is my first Christmas message on Adder World and I hope many more are to come. Having a Blog has allowed me an outlet for my thoughts and the capability to hopefully help others and raise awareness about ADD and ADHD. I have been over whelmed by the amount of support and positive […]

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Last Excerpt of “One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir”

Last Excerpt of “One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir”

Always Deep in Thought Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the final excerpt of “One Boy’s Struggle: A Memoir” I will be posting. I have returned the Proofs to the publisher and my Memoir about Surviving Life with Undiagnosed ADD will be published in just a couple short weeks! This is a very exciting time for me and I believe it is fortuitous that it comes at the grandest time of the year! …I was even cynical when I first started seeking professional help. I met with two therapists with whom I did not feel comfortable before I met Dr. Gary, the type of therapist I was looking for. He was easy to talk to on a personal level, non-judgmental, and believed in positive reinforcement. Still, I had no idea what therapy would do for me or how important it really was. I would soon find out though, and for the […]

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