Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"

May 2008

Interview with Dr. Charles Parker of CorePsychblog

Interview with Dr. Charles Parker of CorePsychblog

Dr. Charles Parker is the author of two sites:, and, – and he recently joined our new ADDer World community. I think it would be great to get to know him a bit better: Dr. Parker, thanks for joining ADDer World! I have been a reader of your blog for sometime now and have found it very helpful. C: Thanks for your invite Bryan, you are setting an important theme by starting early to build a community of like minded folks so we can all pull together! It looks like your ADDer World Community site it really taking off, and see that your work is already providing a significantly positive service for the ADD community – Time for the docs and the patients to really have a dialogue about what’s going on in ADDland. Tell us a bit about yourself:  C: My story, Bryan, has some easy repetitive […]

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Diagnosis of ADD ADHD brings forgiveness and understanding

Diagnosis of ADD ADHD brings forgiveness and understanding

From time to time someone writes me and asks why many adults with ADHD find the diagnosis liberating. The first thing to understand about diagnosis is that it helps explain our often confounding and misunderstood behaviors. We tend to do things which we know are not helpful and can be disruptive. Once we understand the why’s behind our actions and why some people react to us in certain ways it opens the path for us to forgive ourselves and learn to be less hard on ourselves. Knowledge is power in everything in life. The more we know about ADD ADHD, the better we can cope and modify our behavior. Not knowing why or how or what the heck is going on, especially when we repeat things over and over again drives us up the wall, creating emotional distress and quite often low self-esteem and depression. Not everyone finds the diagnosis […]

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Today’s my Birthday!!!

Today’s my Birthday!!!

I was born on May 21st 1969, today 39 years ago. Oh my, that is so hard to believe, 39 years. How time flies. Normally I dread my birthday, because it usually means that another year has passed and I have not accomplished anything that I wanted to accomplish. Not so this year, this year I can look back over the past year and know I set out to do certain things and have accomplished them! That’s a great feeling, you know, accomplishing things. Not just talking about them or wishing for them, but doing them, making them happen, creating reality. Why did it take me so long? That’s not so easy to explain. I have always felt like I should be doing ‘something’, but I could never place my finger on exactly what I should be doing. It seems to me that I was reaching for something and I […]

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The Shame Game

The Shame Game

  Have you ever heard of the Shame Game? It is an easy game, I used to play it a lot and I won a lot. Actually the Shame Game is a very difficult game to lose and is a very easy game to win. The Shame Game only requires a few things and if you can master those things, you will win: Negative Self Talk Pessimistic Attitude Say, Think, Express and have others join you in Saying, Thinking and Expressing anything and everything negative about who you are and the nature of who you are. Basically anything self critical and negative helps you gain points in the Shame Game. Like I said, the Shame Game is an easy game to play, but winning it does not bring happiness or achievement. It is one of the few games that when you play to win, you will ultimately lose.  

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Go Speed Racer GO!!! Review: Great – Spectacular – Awesome – Incredible – just absolutely Fantastic!

Go Speed Racer GO!!! Review: Great – Spectacular – Awesome – Incredible – just absolutely Fantastic!

This is one incredible movie! This is one awesome movie! I saw Iron Man last week and have to admit that I loved it, but after watching SPEED RACER I had to catch my breath, take a few minutes to gather myself and just hope, beyond hope, that there is a sequel! Iron Man did not have quite that lasting effect, actually, okay, the Robert was pretty darn awesome as Tony Stark and the whole Avengers hook up was… sorry, got distracted. Go SPEED RACER GO! If you read the prior reviews about there being no plot and that there was too much color for too long, well, they got the colors right, but I loved the story and felt that it did the original series justice. Not only that, the movie revealed a lot more than I expected about the Racer family. Nobody overplayed or underplayed their parts, all […]

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Days of Thunder or Speed Racer and Jerry Bruckheimer

Days of Thunder or Speed Racer and Jerry Bruckheimer

Start your engines! It’s like thunder, the roar and they are off! The precision, the strategy, the speed and the most important factor of all = the race against others. It’s not about the cars, they are supposed to be as equal as possible, and it’s not about the race track, because it is the same track for everyone.  Just like Fast Eddie said in “The Color of Money” – “it’s about human moves” “Days of Thunder” is one of those movies that brings it all home, the excitement, the danger, the confusion, the worry and the fear, then it all comes together and we cheer at the end because the hero has found himself, overcome and above all else, and in spite of everything else, he wins! But, and this is important – is it realistic? It could be and yet for most it is not; however, there is […]

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Join me on ADDer World an ADHD Social Network

Join me on ADDer World an ADHD Social Network

Hi everyone, a couple days ago I finally opened a new site for ADDer World. It’s a place you can join and meet new people who have ADHD or a relation to ADHD in some way. On ADDer World, the social network, you will be able to create your own blogs, forums and post pictures, videos and get to know others who have a relation to ADHD in some way. Another wonderful aspect of joining ADDer World, the social network, is that members can create groups and therefore use ADDer World as a meeting place for friends and family. There is no charge for joining and being a member of ADDer World, all you have to do is sign up and a page, which you can modify with your content, will automatically be created for you. It is my hope that we can build ADDer World into a fantastic place […]

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Nothing and Nobody is Perfect

Nothing and Nobody is Perfect

Today’s world is obsessed with perfection. We have editors for everything and that way anything created can be perfected to the point one almost believes a machine was the original creator. Dot your I’s and cross your T’s. The world wants things perfect, so much so that flaws and raw reality have become unacceptable and room for error is so narrow, one must wonder if it even exists anymore. Perfection has become such an obsession that humans have gone to great lengths to even fix things created in past centuries, what was once marveled at and cherished for hundreds or thousands of years, just the way it was, is no longer acceptable. Is this really advancement? I don’t think so, but medication might be able to fix this and remove any flaws in our understanding of perfection. The world has changed and you better change with it. What you write, what you […]

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ADHD and The Color of Money – Tom Cruise and Paul Newman

ADHD and The Color of Money – Tom Cruise and Paul Newman

  “You gotta have two things to win. You gotta have brains and you gotta have balls. Now, you got too much of one and not enough of the other.” Paul Newman spoken as Fast Eddie One of the most appealing things about the movie “The Color of Money” is that the story is familiar to a great deal of people. You don’t have to have ADHD to have lived through identity crises or not be appreciated for your talents and you don’t have to have ADHD to be lost or unaware of certain things. The world has changed a lot in the last hundred years and people from all walks of life must put aside their inner desires to make their way through designed systems. Most people do fine with the designed systems in place and that’s why those systems will not change much, and those systems are not […]

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