Our ADDer World ADHD Social Network site was under maintenance by NING recently and is back up! Whew! Here are some of our latest posts to check out (folks are daydreaming lately!): I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering. Daydreaming Along Singing Our Song…….. If you’ve mentioned our ADDer World ADHD Social Network on your blog or website in an article or post, please let me know and I will let our members know where they can read your post. Keath Low has a great blog about A.D.D. and she mentioned ADDer World here. Also another member, Jeff recently mentioned our ADDer World Social network on his always interesting blog here. Also, I would like to make a very special mention of my Brother-in-Law’s (Joan’s Brother) wonderful book: Leonardo da Vinci: The Life and Work of a Genius By Matthew Landrus (( Matthew Landrus is Associate Lecturer and Internal Examiner for […]
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