Motivational and inspirational writer, Bryan Hutchinson is the author of several books about life with ADHD including the highly acclaimed, best selling "One Boy′s Struggle: A Memoir" and the author of the hilarious eBook that went viral "10 Things I Hate about ADHD"


How to Use Rewards to Your Advantage If You Have ADHD

How to Use Rewards to Your Advantage If You Have ADHD

If you have ADHD then you are probably familiar with the fact that incentives such as rewards help us focus and accomplish tasks. But have you considered using these incentives as an advantage? What excites you, what enthralls you and what motivates you? Take note of those things. They are important. Usually we reap rewards for accomplishing something, but the experience is too fleeting. We don’t take the time to bask in the reward and take note of it. Here are a few examples of what I mean… Is your desk covered with clutter? Have you ever cleaned it and put it in such an organized order that made you feel comfortable and proud of its appearance? If so, consider how that felt, really think about that a moment and take it in. Have you ever cleaned out your car, gave it a tune up and went on a joy ride […]

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Is the burden of ADHD causing lost Childhoods?

Is the burden of ADHD causing lost Childhoods?

I am not like everyone else, I have ADHD and my childhood wasn’t normal either. Quite frankly, I don’t want to be like everyone else. I don’t want to conform to be someone better than anyone else or to be ‘normal’ and I certainly don’t want to be average. I have no such desire. I used to and it would drive me crazy. I like being me. I have some hard luck stories, I can tell you of all the mistakes I have made and the challenges that overwhelmed me, but sometimes the point is missed. I still have ADHD and many of the issues that come with it, but that is not my point. The reason I have revealed so much about myself is because I have overcome many challenges, found some decent workarounds and I have moved forward to a more positive place. But, I didn’t entirely conform […]

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ADHD and the Gift of Being Distracted

ADHD and the Gift of Being Distracted

I have ADHD. I strive to reframe and rephrase my disadvantages and turn them into advantages. It’s something I try to do as much as possible. ADHD is a serious disorder that affects millions of people. The symptoms cause very serious challenges. Each person develops their own, personal coping skills in order to deal with their symptoms. Many of us, as I was, can easily become overwhelmed and will need very specific, specialized treatment, perhaps even medication. My point of view is part of my coping skills. It’s been working for me and I will tell you why. Over the years I have learned that I tend to get bored with certain tasks quickly and as a consequence I become easily distracted. To compensate, what I have learned to do is multi-task. That’s part of my answer to distraction. I spend short bursts of time on projects and quickly turn […]

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The Boy That Became a Fiery Phoenix

The Boy That Became a Fiery Phoenix

I fully believe in the process of looking on the brighter side, it’s my way, it works for me. Each and every day is a day of opportunity, good things can happen and more often than not, when I expect good things to happen, they usually do. It wasn’t always this way. Having undiagnosed ADHD most of my life led to a lot of heartache and tragedy. I was constantly in the mode of waiting for the other shoe to drop and the other shoe typically dropped very hard indeed. What I have learned is that we usually get what we expect and to a degree we can create our own life-forecast.  It’s true. How many times have you heard a hard luck story of a person that was far worse off than anything you have experienced and the story goes on to tell about that person rising from the […]

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Fundamentals – learning the basics for the first time!

Fundamentals – learning the basics for the first time!

I am about to tell you something about ADHD that will blow your mind! You will think about it and just go … Dang, that’s true! Then again, you might go… that’s ridiculous, Bryan’s lost his mind! One thing I have always been known for is that I am a very fast learner. No, I am not necessarily a fast runner, unless I am being chased, then I can get my run on pretty good. In the past being fast made me feel like I was better than everyone else, because, they were slow and then eventually and unfortunately, they would pass me for reasons I couldn’t understand. I hadn’t gotten any worse, I was still pretty darn good at what I was doing, so, why were these people passing me?! It was confounding I tell you! To make matters worse, these folks passing me could not do what I […]

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